
I know this may not sound like an outright "aging parent" problem but it is for me in the given context. For a bit of backgrnd- I am an expat and don't live in my country of origin & over the years relations back home have gotten very difficult. I have always had a difficult (though not outrightly sour nor cutoff) relationship with my misogynist family (esp father which he denies that he is one) & have been happy to be be living away & has helped me create boundaries & stay a bit at peace. I have a sibling who loves close to my parents (in their 70s). Recently, we have been dealing with my mom's early onset MCI diagnosis & communication with my father on that front has been difficult. I understand that it is & will be hard on him to since he will be the primary caretaker (along with full-time household helps) for a while but today he told me how he has always taken care of his family & he thinks he has done well at that but he has not gotten anything back in return & has neglected himself and now he has to take care of my mom also. I was a bit taken aback at this. It made me feel like he is saying he has done enough & now wants someone else to take over & take care of things & logistics.
He compared a couple of instances with other families (of close friends & relatives) where he said they all do this & that together; it feels & looks good that they do these things together. He said he feels disappointed in people. He was communicating slightly indirectly but his point was very clear almost saying that he has done so much for his family that he feels disappointed that I as a daughter have not & do not pay back by being the "dutiful" daughter that I am expected (& tried to train me) to be.
In the past as well, he has always compared others with me & said how xyz's son or daughter has done this/ that for them; they go on holidays together; they visit their kids abroad & stay with them for 6 months etc. etc. There have always been set expectations from me as a "daughter" which I have never managed to fulfil & he has made it clear in these many words on my every visit back home, more so in the last 3-4 yrs. The passive aggressiveness & resentment are very clear to me.
I have of course resisted these "forced norms" as a child & even now as a 40 yr old but I was & am always told I am the difficult one for not "complying". He has made me feel guilty for living my life as a young adult & now 40 yr old so much that I have had to stop sharing my life & travel plans with him. I have tried to maintain boundaries even though they have never understood nor believe in it nor believe in why I may have wanted them in the 1st place. He is a dismissive person, has been & now with age is getting more like that. He also said how I should not take any of this negatively and that he is only telling me which clearly indicates to me he knows what he is doing- guilt tripping.
I have lived with a lot of similar guilt tripping from him all my life & now with both of them being in their 70s I am not sure how to handle this. I don't want to fight things out & be mindful of their age & health problems but my peace of mind & my life are also important to me. I feel if I really felt so attached & connected in the relationship, I would make more effort organically. I do things now but only as an obligation- a sad reality but true. At 40, I am going back to basic questions- what do our parents expect of us? How much can/should we do? Will we ever be able to please them? How do we balance our current lives with demands/ sometimes unfair expectations of aging parents? Am I being selfish?
I am hoping there are more in similar situations who have some ideas of trying to deal with this. I know I need to get into therapy & am working towards that but until then I need support & help in figuring this out from this community that I have been silently reading for a while!
Thank you for your patience on this long read!

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Well over 40 years ago my then-aging father disowned and disinherited me for marrying my husband who is Black; I am white. My father belonged to the Archie Bunker school of philosophy, which was pretty typical for that era. My husband is almost 95 now and I will be 88 in a few months. We've been very happily married for 46 years. My father's demands/expectations could have been life-altering for me and NOT in a positive way.

Fortunately, I followed my own instincts--yes, even though they hadn't always been sound historically. Although I was never in full compliance with 1950s norms, especially for women, what dad didn't know didn't hurt him. I had been a "golden child" in his eyes, so his rejection was a HUGE change. (We never spoke again.) It was what it was, and I have no regrets.

My suggestion? Do what seems right for you. Do what you reasonably can for your parents if you choose, but YOU (and your family if/when you have one) should always come first.
Helpful Answer (16)
Reply to ElizabethAR37
Anxietynacy Oct 10, 2024
Elizabeth, I love your story ❤️. My mom still lives in the Archie Bunker House, my mom is very disappointed that my son is dating a mixed race girl. It caused us some tension. Mom doesn't take it out on him, so to speak, but in her head, it's my fault , because I didn't raise him right. (Lol)

In this day in age people are still like this, even more so now, than ten years ago. It truly makes me sick. To think what you went through 55 years ago. And in my eyes, things really haven't changed a lot.
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I was actually scrolling through Instagram this morning, I read something that really resonated with me, maybe it will help you.

