
She cannot walk. My 2 sisters have sued my mom to have her removed from our home and put into a nursing home. My mother cared for a dying son and her dying husband and should should not be thrown into a nursing home against her will. She is comfortable where she is and has it in writing that this is where she wants to remain.We have already spent $30000.00 on a lawyer and it has not gone to court yet. Would a judge actually put a person in a nursing home in todays world with COVID against her wishes?

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When you say that your sisters have "sued my mom to have her removed from our home and put into a nursing home" are you saying they have petitioned the courts for guardianship or something along those lines?
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No. If your mother wants to live in your home and you are willing to provide her with the care she needs, the judge would not remove her to a nursing home against her will.

Not unless there were incredibly good reasons to do so, anyway. Are there any incredibly good reasons why living in your care in your home would not be in your mother's best interests?

Why, for example, do your sisters evidently think there are?
Helpful Answer (2)

Did you spend $30,000 of your own money to fight your sisters?

"We now have PSW’s during the day for 4 hours and have PSW’s that come in at 11pm until 6am to assist her at night to go to the washroom etc . Because she is a fall risk. "

I hope your mother's funds are paying for the PSWs.

What does your lawyer say in regards to your question in your last sentence?
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Please give the reason(s) why your sisters are attempting to remove your mom from your home and care. On what grounds? What is it that they think is sub-par in her care situation? This is the missing piece of info you need to provide because there are always 2 sides to every story.
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What is the reason(s) your sisters are attempting to remove your mother from your home and your caregiving? There are always 2 sides to every story so you must be honest and provide both or you won't get the accurate suggestions you are seeking.
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What is the reason your sisters are attempting to remove your mother from your home and your caregiving? There are 2 sides to every story and you have not given all the relevant info to be considered. Therefore, responders can't give you the best (and most accurate) advice for your situation.
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What is the reason your sisters are attempting to remove her from your home and care?
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Oops, I did not intend to repost the same question multiple times...I was having a problem with posting on the forum on the 4th. So sorry for this! I will ask Admin to remove my posts...
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