
After reading some answers to a tax question that I asked..... curious what happens to seniors that are literally living pay ck to pay ck and need nursing care facility? If Medicaid won't pay - these seniors have to be placed somewhere? Can't just throw them out on street? Makes me sick thinking of all the government $$$ going to housing / food for those that broke the law and are here illegally!

If they need assisted living and do not live in a state that helps pay for that and they don’t qualify for SNF , it’s a problem . Depending on the state there may not be a lot of help . Which is why people with dementia end up living unsafe in their homes or live with family until they get worse .

My nephew has his Mom living with him right now for this very reason , waiting for her to get worse . He contacted his county about a companion for his Mom while he was at work. They could not help him at all . His Mom still does all her ADLs , she will not be approved to go to SNF on Medicaid , he tried . Medicaid in our state won’t send companion ( basically babysitters ) either. He lives in a rural area , wasn’t able to find any volunteer support nearby either . Adult daycare was too far away with no bus transportation to get her there and cost money she does not have . My nephew has to go to work . He works 5 minutes away , runs home twice a day to check on her give her lunch . Fortunately he works very early and she gets up late in the morning . So she’s asleep the first few hours that he is gone anyway .
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Reply to waytomisery

Sorry to veer a little off topic but because you brought it up...

To clarify, I'm recently volunteering in a local MN program (Arrive Ministries) that assists new refugees (so, here legally right away) to assimilate into the US and their new community. I've learned much I didn't know prior.

The refugees get $1500 per person that covers ALL their expenses (so, this includes rent which is very expensive, and transportation -- which is why they usually are settled into urban areas). After 3 months they are cut off cold turkey. Then all the non-profits organizations that focus on this step in to support them. We don't give them money or do things for them, as this prevents them from learning and quickly "hit the ground running". I know a family of 5 Afghani refugees (a single mom and 4 daughters) who were recently settled in CA, probably one of the most expensive states in the nation for COL. Only 1 daughter spoke some English. They were scrambling to learn English, find jobs, figure out public transportation, how to navigate technology, etc. It's been over 6 months and none of them have jobs yet. I think they are being suppored by non-profits. Not sure if they'd qualify for any "safety net" social programs. I do not know what the govenment does for people not here legally. I think non-profits are the ones that are providing things to them but I don't this for a fact.

I was familiar with some people at our church who were here many years living with extended family and "seeking sanctuary". It didn't appear they were able to get any aid from our government because they insisted on remaining "under the radar" so that they wouldn't get deported.

People here illegally and working under the radar won't get Medicare (unless a state has established a program for this purpose) and are not eligible for Medicaid:

"Undocumented immigrants are ineligible to enroll in Medicaid or CHIP or to purchase coverage through the ACA Marketplaces. Medicaid payments for emergency services may be made on behalf of individuals who are otherwise eligible for Medicaid but for their immigration status."


There is help and solutions for seniors US citizens in need of care but without support and resources. They have to seek it through their county social services or APS.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

You are mixing two different issues that don't belong in the same equation.
You might as well say you are sickened that there's no help for seniors when the government pays 1,000 for toilet seat for a navy ship. Right? Or to support wars. And yes, the government does all that, and more. But you will have to choose one subject. Either Senior Care or Political Argument. This isn't the site for the latter.

What happens to seniors with no funds other than SS isn't pretty at all. They are on Medicaid when they are "in need" but whether they are "needy enough or not" is--again--in the hands of the government to decide via Medicaid qualifications. Until then they are on their own. Some live in trailer rentals. Some live with family. Some live in "affordable housing" (again that pesky qualifying for it). Some live in the streets. This isn't the UK where we have decided on a social care system into which we pour much more of our money in taxation, and are taken care of in aging circumstances. This is a whole other country.

Your question is a good one. What happens. And this is why on Forum I suggest to younger people that they not support their parents as they are aging; it takes a lifetime of savings and good luck to have enough for our care when we must live as long as we do.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Where did you get the idea that medicaid won't pay for a nursing facility if you are too poor to pay yourself, because that's not true. Many states also have programs that provide some level of funds for Assisted Living care or home care.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to cwillie

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