Dealing with ongoing drug addiction with my Mother's husband. He has abused opiates for over 25 years and has physically threatened her when she confronted him. She is fearful and he is a master manipulator. He refuses to allow me to help my Mother whose health is suffering as he controls everything, including her transportation. She is failing mentally and physically and desperately needs help. She has spoken with his Doctors to no avail (and his threats). He continues to get pain prescriptions from multiple sources. Can anything be done?
I am so very sorry about this situation.
If your mother is not safe, she has to leave. It is likely after 25 years that she will not be able to take the steps to leave. At least not without a huge amount of support, which again during these challenging times is hard to find. I know in my community support groups and many services are only available online.
If he threatens her, she must call 911 and have him removed from the home.
She cannot change his behaviour only her own.
But I think the underlying issue would have to be addressed as well: how and why did he become addicted?
I agree, find another safe place for your mother, and consider contacting the local courthouse to see if you can get a PPO (personal protection order) for her w/o having to go to court, given the need to avoid crowds.
I know others won't agree, but my thoughts would also be to remove her from the home and stay with you for awhile.