
She started doing it when she fell down the steps breaking her hip. Now she only does it when she is very tired and confused, but just curious if this has happened to any of you?

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I've never heard of this before, but I would rank it up there with the people who suddenly begin speaking a foreign language. Obviously there is something new going on with her brain. Did she hit her head when she fell? Could she have had a little stroke and that caused her to fall?

Definitely talk to her doctor about this new development. Good Luck and let us know what you find out!
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She had bleeding under her skull from hitting her head. Her dementia went from middle stage to full blown loony tunes after that. She went to a wonderful recovery/rehab NH that she hated. I hoped that getting her back home in familiar surroundings would help, but it didn't. She still has some memory in a hit and miss way, but no powers of reasoning or memory of where her own bathroom is. We have to take her there every time even though she finds it fine in the night. During the day she plays the helpless card with the skill of a Vegas hustler. The speaking only numbers happens at odd times, usually if she is overly tired or when she first wakes up and doesn't know where she is. Places really give her problems, she is never sure where she is.
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Did she ever work for the telephone company? If she did, don't be surprised by number speak. They really did drive that into us. (Bell System retiree).
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LOL, no she didn't, she was a hair dresser for 100 years give or take a few. I think it might be all the permanent wave solution she breathed in along with the hairspray! Sometimes she just says letters, it is really odd, but so much of what she does comes under that category, so who knows? The brain is one the biggest mysteries. Before starting our journey thru Alz h*ll, I thought all old people would just sit quietly in rocking chairs, drooling and retelling stories you had heard a million times, I had NO idea the havoc they could bring to a family by turning into
hyperactive 2 year old terrors! I know this nightmare will end someday, I'm just not sure if I will be around to see the end of it.......
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End of rope your humour shines through in your comments ...thanks for that!
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