
back , she told me she didn’t like the way it made her feel but then Covid lock down happened for like a year no one was allowed in the building. . My mom took finger nail clippers and started gashing her arm with it and had to go to the psych ward in the hospital which was one of the worst experiences she’s ever had to go through but that’s another story yet they won’t change your medication , few months go by I get a call she’s took her bed remote and started gashing and cutting her neck again put her in the psych ward in the hospital still won’t take her off of it . I was visiting her 2 days ago she’s puking none stop which has been going on for 2 months nothing done but she took the cup she was puking in and drank it . My mom has schizophrenia. Is this normal for people to do this I know it is if not given meds for it The nurses run around with head phones on , they hit my mom they say nasty things like your family doesn’t want you , that’s why we’re stuck with you now shut the fuck up and the aids do as they please hide in bathrooms , steal everything you take in the place for her . I’m going to fight till the day I die to have cameras put up in these places why there not already is behond me . Im am at my limit and I’m tired of my mom being treated like a old diseased dog. She has a stage 3-4 bedsore they try to hide but I seen it now she has shingles and nobody wants to touch her . They I don’t feel you should be in the medical field if your scared of catching a disease. They stold her dentures first it was the top now there being replaced after 2 years finally they take the bottom . If I call state will they actually do something about this place in Daytona Beach Fla ?

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How old is your mother?
Have you witnessed someone hitting her, or are you taking her word for it?
If the latter, you have to know she is an unreliable reporter with her severe mental illness.
You need to report, yes.
Of all the things that you mention, do know that bedsores are taken very seriously (likely why they are trying to hide this) due to possible licensure problems for facilities that report very many of them.
This all sounds dreadful, and it sounds as though your mother is extremely challenged both physically and mentally, and a very difficult case to care for. I am so very sorry. There are so few good answers in a case this troubling.
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I agree with Alva. Are you a witness to this behavior by the staff or is this mom talking about it?

You made a passing reference to Seroquel, which is used a LOT in psych cases, as it is a pretty good anxiety drug AND sleeping med. I've taken it for years. Not for anxiety but for sleep. You're opposed to her taking it? There are a myriad of anti anxiety meds that can be tried. Don't just let them throw and one and done dose of ANYTHING at her and never follow up with appropriate monitoring.

What's her dose on that? what else does she take?

She needs to be a in pysch ward 24/7 and watched much more closely. I doubt she has the wherewithal to actually take her own life, but the 'cutting' is a symptom of other mental deficits. Yes, with schizophrenia, almost anything it possible/normal. All Drs can do is treat the symptoms.

Have you talked to her Dr? Have you spoken with her CG's at the NH? Have you witnessed any of this abuse yourself? Not to say mom isn't unhappy or trying to hurt herself, but this all sounds really suspect. I wouldn't believe a word she said.

Have you ever talked to the LO's of some of the other residents of the NH? See if they also are having these abusive kinds of behavior from the CG's there.

How much time do YOU actually spend with mom? And how clear headed is her thinking? She could be making up every single thing she says--don't go into the facility ready for a fight--get your facts straight and then calmly discuss your concerns about mom.

You get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
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Wow, so sorry. This is a huge mess. Is she refusing to medicate her schizophrenia? If so, she will need to be properly medicated for the rest of her life. I don't have any experience with this level of mental illness. That's horrible that she has bedsores. If the staff is doing half of what you say, that place is a hell hole and needs to be shut down. I would go slow with dealing with the staff issues. As others have said - if you're listening to your mom, you must know that you can't trust what she says. Doesn't mean that these things are not true but you need to somehow confirm and then report to the authorities.
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If she has bedsores, call the Ombudsman and report it. These should be cared for by a woundcare nurse.
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