
In my last post I said I leaving. I will post an update later; there have been new developments since. But I would really like an opinion on a situation that I can determine is it was my fault.

My frail father told me in the morning he would be going for lunch at my brothers. I called my brother and said I would take him there anytime my brother wanted. My brother said "It's flexible. No pressure. Anytime Dad wants. Just let me know when he wants to go." My father says 2 pm.. I call my brother and tell him. Well, at about 12:30 my father says he needs to lay down and get a little rest. At 1:30 I go into his room and tell him to get ready but he says he still wants to be in bed for another hour. I call my brother and tell him and he says "What?? I expected for YOU to have Dad up and on the way here!". I told him that my father was not feeling well and that I had told my Dad we needed to be there at 2 pm.. My brother then says "I have given up my life taking care of Dad and I spent all my money for his care. You have contributed very little". So I said "It's not "your money"; it's your wife's money. My brother snapped, cursed at me and hung up.

I felt really bad for saying that to him but he has the nerve to tell me that I should have been over at 2 pm when he said there was no pressure (because of my father's condition), I told my father to get ready. What else was I going to do? Drag him out of bed? I am not going to be bossed around like that!

Also, for him to say he has give his life while he was for many years pleasure travelling and I literally gave up all my free time to be with my father.

Am I thinking correctly here? My life will be changing soon. I will post an update later.

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It sounds like the stress of caregiving has you all snapping at each other.

Dad needs to be in a facility where visitors can come to him and he can withdraw when he gets tired, rather than him having to be shlepped all over to have visits and get dinner.
Helpful Answer (5)
lisatrevor Dec 2022
"rather than him having to be shlepped all over to have visits and get dinner."

Thanks for the good laugh. I needed that. It's come to that - to transport my father is "schlepping" him. Soon he will be in assisted living and I'll be living a new life.
If you haven't left by now, none of us on here are going to hold our breaths that you ever will.
You have come on here for far too long with often quite ridiculous problems or issues that have wasted all of our time, and you never seem to take anyone's advice.
I personally believe that you like the drama and actually thrive on it as it gives you some kind of a high or something, and you enjoy sucking others into it.
As for me, I'm done responding to anymore of your posts.
Please get a life!

Oh and I forgot to answer your question, no you are never thinking correctly.
Helpful Answer (3)

Stop keeping score over childish arguments about who's right and who's wrong.

Your dad would be much better off in a facility where neither one of you is in charge of his care and you can just visit occasionally then leave before all hell breaks loose.

Don't the two of you at least care enough about him to do what's best for him?

(And yes, you're wrong. You set a time, so therefore it was no longer flexible. You threw out "it's your wife's money," which was petty and childish. Perhaps your brother and his wife consider it "their" money).
Helpful Answer (3)
lealonnie1 Dec 2022
Agreed. This post by the OP is best suited to the AITA thread on Reddit than to AC.
I am looking forward to your update about leaving. I hope it is still going to happen.

I don't understand why you are the chauffeur for a meal to which you are not invited. Why didn't your brother do the transporting of your father? Why did you even insert yourself into the situation at all?
Helpful Answer (2)
lisatrevor Dec 2022
I was already at my father's. I do want to be helpful in this situation and give my brother a break when I can so I said I would take him. I wasn't originally invited to lunch but it was implied since I was taking my father. Otherwise nt brother would have just come over.

I just posted the update.
I thought you had left. No Lisa its not you, its your brother. You need to realize that you will never win with him. He did not have to support your father. He did not have to move him closer. These were choices he made. You saying you would come care for Dad changed ur brothers plans of placing Dad in a nice AL. He probably resents you for suggesting it.

Your Dad needs to be in care. If Dad does not have the money, then Medicaid is applied for and he goes into LTC. Its no more what Dad wants, its what he needs. Its not worth what you and your brother are putting yourselves thru.
Helpful Answer (2)
lisatrevor Dec 2022
My father moved to be near my brother. My brother did not move him. My brother did want my father in assisted living a long time ago but my father did not want to or need to. Now my father needs to go as he needs 24 hour care.
Why didn't your dad go to rehab after his hospital stay?
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
That’s where my dad went. That would be the most logical place for him to go.
The problem is you are and probably have always been the family scapegoat.

Please stop running interference for your dad. If dad wants to see his son for lunch dad needs to call and make the arrangements. Same with calling to cancel if he is not up to going. If he is too weak to do either of these things then he doesnt see your brother and that's the end of it.

While your brother may have traveled etc he still gave up a lot to care for dad. Your dad is like a spoiled selfish child and that is you and your brothers fault for catering to all of his whims for a long time.
Your brother bore the brunt of it since dad lived near him.

I say this because my grandma lived with my parents for 20 years and even though they took vacations and grandma was still self sufficient it still had a lot of negative impacts in the household and was stressful for all 3 of them in different ways.

As for brothers wife paying for dads care I can imagine your brother pretty much forced her to do it once he realized his income could not support dad in the lifestyle he demanded. I am sure she has resentment in part for that too. So stress in the marriage from money issues alone is an issue.

Spend time with dad but stop being a go between for dads activities with brother. Sometimes you just have to let things rest and try and make things easier for brother not dad at this point.
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I cannot follow your thinking, you seem to want to complain and do nothing to correct the situation.
I doubt that you will ever move on, you like the drama, so just stay put and stop complaining.

I like others wish you the best, over & out!
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Another bid for validation. Minor incident. Who cares? Makes no difference whose fault it is. I agree with whoever said she likes the drama. She'll never move on.
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You said in an earlier post on this thread that you want to help your brother and give him a break.

This isn’t a mere ‘break.’ You are doing everything while your brother is traveling.

Forget about what they (brother and dad) said or you said. That’s over and done with. It’s no longer relevant. Focusing on the past will only keep you there. Look forward towards goals that will benefit your life.

What do you want to do now? Focus entirely on that. Then tell your dad and brother what you have decided.

Finally, if you decide to leave and I think that is the best decision, then go ahead and leave all of the decision making to them. You have already told us that they don’t want you to be involved in anything other than catering to their needs. So, do yourself a favor and don’t discuss it with them. Put the monkey on their back and let them deal with it.

Best wishes to you in the upcoming new year. Take this opportunity to make this year about your needs.
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