
My mom is in a nursing home and is scheduled for a neuropsych evaluation soon. She's been going to Walmart with the nursing home but she doesn't have any money... And she won't tell me how she is buying things. I'm her POA. She doesn't have a dime to spend so I'm afraid she managed to open a credit card with no intention of paying it off. I told the nursing home she cannot go back to a store until I figure out how she is spending money, and I told the doctor about this. I feel guilty, but I'm constantly saving my mom from herself.

My mom knows exactly how to make my life hell. I hope the neuropsych evaluation finds something worthwhile so I can get a court appointed guardian go take over and I can move on with my life...

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I pray that whatever is going on with her allows a guardian to be appointed and you are able to get some relief.

Just a thought, could she be shoplifting? No offense intended, I have read your posts and your mom seems compulsive, could be she is hiding items in her wheelchair.

I know how hard and frustrating this is for you, you are quite young to be dealing with these issues, even us old goats find it trying beyond measure most days. You need to fight the battles that you can and let go of what you can't, it's not like you are taking her to Walmart or setting up accounts for her, so let it go. Deal with what is and not the what ifs, I promise you, you will feel better for it.

Helpful Answer (3)
aj6044 Oct 2018
I doubt it. She's oddly honest about a lot of things. And she's shopping online sometimes sooooo
Maybe she is using her personal needs account money, which is fine as long as it’s spent on her. She could be requesting it from the business office before her trips? Since you’re her POA the business office can tell you her balance and if money has been withdrawn. Hopefully it’s as simple as this.
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aj6044 Oct 2018
She doesn't have any money in her trust account at the NH. She doesn't have a dime anywhere.
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There must be someone from the NH along on these trips, yes? Can you ask them to look out for how your mom is paying?
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Another resident may be paying for the purchases.
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Could the NH be advancing her small loans, knowing that she will have money in her account soon?

Obviously we are all guessing here. When our mother went on the monthly trips to Walmart, my sister always met her there and supervised her purchases. They enjoyed that time together. They laughed over the amazing colors nail polish now comes in, and picked out towels for my sister's kitchen, and small holiday decorations for Mom's door. Mom loved having a little money in her purse and being able to pay for her own things.

I once noticed that some of Mom's friends weren't participating in some things that cost a little money. I told the activities director that if someone had no funds for these things I would pay her way so she could be with my mother. The director thanked me but said they had a small account to help such people if they wanted to participate but had no money. Maybe your mother is being given a little spending money from such a "sunshine fund."

I really can't imagine leaving a loved one in a facility without a dime to her name.
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aj6044 Oct 2018
Well I would give her money if I wasn't 22 and broke. I can barely afford my own life.
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So, just a reminder, you are NOT responsible for mom's spending. If she's opened a credit card, that's on her, not on you.

You don't have to pay her bills.
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I understand that the thought that your mom might be shoplifting is hard to imagine, however, dementia changes people in ways that their closest loved ones never saw coming.

As her POA you can request copies of her credit reports and that would show any new cards. Charging items you know you can't afford to pay for is theft.

My proper, lovely grandmother started talking like a sailor at sea and beat up 6 nurses. Never in a million years would my grandmother do that, but the disease did.

Please do not take offense, you are dealing with some very difficult issues and trying to have a life, who wouldn't be stressed to the hilt and find all of these changes unreal.
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Is she on Medicaid? Then she does have a monthly allowance.

It would be hard to understand who would approve her for a credit card.

Are you sure that your mother is trying to make your life hell? Could her behavior be the result of a condition you are hoping the neuropsych will find?
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aj6044 Oct 2018
Yes she's on Medicaid but she doesn't have any money in her trust yet.
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I hate to say this but could Mom be stealing money from other residents? Some people are very careless aout leaving their small change in plain sight.
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She may also be stealing items.
My Husband who never would have taken anything from a store without paying for it began to steal lots of items. Some I probably never knew about, others I returned.
If you think she is opening a credit card you could put a Fraud Alert on her credit with the 3 reporting bureaus and that may slow any application process.
does she get Social Security payments? If so some of that may be earmarked for personal spending.
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