
My dad who is 85 and a Veteran of War qualifies for the Aid and Attendance program. But even if we go with a lawyer to speed things up ($700) it will take 3 months. He has stage 4 cancer and lost his wife last month. We brought him into our home to care for him and try to sell his home. It's been difficult in various ways including cost. Hospice comes in once a week for pain management. But he most likely won't make it 3 months and certainly not 9. We can't afford the $700 in any case. We could very much use help but unfortunately we don't have months to try. I'm unsure if he qualifies for anything else but it would most likely be the same problem. I guess that wasn't a question. Unless anyone knows of a magical benefit that doesn't take months to receive. Ü Nancy

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My mind is a blank but;
Call his doctor's office, call the VA, call the Agency on Aging, call hospice. Ask if there's a way to get assistance with his care or placement (I'm not sure what it is you are wanting) without having money available at the moment.

Call an elder law attorney (get listing from your local Senior Center) to see if they will take his case on contingency or if he can pay once his house sells (written agreement).

Call Medicaid and get an emergency issue for care.
Helpful Answer (8)

The funds are retroactive so they start the day you apply . So if it takes 6 months to a year to get the VA you would get the money after the fact but at least you would be reimbursed.
Helpful Answer (9)

I’m not sure what state you are in, but you should look into putting him in a veterans nursing home. There are 7 in my state and it took a couple months to get my dad into the closest one to us, but there was immediate availability at the ones further away. I started to apply for aide and attendance, but once I started going through my parents’ assets with the representative, we both realized it wouldn’t go through with what they had. Your father might qualify, but it is a rigorous process and any omission or mistake on the application can make you have to start all over again.
Look into a veterans nursing home. They only charge what the veteran brings in a month - SS, pension, etc. I know it was a lifesaver for us financially and for peace of mind.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of options.
Helpful Answer (6)

Nancygail, get him to a VA hospital with a hospice unit. They are wonderful. Everything will be paid for by the VA. They do have them. My father died at one.
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Go to your local county VA office(free). It will take time but you would be reemburesed. Back check from time you applied. Also I agree. V A nursing home. Also maybe FMLA for yourself if you take off work. God bless, and good thoughts sent your way. Does dad have any cash? Use it it's for him. We're in Cleve area if that's close, maybe more answers.
Helpful Answer (5)

I agree with others-get to a VA hospital-they are wonderful and very caring. Also, the service organizations (VFW, DAV, American Legion, etc.) will help with the paperwork to apply for aid & attendance. And it will be retroactive to the date you apply. I've gone through this twice-once for my mom and another time for my brother in law.
Helpful Answer (7)

Bigbang2...most of the VA facilities are for those that are classified as 100% disabled with "service connected disabilities"
The VA hospital would accept them as a patient and if the person is qualified for Hospice they would keep them on hospice if they can not return home.
Helpful Answer (2)

Nancy...3 months, try 5 years. My husband was receiving benefits when he passed. I was entitled to Spousal support. No matter what I did or records I turned over to them, they always sent a letter stating DENIED. Now I am coming close to the end of my life. How wonderful it would be to have my spousal support to help pay for independent living. This all hinged on one doctors statement and that doctor refused to write a letter to VA. I thought VA should have the right to get that doctor to talk. I should have hired an attorney day one. You should do the same. The government does not want to pay anything out. My husband lived with his disability and pain until it killed him. ASK VA if you are entitled to these fund even after his death. Sorry to have to tell you. That was 10 years ago and they are so happy I finally left them alone. And, don't count on John McCain for any help.
Helpful Answer (4)

