
She did go to a centre for 'depressed' people and they diagnosed her as 'early onset; of dementia in Jan'13 but discharged her in March'13! We don't know where/who to turn to and the situation is really really bad. She is an insulin dependent diabetic and has beaten cancer twice but 2 days ago after being off cigarettes for 20 years my Dad rang very upset to say that she had bought 20 cigarettes and was puffing away on them! I had a party for Mum in my house 2 wks ago but she is denying there was any birthday cake/candles/party food etc and is also calling my son(her grandson whom I know she adores)a liar when he told her there was a party! We are at our wits end and worried the next violent episode could lead to sdomething far worse. She has held a knife to my Dad and hurls vile abuse at him and us but we know its not her fault. The system here has really failed her and us and we would love advice on what to do. Thanks (Ireland)

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Get her to the doctor, asap. A change in mental status should always be reported to the doctor. It can signal an infection or new, undiagnosed condition.
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Good thoughts go with you! Hope this is something simple that gets cleared up. If not, post back. At the point where a person becomes a danger to themselves and/or others (holding a knife to your dad?! Yikes!) it is important for action to be taken.

Another poster on this board (also from Ireland, I believe) was living alone with his mum who was quite far gone with dementia. her doctor kept saying that there was nothing he could do...until the son said he was going to walk away. Emergency services came and got her, and she was found to have VERY advanced Alzheimer's and was put into care immediately. Sometimes we have to take drastic action to get others to pay attention to our elders' needs.
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Has she been checked for a uti?
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Remove dad from the situation and worry about getting treatment for her later. Focusing on her and knowing how difficult it is to get help for her should not prevent you from saving dad from the situation threatening his life. Go get him.
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we have tried to get her to our family doctor but she is convinced he is plotting against her. We have rang hospitals but they said she needs a referral before being admitted! Thanks for your post. She won't go voluntarily to any doctors though I think at this stage we may have to get her admitted to A & E and take it from there? My parents are together 49yrs and Dad is so upset and he loves Mum so much(he really is a saint as hes there to take the brunt of the moods/violence as we all live away from home), thanks
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I just wanted to wish you luck and let you know your in my thoughts. I agree, another workup is in order ( uti like ba8alou mentioned can be a cause)
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I think you need to do some creative thinking; make an appointment and engage in "therapeutic fibbing" by telling her you're going for a drive? to lunch? for tea? To see someone's new baby? Whatever it takes to get her out of the house and into the car. I know in my family, we're all very polite and calm, and sometimes that can work to your detriment when you're talking to a doctor's office and what is going on is really an emergency. which this is. Knives? If you have to call the police, do so. You need to get mom help, and protect Dad. Think how she would feel afterwards if she really hurt him.
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Concerned; your mom's condition has changed. THEN she was lucid; now she is attacking your father physically. They treated what they saw at the time; which if I understand was in 2013. Something has changed and you need to make EVERYONE aware of that.
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Sleep well. The morning brings more wisdom than the evening (old Russan saying). !
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My mother is also an insulin dependent diabetic with dementia. Diabetics, especially women, are prone to UTI's which cannot trigger a worsening of behavior. When my mom's anger becomes violent we immediately test her urine for infection. A course of antibiotics usually takes care of the problem. There are over the counter kits available to test urine for infection. If your dad cannot get her to the doctor, perhaps a home test for infection would be the next best thing. May I also suggest you dad call his county. Many counties offer great services and advice for the elderly. Good luck.
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