
My Dad may have reached the point where I may have to help take over the managing of their finances. How do I even begin? I am terrified if I take away too much of his responsibilities, he will fall heavily into dementia. I’m asking now because he is also a hoarder and loses some of his bills, and tonight he called and mentioned an overdraft fee he just got of $74. This highly concerns me because I know he has enough money to cover his bills. I am noticing him buying groceries they don’t really need, or things they already have and has accidentally made double purchases because he’s forgotten or didn’t take a proper inventory of their supplies. How do I start doing this gently with him without taking away his job of managing his finances like he always has? We are starting to bear some of their financial burden because he’s missing things…

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TIna, welcome!

Just for starters, STOP spending YOUR funds on your parents. That path leads to madness and poverty. For you.

Your parents have financial resources, yes? SS, pension, savings?

Taking over your parents' finances isn't going to worsen their dementia. Dementia progresses no matter what you do.

Start out by finding a certified Elder Law attorney in their area. They need to assign you as Durable Power of Attorney so that you can manage their finances. They need to get qualified for Community MediCAID and get things set up so that when one of them needs facility care, their assets can be split so that the spouse c remaining at home isn't impoverished,

You need to have a hard conversation with your parents and tell them that you will discontinue helping them if they don't cooperate.

It's fine to step away from a mess like this and allow the state to step in and take over.
Helpful Answer (8)

As others have said, STOP sending your own funds -- you are not responsible for your parent's or father's spending!

The POA document is key as is getting your name on his accounts so you can take over when/if needed. Make sure it is NOT a "springing" POA which requires some determination of lack of competence to trigger the POA. You need a type (drafted based on your state law, an elder care attorney can do this for you) that gives you immediate rights to step in an handle financial and medical decision-making. Ditto for getting an Advanced Directive executed.

Maybe try -- w/o negative/blaming tone or words -- to used the overdraft as an opportunity to suggest you could help so this doesn't happen again (NOT BY PAYING the overdraft) but to set up online banking and bill paying once your name is on his accounts. Move to paperless delivery of it all, just print out and give him the monthly statements and ask him to review it (gives him something to do w/o out taking it all away). OR (as I did w/my mom at the beginning) when the online statement arrived, we'd discuss it and if it was a credit card, she decided how much to pay, and I would pay that amount she decided on online. Overtime, I just took it all over as the dementia progressed.

For overspending, perhaps try a debit card with a set limit, the banks will do this (did this for our teenager back in the day too). That way they have a "credit card type" thing and can spend but NOT overspend. I just told my mom, it was a "new credit card" rather than trying to explain it all. Pick a simple pin number (their bday) that they may remember. We eliminated all credit cards, as she was getting totally confused about what she was spending as well as getting scammed by bad actors who called saying, "you won a thousand dollars, we need your credit card to charge the $25 fed ex bill to send you the check." She fell for it every time, thousands went missing this way. At least w/a debit card you can set an overall limit AND you can set it to ping you for authorization if over a large amount still within the overall limit or to deny a "charge" if you know it is a repeat order.

And see if he might move to an "order online grocery" option too, most stores have this now and you can review it before placing the order. They do the shopping and he can swing by to pick it up or for a small fee most stores will deliver now or there are shopping services like Instacart that will deliver it for a fee. Amazon fresh is another option.

All to say, see what you can do to move it all to online banking, billing and shopping to "make it easier for them" but for you to check and perhaps step in more over time. Last thing, set up an email address (all online things require this) but an email you control and see so you get all the incoming notices. Sure, you can print or forward to him (if he has an email already) those things you feel he should see.

W/my mom, in time I had to take it all over including filing her taxes the last 3 years. And had to handle the Medicaid spend down, so another reason to get access to the accounts as if this is needed at some point for long term nursing home care (our situation) your State Medicaid program will want financial records going back 5 years, so start getting access to all this now if at some point it might be needed.

Good luck with this!
Helpful Answer (6)
Lymie61 Apr 2023
The only thing I would tweak a little here is rather than add posters name to bank accounts once the POA is set up it only takes that along with dad to give full access or approved user access to the bank accounts. In fact taking him down there to give approval keeps him feeling in charge. Having your name added to accounts can cause issues later I think it’s always better to keep that separation. OP can of course set up online access with Dad too now so they can keep an eye on things until POA and bank access (similar to health care info approval) is done. Your advice Sohenc is very good and I am simply speaking from my experience in my moms state so the process may be different in other states.
Without a POA willingly given by your competent Dad there is no way you can take over his finances.

If you discuss this and he gives you POA then you can do the finances, giving him his own account to manage on his own at will as long as he is able. It will be overseen by you.

The real issue here is are YOU able and willing to do POA or guardianship. Do YOU fully understand that when you undertake this, you are responsible for every penny in and every penny out of the accounts, and you are responsible for meticulous records as his fiduciary under the law.

If your father is currently incompetent then you will have to get emergency guardianship with the help of APS or an attorney.

None of this is easy but it is for his protection.

My suggestion would be to consult an elder law attorney for your options.

