
My mother suffered a traumatic brain injury at New Hanover Hospital. We are now in Raleigh North Carolina at a long-term care facility and I’m trying to place her in Wilmington North Carolina but they said they can’t take her because she has a TBI. she is incontinent. She needs help 24 seven I don’t know what the options are for her. Does anyone have similar experience in Wilmington, North Carolina?

What kind of a facility are you trying to move her to? Is it also a LTC? Is she mobile? Is that why they won't take her? I can't understand why a LTC facility wouldn't take someone with a TBI who needs that level of care, unless she is mobile, then I think she the facility may want her in MC...

More info would be helpful.
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Reply to Geaton777

I would think that if your mother is now in a LTC facility in Raleigh that there would be LTC facility in Wilmington that would take her as well.
I guess I'm confused as to why they wouldn't. Is there a social worker at this facility in Raleigh that can help you find a place in Wilmington?
I wish you the best in finding the right facility for your mother.
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Reply to funkygrandma59
Morgancynth19 Aug 21, 2024
I am waiting to hear back from the Social Worker at her current LTC Raleigh facility but apparently in Wilmington NC they have some kind of grid they use to accept/reject and because my mother has a TBI (she does not walk on her own and uses wheelchair) needs help with all things.. 2 SNF LTC places I spoke with said because of TBI she is high liability and they cannot accept.. IT's nuts to me so.. I figured I would ask here if anyone has had similar experience.. it really makes no since to me that they will not take her if Raleigh will.
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Please contact discharge planning and social workers at your facility.
I think that the likelihood of your finding someone with your experience anywhere is not great; as all situations, yours is unique. This is a matter in which there may be limitied options. You are going to need to have good advice on-the-ground right where you ARE.

Do update us after you talk to discharge planning. Meanwhile, learn on the internet all you can about TBIs. They are unique as one's own fingerprint as to how they manifest, and they are unpredictable as to how patients progress in the same way. So much depends upon the underlying health and determination of an individual.

Attend all care conferences; this is crucial to getting the best information.
I am so sorry. This is going to be a tough row to hoe. You are going to have to get all the information that is personalized and individual to your mother that you can.
Good luck!
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Like some of the responders have also mentioned, I recommend contacting social services. My mother also suffered a TBI which caused seizures. She was placed in LTC for approximately 5 months before being discharged back to ALF. Now, I totally regret making this move back to ALF because she really needs MC not ALF. From what I was told from the LTC facility, there are certain LTC facilities that are better equipped with handling certain kinds of patients. This might be one reason why they're not accepting your mother. I also want to point out that NC consolidated a large portion of the MC facilities, which means most of them are going to be in high urban areas, such as Raleigh.
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Reply to Rhetorica

You might want to hire a specialist to navigate her several issues for a couple of hours including finding a place.Try and plug in your zip code. I see a few listed in Wilmington. If she is on an advantage plan, you might want to see if regular Medicare to open options if she is still private pay
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Reply to MACinCT

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