Children of narcissistic parents , often here the same thing, "I'm not going to live forever, you will regret ......( Fill in the blanks). I think many of us have heard that.

After watching the post , I started thinking, do I regret, anything I have or have not done the last 4 years?

My answer was YES, I regret not putting up enough boundaries, I regret running around to please mom for 3 years, and get no appreciation, just do more more more, I regret bringing moms problems home.

Do I regret, the last 6 months of seeing less of mom, do I regret putting down my boundaries, do I regret, living and enjoying my life.


Moral of my story is , we children of difficult parents will not regret the same things that they think we will.
But if we don't stand up for are selves we will have many regrets!!
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Anxietynacy

Tell Dad to join the line.
Disappointed children form the line to the right.
Disappointed parents form a line to the left.
The lines are long.
Hope he finds his place in them.

As to what our parents expect of us, that is quite beside the point. Not only is it beside the point, but it isn't in our control. Why waste time on it?
No one can help the unrealistic expectations of another, nor change them. Simply admit your limitations, form your boundaries, and get on with your own life.

You didn't cause illnesses and the problems that come with them and with aging. You can't fix it. Guilt requires causation and a refusal to fix things that you can fix. So guilt doesn't apply to it. You are instead dealing with the other g-word, which is grief. Grief that you have no way to please your parents and win their love. Grief that you must stand witness to your family aging, suffering and dying.

Get on with your life. Rumination and marination in all this "stuff" will never help.
You will not please a judgemental parent EVER. You are not responsible for his satisfaction, which is his problem. You are human and as a human you have your unique limitations; honor them.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to AlvaDeer
EmelieK Oct 9, 2024
That's a very thoughtful post, thank you. It is giving me much to think about & probably things I wanted & needed to hear. I have been told to do exactly what you are suggesting with not over ruminating or marinating & I have been trying but this time it's hit hard & I am wondering if I can find more & better ways to manage this.
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Next time your dad suggests that you were a disappointment, say the following with a flat emotionless tone.

"Yeah I know I'm a disappointment, but you and mom both made me that way, so you have no right to complain, because you weren't the best parents either". Then don't say anything else and stick to the task(s) at hand.

He's baiting you and wants you to respond with emotions, don't. Just don't.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Jhalldenton
EmelieK Oct 10, 2024
What do you do when you do that & even that is just dismissed. I am not trying to create self pity here, but I really have tried a lot of things & probably now just given up on trying more which is probably why I am here looking for company in my misery. Thank you for responding, I know all of your comments are coming from a good place & evidently I need to grow a very thick skin!
This sounds like your dad is playing the “in our culture” card. This has been used since time immemorial to keep women from leading successful independent lives.

Ignore his whinging and live your life as you see fit. Anytime someone implies you have to do something because of “cultural reasons” they’re full of crap and trying to keep you down.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to ZippyZee
EmelieK Oct 9, 2024
Thank you! I agree with what you are saying & it's probably exhaustion from fighting all the "keeping me down" & wondering when does this stop if not in adult life? I have been trying to ignore a lot without reacting but it is getting a bit much for me to manage & I am thinking if ignoring is truly the only way to deal with this?
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So many people forget what it was like to transition from childhood to adulthood. We leave home, anxious, excited, ready to create our own lives and write our own stories, while some parent sulks, unable to understand why our goal isn’t to serve them. Why THEY aren’t the centre of OUR universe. A complete lack of self awareness, oblivious to how their words and actions alienated us.

Keep your boundaries firm. Live your life to the fullest. It is up to him to cope with any disappointment he feels. It is not up to others to change to fulfill his expectations.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Anabanana
EmelieK Oct 10, 2024
I think because I am trying to make sense of what's going on & why, is why I am getting overwhelmed & so affected. I have to admit, I have selfishly thought many times, that I am also going to be the age I am just this once- do I not get to live it the way I want to so that I, like him, don't regret not doing things when I could? I understand that times were different then & cultural & social conditioning had a part in this & still does; but things are different now, I know I have the privilege to choose & I want to choose for me as I have of many other life decisions which have also not gone down well with him.
What you said here "A complete lack of self awareness, oblivious to how their words and actions alienated us." is what I want him to understand but I know that's a lost cause. Thank you for listening & responding.
This is just one different way to deal with Father. Tell him that you are getting the impression that he isn’t satisfied with you as a daughter, that this is too hard to discuss (particularly on the phone), and that you would like him to write out all his feelings about it – what he did for you, what he wants you to do, what he thinks you are doing wrong. Until he does that – in detail - you don’t want to talk about it.