I am so sorry you are facing this, and hope you will update us as to what works as it will be solid good info for future posters here. I surely wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (3)

This is what I did: I put my name on my Daddys account, of course with his permission he had to sign forms at the bank. Then I was able to pay his bills online and stop the paper bills coming to the house. When we would go to the bank and he wanted a receipt of his account I would tell the cashier... checking account only please. My Daddy would see what he had in the account and ask "where is my money" and I would casually say "you paid your bills and the checks went through" he would reply "okay" never had a problem with a late bill again. Also, with him being the first name on the account it was still considered HIS account but it gave me access so I could keep track of what was going in and out. I would also complete his check book so he could see what checks had cleared and he could see account. Just start taking one step at a time and that way he doesn't lose everything all at once. I also started going to the doctor with my Daddy and I was just there for everything. Prayers for you and yours
Helpful Answer (3)

At some point it will be inevitable that you take control of the finances. If they are willing to let you even better to do it now because as dementia progresses sometimes they get more difficult and suspicious of people and may think you are trying to “steal their money”. I have to do it all behind my dad’s back because he is impossible to deal with, even when he was not dealing with dementia. He’s never willingly going to give up control of anything. When I found out he had lots of late bills and was just throwing some of them away when they came because he didn’t understand what they were I took over. I do have POA that he set up years ago so I used it when I needed to. I was on most of the accounts and took him down to the bank to get on the one I wasn’t on by waiting for a day where he was in a good mood, taking him to lunch and then telling him we were going to swing by the bank because they called to say someone needs to be on the account with him “in case something happens to you”. I put many bills on auto pay with paperless statements going to my email because “out of sight out of mind”. He pays a few bills himself but I have a spread sheet on my computer with all his bills and when they are due so I can monitor them.

It’s a lot to get set up but once it’s in place it gets easier.
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Wonderful answers follow. I would also see if you can put his bills on automatic pay right now. I don’t know if you live near him and can go over and help him do this.
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There is 'no falling into dementia.' The brain changes which results in some kind of dementia. I believe what you mean is 'depression.'

- He will feel that he is losing his independence and resist. He will resist. For your dad's financial safety (net) and to provide the care he needs, you need to intervene. Tell him that you need to work with him.

- It is a matter of how you speak to him - "I'm working with you. ... you are still in charge."

- Get an MD diagnosis. If he has dementia and/or is deemed incompetent to manage his own financial affairs, you need to become his POA - so you can take control of his accounts as needed.

You can do 'gently,' although you must set boundaries and do what he needs for his welfare.

How do you do this?

* You give him a job ... even if it isn't necessary, i.e.,
- Create a form "List of Expenditures" or something
and ask him to fill it out...

- Find receipts and ask him to list them ... then add them up.

- You enlist his help and tell him that what he is doing is important to get ready for the tax accountant or tax preparer. If he did his own taxes, don't say this. Just tell him it is an important part of being organized.

- [If he spends / buys things he doesn't need...] If you can, put a limit on his cr cards and checking account 'per day' or 'per week,' ... find out what you can do by calling his bank (again, you will need MD letter to gain authorization to do this).

THIS IS HARD and YOU are sensitive to your dad. Sensitivity, compassion go hand in hand with taking control and doing what is required in a situation. Expect he will object - this is new for him and he will resist.

- When he resists or raises his voice ... say "I understand you feel xxx (reflect back his words to you.). Depending on his (cognitive) abilities, tell him that he is in charge and that you are only helping ... or say I KNOW THAT YOU want to be sure all your bills are paid on time and that your finances are in order - you are financially very responsible and always have been. We both want to know that your finances are in order. You are very responsible to do this - (so we work together on it... okay?)

You'll know how to talk to him. If you get overwhelmed / emotional when discussing / helping him, take a break and go to the kitchen for a glass of water ... to give yourself a moment to collect yourself. You don't want to get into long explanations ... keep it simple as possible. Do consider creating these list forms that he needs to fill out ... to keep him busy.

In terms of the hoarding, see if you can get someone to take him out for lunch or a walk or somewhere - and you do what you have to do for a couple of hours.
He will not change his hoarding behavior. He can't. Just don't empty or discard things in his presence. Be sure to take large bags and boxes with you. You may be able to sell his 'doubles' or certainly donate to a women's shelter or another non-profit. Make this easy on yourself.

Also, the hoarding will stop if you can access his credit cards or take them away / cancel them. This is hard, I know.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (3)

Contact an Elder Law Attorney to gather information about this process and which legal matters that will protect you and your Dad. Yes, you need to take control and start looking for Assisted Living Facilities that have Activities Directors. Use Dad's money to pay his bills, not yours.
Helpful Answer (3)

I have had to take over my parents bills and banking. I was worried of problems from them or siblings. I keep a binder with all the bills written out and the account ledger. When bills come in I put them in the binder plus write down the amount. This way he can still see what is going on, but my dad knows he is not to mess with them.
when we pay bills, I do it with him. I Ask what he wants to pay, sometimes i write out the check and he signs and puts in envelope. I balance account but make sure he can see.
I will keep the checkbook hidden, if that is needed.
I don’t want to take everything away from my father but he mishandled their finances so bad that all their savings eliminated by bank to cover the bounced checks.
so far this is working. We will see how long it works!
you may also want to take parents to bank and have them authorize to get your name on the account. I did not put my name on the front of checks, but I am authorized to sign the checks if needed.
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I remember this stage. I simply started taking pictures of my mom's passwords (she had them.written down) and then going in and checking balances, checks, bill payments etc. (Yes, I have a good relationship.with her). When she noticed and asked what I was doing, I said it was good for more than one person to have passwords. She didnt object. I didnt tell her I was checking, I could go behind and check things. Then as the months went on, she kept buying multiple items of the same things on Amazon that she didnt need and I would have to keep sending them back. At some point, I asked her if she'd like help with paying bills and she didnt object because it was too much for her. At that point, I started talking about POA etc and we got that done. It's delicaze, but I tried to do it as a friend and she was grateful.
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