
To go to hospital and see him. I live in louisiana. Can anyone give me advise.

Unless you were the one to shoot him, you should be able to go visit your boyfriend during normal visiting hours(as they do vary in ICU).
Have you tried going and have been turned away from hospital staff? If not I would just go and see what happens.
I hope your boyfriend will have a full recovery.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to funkygrandma59

I would call the hospital social services. If you have proof you have been together for 8 years or any proof of shared living expenses, documentation, and etc. then they may be able to arrange accompanied visits for you by medicating withe the brother.

However, sad as it is to say (and I hope your BF has a full and quick recovery) this is a lesson to you all and a sad lesson for those dealing with this forum. Without an advance directive (and anything can happen to any of us at any time) that makes your wishes known, there is nothing to help you. Without Domestic partnership, letters, documentation, marriage license, you can be cut off in seconds, and that is no matter who you are with or for how long.

I truly wish your BF a speedy recovery and hope he will fully recover. I am very sorry your relationship with his family member is so bad that you cannot come together in his support at this time, as it would be a tremendous gift to him if you were able to do this.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

POA Is Over the Money aspect , he has to have Medical health care Proxy . You could try and Visit . If your Boy friend is conscious the Nurses can let you sign a Healthcare proxy form with 2 witnesses .
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to KNance72

In less Immediate POA may not even be in effect. Is boyfriend unconscious? If so then brother can speak for him and that requires Medical POA or a Healthcare proxy. If your boyfriend is a wake and competent to make decisions, the POA is not in effect.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

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