
But the past week she hasn't wanted to drink what now? My mom has had dementia for at least 10 years she has lived with us for 5 years and has been in the nursing home for almost 4 years. The reason she went in the nursing home was due to her falling and poor appetite. She never has been a big eater even when she didn't have dementia. I don't know if it is time to call in hospice or what. I find myself getting frustrated with the not drinking. I came to terms with the not eating. I know i can't make her drink but I just sometimes don't understand the whole process.

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I'm sorry that you're having to go through this but you have lots of company here.

Please call in hospice. And, as Grandma1954 said, do not go for a feeding tube. That only prolongs this natural phase of the death process and adds to suffering (under the conditions that you describe). It's time for acceptance and help with the process to control any suffering that could occur. That generally means hospice.
Take care of yourself, too,
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The final stages the body can not process food.
PLEASE do not do a feeding tube. The body can not process what is put into it so it will either be vomited up and some possibly aspirated or it can cause a blockage.
IV fluids can also cause problems with the respiratory system as the body has a more difficult time processing liquids.
I have read the in the final stages that dehydration can be more comfortable.

If your Mom is not yet on Hospice make a call and allow them to help you and your Mom through this. She will not be left alone, you will get a break and she will get great care in her final days.
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Duke, there comes a time when one's body will start to slowly shut down... thus, the stomach isn't able to process food and that causes a terrible discomfort for the patient. As for the stopping of liquids, it could be it is now going into the lungs. Or maybe your Mom has become lactose intolerant, thus is unable to process dairy products, major stomach aches. LACTAID® makes a very good chocolate milk, but I have a feeling your Mom wouldn't want to try it.

I would ask the nurse about Hospice. Only a doctor can place your Mom on Hospice if the doctor examines your Mom's medical records.

Keep us update on what is the next plan.
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Watch the YouTube video Gone From My Sight by Barbara Karnes. It's 90 minutes of clear, understandable explanation of the process of dying, including why a person stops taking in nourishment.
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Duke 627
My prayers are with you and your Mom. Calling in hospice won't change the fact that Mom isn't eating or drinking, that is part of the process but please for your Moms sake do nothing artificial. Hospice will keep a check on her and only give her meds. to keep her comfortable, nothing more. I lost my Mom December 2015 and all this is still really fresh and hurts. God Bless you for being there for your Mom
Helpful Answer (5)

I've been where you are. My Mom stopped eating and then later drinking. My sister wanted to give IV fluids and feeding tube. But to what end. We were told she would just throw it up and could asperate on it. Mother had lost 35 lbs and had started sleeping all the time. She didn't recognize us most of the time and that scared her, all these strangers telling her they were her family. We chose to be "nice people checking on her when she didn't know us. When she did, we loved on her as much as we could. Be there for her in what ever capacity you can and let her go. What she is experiencing is God's natural way of preparing her for her journey to Him. Prayers for you and your family!
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Duke, I think you need to call Hospice. Very bluntly in the days before passing people often refuse to eat or drink as their systems are shutting down. This nothing wilful on their part it is just a normal sequence of events. I'm sorry. Blessings to you, Lindaz.
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As others have urged, don't press her... this is a natural end to life. Please don't take this the wrong way, but did you ever notice how an old dog winds down... eating and drinking eventually stop as nature takes its course. Just give love and let that be your gift. Your tears are OK too. Been there.
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Nobody know why Duke's mom has stopped eating and drinking. Let's not assume she's dying! I would take her to her PCP for a complete workup to find out what's going on. If my mother had stopped eating and drinking, I would call hospice because she's in the late stages of Alzheimer's and I'd just let her go in peace, even if there was another underlying issue....
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Definately ask your Dt. to refer her to hospice. They can do comptehensive health check. Would she eat chocakate pudding?Jello? However i believe Hospice should be involved..
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