
Mum has Al's. I treat it with Cystopurin, which neutralizes the acid in the urine. Thankfully UTI's are only very very rare, considering that I do have great difficulty encouraging Mother to take a shower. Presently it's only one shower in the forthright, and I assist because I'm petrified Mum would fall coming out of the shower tray.

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Is Mom using a new and different bath soap? She could be hyper-sensitive to that soap if used to wash everywhere. Try a simple basic soap for that area. Elders don't need to bathe very often as they aren't out racing around the house doing house work or gardening, thus don't sweat. Using baby-wipes [such as Huggies Natural Wipes] inbetween bathes can help.

Or has the laundry detergent and fabric softener changed? That could also be an irritant.
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Johnjo, cranberry juice or cranberry pills are great for kidney and urinary tract function. You could try putting it into her daily routine, small glass in morning or the pills if she doesn't like the taste. Check with doc. I use these whenever I have problem works great.
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All of the above are good suggestions, but it may be as simple as she may not be taking in enough fluids to keep her hydrated.
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Have her checked immediately fir a Urinary Track Infection. Do it yesterday.
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sometimes cranberry concentrate on a routine basis can keep the burning minimized.
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During the 12 years I took care of my mom, I gave her high-dose cranberry capsules twice per day. The active ingredient is Vitamin C, and whatever her body doesn't use is eliminated in her urine. So no worries about taking too much Vit. C. If we ran out of the cranberry capsules, she would ALWAYS develop a UTI within 2 days. Antibiotics were critically important for her to heal from a UTI. Many elderly people die from not being treated properly or soon enough with a physician-prescribed antibiotic. This is not an exaggeration. Also dehydration causes UTI's. Everyone on here is correct, including the soap thing, but I also think rinsing the area much more thoroughly helps. Kind of like rinsing soap out of your eyes in the shower. You are a wonderful person to take care of your mom the way you do. She is lucky! :-)
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Doctor JC
Statins are now implicated in dementia. It happened to a friend of mine in her 70s. She played squash several times a week, practiced yoga and ate a very healthy diet. Her doctor put her on statin drugs because heart attacks "run in her family" and it would be a good preventative. I watched as sh became increasingly unable to do the most simple things. Her children planned to put her into a memory care home. She quit the statins and now she is back to her old self. Check out this web site for the side effects of statins articles.mercola/sites/articles/archive/2010/07/20/the-truth-about-statin-drugs-revealed.aspx and this one scientificamerican/article/its-not-dementia-its-your-heart-medication/
I would rather have my throat cut than take statin drugs.
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Prior to My Mother being diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2013, I had worked full time for 37 years as a Craftsman at heating & plumbing installations and repairs.
Those Who know Me, and that I'm a full time Caregiver to Mum, still ask Me, OH AM DO YOU GET SOME PLUMBING WORK DONE EVERY DAY, FOR YOURSELF ?? As all Carer's know if You go missing for a short while, there's an immediate May Day call out, ARE YOU THERE ? WHERE ARE YOU ? People outside Our World, think it's a walk in the park. I pray They never discover what it's like to loose Ones freedom, and become a 24/7 Carer. Lots of hugs to All You Carer's out there.
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All great advice. I would definitely go with stop using shampoo for cleaning that area. It's possible she also has yeast infection that causes burning and itching. If she's not keeping herself clean in the vaginal area or just using shampoo you might look into that. sometimes if it's bad enough antibiotics are needed but sometimes you can treat with over the counter Monistat. She probably needs to be seen by her doctor just to be sure or at least start with new body wash (baby wash is gentle and non irritating). If that doesn't work, start with the monistat or dr. appt. Good Luck and God Bless
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Statins would not be the most likely contributor to developing dementia. In fact, it is actuarily quite the opposite. Anything that lessens cardiovascular illness reduces the likelihood of dementia.
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