"You must already understand" - "No I don't".

Two objectives: If he does it, at adequate length, you can see it all and decide how to respond (perhaps a good laugh). If he doesn’t do it, you stop all criticisms ‘until he does what you have asked, so you can really understand’. It’s a quick way to justify putting the phone down.
PS Thinking for a few minutes more, my guess is that your F always bossed your M about, and she propped up his ego by agreeing with him. Now with Mild Cognitive Impairment she is no longer giving him that ego boost. He is wanting you to come to the party instead. It's about him, not you and not her.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to MargaretMcKen
EmelieK Oct 10, 2024
You are absolutely spot on with your assessment on bossing around. That was my thought as well but I was almost feeling guilty thinking it because I am trying really hard not to think the worst of anyone.

I wish our conversations went both ways but not anymore. It is more of him just speaking & me listening & not reacting to keep the peace. Every time I have said anything in the past it has been dismissed so I have overtime learnt to just keep my thoughts to myself. From past experience, asking him to tell me anything on email will be a pointless exercise even though I'd very much like to do it.

I wish the conversation was reasonable enough for him to even listen to me. His general disdain for me (a woman), my independence, my opinionated self, rubs him the wrong way & even though he won't accept it, I know it exists.
Don't let Dad use his age. I am 75 and my husband is 77. We are not old. We expect nothing from our girls and one lives 4 doors down. We will do everything we can for ourselves till we can't. Thats what we promised each other when we married. My one daughter is marrying for the first time at 40 and will be living in another State. I would hope that they will be there to help when we r older, but not caring for us.

You have done well so far. Dad is from a different time and culture. He will never understand how you think and feel. Maybe ask him what he thinks he had done for you. You may want to tell him that to be loved and respected you have to give love and respect. You can't demand it. Tell him your sorry that your not the daughter he feels you should be. But living in another country you have been able to become the woman you want to be and are proud of that. You have found peace in another Country that you would never have found in his country. You are not and never will be a "dutiful" woman. Its just not who you are. He needs to except that.

Keep your boundaries. Never feel you need to go back and care for them. Others can do that. You can visit to give someone a break. Send money to help out. There are ways to be there from a distance.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29
EmelieK Oct 10, 2024
Thank you for your message. Your daughters are lucky to have you as parents. I have tried different forms of communication only to be disrespected time & again. I had started the process of distancing & "trying" to maintain boundaries a few years ago but his denial is next level. I had made peace with the fact that things won't change but situations come up & things happen which throws things into a tizzy. I know now it is not about me but his need to have a woman to look down upon & I don't want/ can't be that person. It's a difficult thing to just have to let go, ignore a parent & be hard esp when I am myself an HSP and he knows that very well. I am hoping with time I will get better at handling this & not letting it get to me but right now it is all very overwhelming. Thank you for listening!
So dad can afford full time household help and yet still plays the guilt card on YOU to do the caring for mom? Cuz let me guess.....its a woman's place to do so, not a man's, and you owe them? When he can easily hire in home help rather than use passive aggressive communication techniques to get his way. 🙄 And mom only has MCI which is the beginning stages of cognitive impairment which can go on for years. Nice try dad.

Read this article:

I found it very enlightening.

Live your life and visit mom at your convenience. Let dad's rantings go in one ear and out the other. Welcome to the Parents Who Are Disappointed In Their Daughters Club. I was also disappointed in my parents, but apparently we don't get a say in that!

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to lealonnie1
lealonnie1 Oct 9, 2024
Sorry, that was the wrong link that copied forward! Here is the correct one:
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Thank you for the positive reactions to my story. I hoped that our world would have changed for the better--and I think we were making progress--until increasingly divisive politics came on the scene. Although being disowned was a major change, I have never for a second regretted the decision I made then. Not for a hot second! My mom died of breast cancer several years earlier, and I like to think she would have tried to intervene, but I can't be sure. The 1950s had their advantages for some, of course, but are absolutely NOT an era that most Americans should want to revisit.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to ElizabethAR37
LoopyLoo Oct 14, 2024
Yes. As my elderly aunt would say: “The good old days? They weren’t good!”
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