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I'd be a little p.o.ed if a doctor dropped that kind of diagnosis on us, it's almost like they've gone through a text book looking for the most obscure and useless diagnosis they can find.
Given that there are no treatments and your mum is 90 I wouldn't worry take the time to worry about it, no matter if it's Alzheimer's, vascular dementia or some other life limiting brain condition/dementia all you can do is deal with any symptoms as they arise and live life one day at a time.
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That is a fancy name (- I feel dumber already), but my father had similar diagnosis after a stroke.

According to the specialist, this would take one of two possible courses:-
1] absorption into brain tissue (thereby doing it's own housework), or
2] form a clot (which was a reason for concern).

Fortunately, option 1 was the lucky pick in his case (as if he had any say in it), since the latter would risk enlarging and building pressure thus causing further issues, or rupturing in the worst case scenario with dire consequences.
Operation was ruled out regardless as the risks outweighed the benefits.

I guess it provides an early warning sign that something is getting worse, but it is more likely to be a race with natural attrition - many things contributing to decline, sadly.
Then again, the same specialist did prognose 6 months to live... nearly 4 years ago!
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