
SLEEP..., it is my only respite. seems to be ok for me, some issues now n then but not bad lately, just not enough sometimes. I don't dream much tho anymore..hmmmm?? But....When I was really really low point couple weeks ago I experienced this weird feeling sensation when I would wake up I was extremely disoriented for the first few minutes, unable to determine what day it was, where I was, was mom still alive or not, had my world caved in yet or not? I truly would have to sort this out! it was the strangest feeling ever, besides an actual panick attack I had once,many many years ago, b4 mom, anyway I am curious about this, anyone have similar experiences???

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Oh yes.
You are just TOO TIRED.

Another sign of being over-fatigued is not remembering your dreams (because you still dream but just don't recall them).

I'm not going to say "get more rest" because I know you will if you possibly can. Easier said than done.

I had that disoriented feeling just the other morning, myself. I had to ask myself....' mom here at home with me or where is she at?

I got up and looked to see if my little monitor was on that is tied to the camera I have in her room! Yep...there she was.
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Jujubean, I'm glad that experience didn't last, and you're doing better now. That disorientation happens to me when I fall asleep in the late afternoon when it is still daylight, and then wake up when it is dark, like 5:00 or 6:00 pm, especially if I sleep more than 45 min or an hour. Then I wake up super groggy and headachey, and I don't know where I am or what day it is, and if I look at the clock, I think it is 5 or 6 in the morning and I think, did I just lose a day? And I think I have to get up and get dressed and go through the day feeling so awful, and then somehow I realize it is actually only 5 or 6 in the evening! It IS the WEIRDEST feeling! Maybe if your sleep is disrupted (which apnea does to you) and then you wake up, you get the same effect. Or, if you are so exhausted and stressed, then even your normal amount of sleep is not restorative so your poor brain is a real mess when you do wake up.

I have apnea, and did a sleep study some years ago. I felt like I wasn't sleeping at all, just starting to fall asleep and waking up over and over. I thought it was from being in a strange environment and having all this stuff hooked up to me, and then they woke me up to try the cpap device on me. I said, how could you get any information on my sleep if I haven't even gone to sleep yet? They told me "You've been asleep for two hours. But you've had sleep apnea which woke you up a little bit every few minutes. Lots of people LOVE the cpap device and never want to go a night without it. I tried a few different versions on a number of different occasions, and I HATED it and could never sleep for even a single moment. If it turns out you do have sleep apnea and you try the cpap but you don't like it, there are other options. I have done better with a dental appliance I wear at night that pulls my lower jaw forward a little bit to open the airway more, plus using Breathe-Right nasal strips and reducing allergens in my room. If it turns out you do have apnea, be sure to do something about it. It can cause high blood pressure and weight gain and lead to strokes and diabetes and all kinds of other health issues as well as driving accidents. If you can't get away from caregiving overnight to do a complete sleep study, they can give you a blood oxygen meter you clip on your finger for the night so they can confirm or rule out any sleep apnea. Oh, and weight gain could cause or exacerbate the apnea because the extra fat in the neck restricts the airway. Even with the dental appliance, etc., my apnea got worse since moving in with my mom because I let my diet get awful and I gained a lot of weight, and as a result I developed high blood pressure for the first time in my life. I am starting to lose the weight now, so hopefully those other issues will improve, too. Anyway, a lot of rambling, but I hope some of it was helpful.
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When my younger sister was slipping away with cancer and it took a turn for the worst I found that I did that a lot. When I had to put her in the hospital for the final time i found that I often did it when I was going about my day. Sleep wasn't an option because I didn't want to waste anytime. I knew that I was very stressed and I was not facing the foreseen very well, which only added more on myself. Some where along the journey I must of had a dream sent in my direction that showed me that things were going to be ok. I woke that morning teary eyed but not anxious or stressed, as I took a moment to collect my thoughts I came to the conclusion that I can do this. I felt much stronger that day and the final days to follow. Stress and anxiety can play a lot of tricks on you especially if you are sleep deprived or not eating well. You have to take care of you or you won't be any good when you are needed. So watch out for you. Good luck
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Any chance you have sleep apnea? Not dreaming or not dreaming is a sign you are not getting REM sleep. I felt mentally dull and had some disorientation on awakening. Awakening with a terrible headache is another symptom. I'd suggest doing an internet search on Sleep Apnea to see if the symptoms fit your current situation, if the symptoms fit - see your doctor. Also, Sleep Hygiene is another good topic to search, tips for getting a good night's sleep.
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something interesting tho....I had an extremely emotional weekend good but emotional...and I sed I just lay down here for a minute and whew I had a good 3 hr nap. got up fixed ma up n things, we ate late dinner then back to felt good but like a direct reaction to all the emotion..just kinda knocked me out so to speak!
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SLEEP... you are a cruel mistress. But like my Dr. says" if you don't take care of yourself, you wont be able to take care of anyone else" However hes not the one thwarting the escapes of an 200 lb man at all hrs.
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I think you are to tired also. I get about 3-4 hrs. and that's with Ambien. I wake up like that about once a week. Same as you I don't have dreams I don't think I get to Rem sleep. BB Anaheim, Ca.
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It is my understanding that sleeping prescriptions like Ambien can cause huge disturbances in people. Like getting up and doing things in the night and not realizing it, scary and documented. Personally, I stay away from sleeping prescriptions and if I am particularily sleepless, I would rather take an antihistamine, that is disorienting enough for me.
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Ya im not a fan of pills of any kind...but sometimes a Benedryl, Tylenol PM or something is required !
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I ran out of Ambien I've been taken Benadrly and still get 4 hrs. of sleep I tried earplugs and a mask, But my mom has to have her tv on full blast 24/7 I'm a light sleeper. Just cant function. Tried Melatonin nothing. I just walk around with bruises and dark circles under my eyes from not sleeping and bumping into things. Can't take naps have to take care of mom. Some drugs just don't work on some people. I have been on plenty of meds. since birth for a heart and lung condition.
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