Nancy.....One more thing....They tried to throw me off by telling me his records were destroyed during battle. Isn't it interesting that a Veteran helped me and they FOUND the records. That Veteran was demoted for helping me. I guess he had words for his supervisor.
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Stage 4 cancer and he probably isn't far away. This is the stage that it's already spread to other body organs. Is he getting hospice ? We had 24/7 home healthcare for about a week after discharge from the ICU for heart failure. That was expensive by the hour. We were assessing if I could provide that if he continued for a longer period of time. His condition/issue was low oxygen to brain & body organs. On an oxygen machine, he was between 90-100 for spO2 level for the better part of 5 days, when it dropped to low to mid 80's, then into the 70's hospice placed him on morphine and within 24 hours he passed. Cancer is another level though and stage 4 without seeing it, he may be closer to the end than what is predictable ? That's where dad was. We had home health for catheter changes and had they not come in that day to requalify for Medicare, he would've passed away without the 5 days of ICU to stabilize him long enough to get him home. The Oxygen and whatever IV they had him on was his life support system at the very end.
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My sister was a Commandeer in the Navy and her son, my nephew, went to a military lawyer. Did you go directly to a lawyer in the military and if not, contact one. They know how to circumvent the system.
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Can you find college students in the fields of social work or health sciences - who may or may not need internships - who might want to help out for a 3-4 hour shift weekly? I am not sure how much care/help you need, however in lieu of being able to go thru all the hoops here, perhaps volunteers or college interns could help out - in the interim. Don't forget to take a hot bath and/or sit and meditate - letting every thought GO - and see trees or beautiful mountains, birds, flowers - even for five minutes.
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I wrote to both of my state senators. One responded right away and turned things around in 2-3 weeks. Stupidly, I have been going through the Texas Veterans commission and spent 13 months. They are powerless and uber not aggressive. I also just got on the phone to the national VA benefits number and that lady help and sped things upon a lot. In my case they did retroactive payment as well. One thing to consider...I thought we would get about 1300 per month. Turns out if there is a disability figure that gets paid tax just get the difference. Mom's ended up being 250 per month. look for that clause in some of the descriptions. FAQ'S HOW MUCH WILL WE RECEIVE EACH MONTH? Think it's in that answer.
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Grandma 1954 - my dad was in the Navy during WWII for 2 years and wasn’t injured. He was in during wartime and that’s all that’s what qualified him. He didn’t qualify for VA Benifits like healthcare, but did for the nursing home and aide and attendance. Now they he has passed, I’m thinking Of going ahead with applying for A&A for my mom as his survivor. We’re not so crunched for time now.
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Have you checked with your town or county. In some areas, there are emergency funds for special circumstances. You might want to check that option if it's available.
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Who is the "we" in cannot pay for attorney? That shouldn't be you.
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Hi Nancy, sorry about your dad, I went in circles with VA. Have you heard of The Disabled American Veterans, or DAV? You can Google and find the the one near you. It is a very good place for help and answer's. Not alot of people know of it. They give advice and They helped and my dad receiv$140 a month. Not alot of money but better then nothing. You dad will get help quickly and you can get answers to your questions. VA is slow, they are under staffed.
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Call your DAV (DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS) They can help and an can give advice.
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My spouse also served during war time. He was diagnosed with ALZ two years ago. I was very lucky that after a few months an opening was available. If you have assets over 90K you will pay. The VA takes his pension etc. it is still less expensive than other long term care facilities and he gets excellent care in a clean facility with great caregivers.
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Sorry for the delay in answers. I was down sick myself for 4 days and my dad has gotten much worse even in that time. My husband is caring for him. Even if we wanted to attempt the aid now there is just no one and no time... The VA hospice is 1.5 hours away. However, he's getting home hospice. His hospice nurse is trying to get him into one at the hospital locally. Having to drive to little rock would be a terrible burden right now.

Thanks for all the advice. It's so sad some have to fight for what they are rightfully allowed to have.

Good luck to all,
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The lawyer I mentioned was one who could have got it done in 3 months rather than the normal 9. This is what he does and knows how to get it done faster.
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UPDATE: My dad finally was unable to sit up or hold a glass of water to take meds. The doc had him brought to the hospital by ambulance. The only thing is.... he is "stable" with no additional issues... he just sleeps. The doc said they cannot legally keep him there in that case and she should be sent home. My husband is with my dad 24/7 sleeping in a hospital chair. (Yeah he's an amazing guy..) but he AND I have to leave for two contract things for 6 days starting the 21st. Was told if they send my dad home we could get 5 days of home respit care... but then would have to pay. I'll post more info later... I won't have computer access for a few days.
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It was stated earlier that VA pension is retroactive to the date of filing. It is retroactive 30 days from the date of filing; however, no benefit will be paid if the applicant dies prior to approval.
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Hospice should be coming at least 3 days a week, and more often as his needs increase. I have gone through this with my dad, but there was literally not enough time...he died one week after hospice started...not enough time to even get organized. MEET PERSONALLY WITH THE HOSPICE RN. I found this person to be the one who knew it all, could see the arc we were on. It is hard, even when you know what “hospice” means, to be prepared for what lies ahead. Be brutal with your hospice, because you need their honesty more than you need anything else.

Hospice quality varies greatly between states and municipalities. I have had one outstanding experience and one fair-barely-sufficient-actually-not-sufficient experience. Two different but adjoining states.
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My dad passed on March 21st. The doctors had us bring him into the hospital after he could no longer stand up or even hold a cup. So he went fairly quickly... and in his sleep for which I'm glad. But it was a very difficult time for sure.... I appreciate all the advice and answers. I hope some of this info will be helpful to others in the future.

I did as my dad asked me too on his Facebook. He was quite a character and an awesome dad, grandfather and great grandfather. You are welcome to view it:  (you have to copy that link and paste it into your browser. Looks like no links are allowed here. 

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Nancy, I'm sorry for your loss.
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Nancy: I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending condolences.
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So sorry for your loss
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Do not sell the house if his assets are over 90K unless you check with the VA first. Those funds will be used for his care. My spouse also served during wartime but since we have assets over 90K we do pay but it is less than other facilities. They will use his money to cover the costs but it is less expensive than all the other facilities within 75 miles. It is different if he suffered an injury during his service. Have you checked on all the VA facilities in your state. You may have to consider one further away. Visit in person, ask for their help.
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So sorry for your loss.
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