My husband has mid-stage Alzheimer's. He is very social and is able to be alone for short stretches, although he is most comfortable when "velcroed" to me. He does not wander, and has no combative or aggressive behaviors. We loved to travel in pre-Covid days, and I would like to resume travelling for as long as he is able. Would a cruise be a good choice for us?
Two of the cruises we took went out of NYC ports so we drove and left the car in a secured lot. One was to Bermuda and only 5 days.
Your husband is probably OK in familiar surroundings but maybe not so much in strange places. My Mom was ready to go home after an hour of being out of the house.
Those with dementia need routine in their daily lives.
Just you should go, enjoy yourself, find someone to come in to stay with him. It find an assisted living facility that will accept him on a respite basis.
He is not able to participate in all the activities she can though. They did a cruise and it was wonderful for them.
I would find out what happens if hubby has a complete meltdown, I would also make sure and have some meds to calm him down if he does, maybe comatose type meds.
Because the only certainty with Alzheimer's is the complete uncertainty.