
I have been enrolled in a medicare advantage plan for the past year, and just got a letter in the mail today stating that the cost of my plan is going to be higher next year, and that my Rx's will be $250 more per month than I paid last year. Now that open enrollment is ended, I don't know what to do. I am disabled and can't pay the difference. We have social security, but I live alone with my son. Q: for SNP or other help, do I have to include his portion of our ss income or just my own? The insurance company asked me how much our total income was, and I gave them the total amount, then they told me I was ineligible for extra help through the government. How do I get an application for the special needs program?

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If you go to there is a section about How to file an Appeal, and another section about a "Fast Appeal". Perhaps that might provide some relief. Hope so!
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Medicaid is based on household income. It assumes you are pooling resources to make ends meet. Your SS is yours only, there is no "his portion". If he is on SS he has a separate check. You also have separate insurance. Please clarify who gets what.
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