
She doesn’t like anything she used to like and she won’t eat meat because she kind of chokes on it. I’m running out of ideals. I give her protein shakes to try to replace the meat, but she’s starting to turn her nose up to them too. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Everything she used to eat minus the meat portion, we don't need nearly as much protein as is commonly consumed in the typical North American diet. Plus there is still dairy, eggs, beans, peas and lentils.
Swallowing dysfunction (dysphagia) is very common and choking on meat may be the tip of the iceberg, she may very well be having problems with other foods and fluids too which of course would affect her appetite. There are several good articles here on Aging Care about this, the balloons below your question are links that will lead you there.
Poor appetite and insufficient calorie intake is why things like ensure were invented, you might want to try adding in some of those.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cwillie

She made need a swallow study to determine the appropriate textures for her to eat, especially since you’re seeing some choking. Ask her doctor for this before proceeding, it will give you guidance
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

If your looking for protein ideas ,

Cottage cheese, yogurt, Mac and cheese, beans peanut butter, Hummas.

But what others posted is better information.

Best of luck
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

My mother has the same issue, she has had her esophagus stretched twice, it has helped some but unground meat just doesn't work anymore.

Seafood, ground turkey, beef, pork, rice, beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, soup, eggs, ice cream (her favorite) cookies, crackers to name a few.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MeDolly

Hi there Overwhelmed, and Welcome to the Forum! Do try to take a few moments to fill in your new member profile for us so we know a bit more about you and about those you give care to. That will help us to be able to better answer you.

I can tell you that the norm in aging is that they like to eat less and sleep more.
You tell us nothing about your mother, but do know that ability to taste and smell goes out often in elders and there is much less drive to get calories in while there is less activity going on for them.

I think your Mom is the best gage here of what might be good, so talk to her frequently about it. And keep healthy snacks around. Rice pudding, yogurts and fruit, Keifer and protein drinks, perhaps a nice chocolate ensure. Whip up a batch of mac and cheese, put in individual containers, and have them handy when mom needs a snack?

Other than that I wouldn't overthink or over worry this. You are looking at the long slow slide that is aging, and what you are seeing is more or less the norm. You would be amazed at how little the amount is needed to sustain life.

Sure do wish you and your mom best of luck in finding what is tasty and nutritious.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Frozen bagged vegetables, add spices to liven up the taste
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Reply to cover9339

I know someone who gives her dad high protein gelatin cups that she buys online. She said they are kind of pricey though, but he really likes the lemon flavored one. Does she like eggs? Something that I personally do is use red lentils to make soups or stews. They break down completely and act as a thickener. They are pretty high in protein. The first time I heard about this was from a youtube video where a woman made a high protein, vegan corn chowder using red lentils.
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Reply to LyndeeNew

Potatoes, grits/cream of wheat, oat meal, grilled cheese sandwiches...
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Reply to Geaton777

Libraries are full of books for vegetarian meals. I hope that you have enough time to get there and borrow a couple.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

Have you just tried pureeing her meats in a blender? That is so very easy.
After my late husband almost died in 2018 of aspiration pneumonia, I had to puree all of his foods for quite some time along with thickening his drinks with the product Thick-It. I would just add a little gravy in with his meats.
Your mother may need to have a swallowing evaluation done before she too develops aspiration pneumonia.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

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