
I rent a room from a woman who has Dementia and broke her hip which now requires 24/7 in home caregiving. The POA her brother hired a personal caregiver who brought with her an amazing con who made up a business name and claimed she ran an in home caregiving service. She is now giving orders and bringing 2 to 3 alleged employees in the home who have not had background checks employment checks or any of the other requirements. The brother thinks she's fantastic and doesn't realize there is no insurance workmans comp or taxes being paid and other legalities. I checked the Clark County License Bureau and Better Business Bureau to confirm she has no business license. Isn't this fraud and dangerous to an Elder to have unscreened strangers in her bedroom who are not paying taxes, paid under the table by the alleged CG service owner who is taking their money but not using it for business expenses or paying taxes. Could the patient who's bank account is paying the fraud be responsible for the taxes? How do I convince the thoroughly charmed and duped Brother who doesn't want to hear anything negative about this woman or problems in the home.

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Call the Clark County social services/department for aging/APS and ask their advice. This is a complete minefield and you are right to be deeply concerned about it.
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Report to your state's Dept of Aging, and also they should be able to tell you where your local Elder Welfare office is and you can go in in-person and report to the social workers there. They will help immensely in this type of situation, in my experience.
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Okay (this is where it gets really annoying for me, being in England, but here goes). Do you have anything like Trading Standards or Consumer Rights officers at a county or state level? Because at the very least, this woman is fraudulently misrepresenting her business, claiming to have important certifications and memberships that she doesn't have, and that should be something that can get her closed down.

Sorry - you've already been to them, haven't you! Well. Put your questions about the registrations to them again, in writing, and ask for a formal reply in writing. Give the damning reply to your client, either in person (preferably) or anonymously.

Also, go to the websites of the organisations who do employment screening and criminal record checks. They should show you how to report someone or check out someone whose credentials you question.

Does Boss Woman have any other clients? I ask because if she has, and she's littering vulnerable elders' households across the area with unscreened, unqualified, uninsured, cash-in-hand workers, this is NOT a civil matter. See what you can discreetly find out.
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I called APS and they said it was a civil matter, that they mainly investigated criminal abuse in nursing facilities. Isn't APS associated with Social Services? I called every number these agencies knew of and it seems they don't get involved in personal in home care. They were willing to come out and investigate but would not have found any criminal abuse. Then I would have to live with them and they are scary. Especially the fake CNA business owner, ring leader. APS suggested talking to an Attorney because it was a civil matter the APS is strictly knowledgeable regarding criminal abuse . This woman is one of the slickest fast talkers I've met. If there is an investigation she is incredibly believable and deceiving. She wants to completely take over everything and run the house. She is giving me orders when she doesn't pay rent or live here. She is managing and dispensing medication and involving herself by pushing her way in to all Physician visits in an attempt to manage the medical care. I read on this site that is on the do not do list for personal caregivers. She rewrote the rules so her fake employees could do nothing but watch TV. They don't clean or change her bedsheets. They leave her in dirty cloths and don't hang them up or do her laundry. I goes on and gets worse.  No one is accountable because she's not a trained manager following any rules. They do what they want with complete disrespect for me.  I have no authority to oversee and manage their neglect.  There is no company to report or complain to.
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I called APS and they said it was a civil matter, that they mainly investigated criminal abuse in nursing facilities. Isn't APS associated with Social Services? I called every number these agencies knew of and it seems they don't get involved in personal in home care. They were willing to come out and investigate but would not have found any criminal abuse. Then I would have to live with them and they are scary. Especially the fake CNA business owner, ring leader. APS suggested talking to an Attorney because it was a civil matter they don't . This woman is one of the slickest fast talkers I've met. If there is an investigation she is incredibly believable and deceiving. She want to completely take over everything and run the house. She is giving me orders when she doesn't pay rent or live here. She is managing and dispensing medication and involving herself by pushing her way in to all Physician visits in an attempt to manage the medical care. I read on this site that is on the do not do list for personal caregivers. She rewrote the rules so her fake employees could do nothing but watch TV. They don't clean or change her bedsheets. They leave her in dirty cloths and don't hang them up or do her laundry. I goes on and gets worse.
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BettyBetty, are these people operating in Clark County, Nevada? I wasn't sure of the state.
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The APS response doesn't seem right to me. In Illinois (where I live), an elder care home agency must be licensed by the state and must run criminal background checks and can't place known criminals (certain offenses/convictions) in a home care setting. This doesn't make sense that APS would say, in so many words, "this isn't in our area of responsibility." It's most definitely your state's Dept of Aging's business to know if someone is operating an home care agency without proper licensing and hiring people w/o the required background check... unless... your state doesn't require those things. If I had more time, I'd research myself and find out what your state's regs are in this area. (Are you in Nevada? I used to live in Las Vegas, in Clark County, but never did any interaction with Dept of Aging while I lived there.)
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Yes Clark County, NV. When I called Elder Abuse, they wanted to come out and investigate which would alert this woman and make my life precarious and under attack. I can't get rid of her until I convince the POA Brother of how this might be illegal and all the dangers.
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The POA brother may be being wilfully blind about this. See it from his point of view, and a difficult problem - how to care for his sister - has been solved by the arrival of this little marvel and caregiving dynamo. That is why he thinks she's so marvellous, and is reluctant to hear a word against her. Also, she's probably cheap.

So. You won't get anywhere trying to persuade him she's a menace. But you might if you warn him he is being scammed, and that it could cost him a lot more than it already has. Nobody likes to be taken for a fool *and* then held responsible for the con-artist's misdeeds.

She claimed to be licensed. You can prove for a fact that she has no licence. Print off the search result.

You can take pictures of the dirt and neglect going on.

You may be able to find a database of registered, qualified CNAs. Search for the caregivers, name by name, and screenshot the results when it says "No match."

Download information from government websites about who is liable for paying employees' taxes, etc.

Put this into an envelope, write "you are being conned" on the front, and hand it to the POA brother.

Or look for another room, and from a safe distance call in APS.
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