While I was Dad's primary caregiver, John helped as well. He also had the job of closing down my father's practice. Since John's death, I have had to take care of Dad, bury my brother and close his office, and close my father's practice. While Dad and I talked about all the legal and/or necessary issues surrounding John's death, we have yet to talk about his suicide. I know my father is suffering deeply, but I have no idea what to say, or even where to begin. Any thoughts?
I'm sorry to have gone off on my own tangent here, but I guess what I'm saying is that your desire to bring him some measure of peace, so you both can gain some insight and acceptance of something that you may never truly understand, may be too lofty and possibly, burdensome, to someone facing his own mortality.
Grief counseling, like Palmtrees suggested, sounds like a wonderful idea for you. Perhaps taking your own more solitary journey through this, will have a byproduct effect in bringing your father some peace.
Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
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