Mother demanded discharge from rehab (post knee replacement surgery), father agreed. Now my father is crying for help from me. Mother always demanding, claims nursing staff ignored her demands, father claims rehab was kicking mother out. My father has never been able to stand up to mother, she has ALWAYS been mean spirited (some truth to being kicked out) but his agreeing to take her home resulted in a 911 call on the first night (she fell) and on the second day he called crying he needed help taking care of her. I resent the fact that he allowed her to come home knowing he could not care for her and that he thinks he can guilt me into taking time off from work, traveling to SC (I live in MA) and staying for an unlimited time as primary nurse for my mother. I had to move out of my house at 17 to save my sanity and have been in counseling to try to deal with her mean behavior and my father's lack of self. My siblings have also been attacked and are dealing with the same issues. We have decided to take on the financial responsibility of hiring a nurse/assistant. She will hate us for this.
She lets docs sign her up for every test imaginable and then won't follow their advice, but still wants to go back to them. She comes from that generation of doctor worshipers.
The manipulation is subtle - took me awhile to discern which was a real issue and which was a cry for attention. Meanwhile I can feel my health slipping away. But I still cannot figure out how much is too much to sacrifice for our parents.
Right now, running away from home sounds mighty tempting.... :o)
Take care, take it easy, and do what your parents "need" - their "wants" can wait until later.
PS: hiring the nurse/assistant is a great idea - worth every penny in saved sanity!
You know we can only sacrifice so much before we lose ourselves. Please take care of yourself, get some support (senior center, meals on wheels, Angel flight does dr appointments). I am lucky to have my siblings and husband who are here for emotional support. Do not let yourself get lost. Happy thoughts....oqt
FYI, my sister, who lives in England and just returned to work following gallbladder surgery, called my parents to see how my mother was. In stead of being nice my mother called my sister selfish, uncaring etc. for 1. having surgery the same time as she and 2. for moving away to avoid being near her. She chastised my sister for not coming to the US to care for her. My sister has 3 younger children, a job and lives in another country(!!!!) yet my mother demands her presence. I could go on and on but I will not. Thanks for the support. Taking here is helping keep sane. I am fighting waves of depression but I keep going. I guess the saying you can pick your friends but not your family rings true. I would NEVER be friends with this caustic woman.
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