
I have everything on auto pay for my mom, I see that all her doctor appointments are met, I am getting over Covid and have pneumonia and am on oxygen 24/7 (for now). I have always been very healthy so this has been quite a shock for the family. I spent 6 days in the hospital but made sure I got help to get her to her appointments and her other needs. My daughter brought her to visit today and we looked at her bank statement. She keeps locking herself out of her phone, which I couldn't fix today but could show her on the computer her balances. I ordered socks her doctor said she needed, set up an appointment for tomorrow for her Covid Booster. We had just changed her tv/internet service, but one of the tv's isn't on line and we need to call but she has 2 other tvs. As she was leaving she asked if my husband if he could come over to fix it & I said No not now because he has so much on him between myself and lots of work issues I don't want to ask him as this time. It can wait. As my daughter took her home she told her she didn't know why I yell at her all the time and don't help. That she doesn't like to ask for help. All she does is ask for things and I make sure to provide it. I am having to take some extremely strong ( 6 x strength) steroids until Tuesday then will be on prednisone after that... it is really difficult for me to stay on task (only temporary) but she doesn't understand that I need a little help at this time just for now. She called yesterday at 5:30 pm & said her AC wasn't working it was hot. She got a new one last year. I said call the AC people but it will be tomorrow before they could fix it. Then she text it was cooler. Remembering just the other day she was turning the temp down correctly I called & reminded her she has to hold the button a few seconds til it blinks that nothing was wrong with the AC. I try to be there and have the answers then to turn around & tell my daughter and I'm sure others that I yell and don't help. What am I doing wrong? Tried to set boundaries but I think it is getting worse because I am limited due to being sick and she is tired of me not being there physically for her. Help! I have to get well, but this "stress" is too much. I love her but I just have so much.

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Being the only child and family for my mother, I did and tried to do everything to help her life be better. To the point of sacrificing my life, my marriage, my work to accommodate her and her needs. BUT, nothing was every enough nor good enough. And nothing ever would be. When I got married to the man who is still my husband 36 years later and who care so much about me and has provided a good life for me - my mother complained I didn't marry 'an "important" executive - even though this man helped pay for SOOO much for my mother to help her out (and she knew it). I'd go over and help her 2x a week- take her grocery shopping, doctor appointments, take her out to lunch, etc etc...and yet, and yet, because I wasn't there 4x a week - I didn't care about her. Nothing, absolutely nothing I/we did made her happy.

I/we finally stopped trying and doing so much. When we used to bring her to our home for the holidays - the Christmas tree wasn't decorated right, the holiday meal wasn't to her liking, she didn't like the Christmas music we played, we didn't dress right to celebrate the holidays, the point we finally stopped bringing her over for the holidays.

She complained about how 2x week wasn't enough - o.k. every other week it is then. Complaining that hubby and I are going on a weekend getaway and what will happen if something happens to her and she is in the hospital, etc etc....fine - we no longer told her we were going - we just went.

These types of parents wear you down and out. Maybe subconsciously hoping they can wear you down to the point of least resistance so you will give in every time to their demands and wants (not necessarily needs). At some point, for your own sanity and health, you got to back away and step away.
Helpful Answer (2)

I know a lot of people like to say "it's not the parent, it is the dementia talking". As if that makes it less hurtful. I don't care what the reasons are, it still hurts.

I agree with another are doing TOO MUCH for her. Back it off. Only do what is convenient for you to do. She is going to criticize anyway, might as well give her something to complain about.
Helpful Answer (4)
BurntCaregiver Jul 2023
You are right, Ikdrymom. Dementia being present doesn't make the verbal abuse or villifying less hurtful.

We're all human and when people we love behave badly to us it hurts.
I hope you are well and taking good care of yourself. I had a very bad case of Covid January 2021 and know how it is. You need to put yourself and your health first.

Your mother is trying to guilt-trip you. It's not because you don't "help" her. That word "help" often leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. Especially when it comes from an ingrate senior whose family does everything for them but they have zero gratitude or even respect.

She isn't upset because you have to basically run her life. She's upset because she isn't running your life. She wants you and your husband at her beck and call and by her side 24/7 and that's not happening. She probably wants to live with you or for you to live with her.
She is bored and instead of getting involved in productive socialization, she gets her socialization by complaining about you to anyone who will listen to solicit pity and attention for her.
This little game is called Instigating. Stop playing her games.

You will probably need to do what I did with my mother for a while. Don't help her in any way. She wants to complain and villify you behind your back telling people that you don't help or do anything for her. So give her a taste of what life would be like if what she says about you was true.

Learn these responses and use them for a while.
Do absolutely nothing for her. The AC isn't working right? Since I don't help or do anything for you, don't call me.
The third TV isn't coming on? Not my problem.
Need someone to bring you to an appointment? Call one of the people you villify me to and see if they'll bring you.
Out of ice cream and panicking about it? Call someone else's husband to go running over with some.

Your mother sounds like an ingrate senior brat who needs a little tough love.
So give her some for her own good.

And most importantly. Please take care of yourself. Covid is no joke and you don't need the stress and anxiety your mother is causing you.
Helpful Answer (4)
AlvaDeer Jul 2023
I love what you said here, Burnt:

"She isn't upset because you have to basically run her life. She's upset because she isn't running your life."
How goes your recovery?
Let us hear from you.
Hope you are much improved.
Helpful Answer (4)

You are in a position where you need help and rest. It is time to ask others to substitute for you until you are better. Make a roster of helpers and when mom calls, have one of them help her.

She is most likely not adjusting well to your illness. She probably doesn't even realize how sick you are. Telling or reminding her probably won't work. Just stick to asking others to be your "helpers" for now.
Helpful Answer (1)
BurntCaregiver Jul 2023

I usually agree with you most of the time but not this time. The OP should not ask anyone to be her mother's helpers.

She should force her mother to humble her pride and curb her fussiness and ask others for help herself.

It can be very healthy for a parent/adult child relationship when an adult child stands up for themselves and the senior-brat parent learns a valuable lesson. That they cannot treat their adult child any way they want, or complain and lie about them to others then expect them to come running.
Every caregiver should ask herself, whose life is more important?
Both, we could argue. But Mom can find help.Your life is as important or more important right now!
Helpful Answer (4)

"What am I doing wrong? "

This is what I see you are doing wrong for your physical, mental, and emotional health. You are doing TOO MUCH for your mother. You've now had covid, were hospitalized, and need to rest. Why can't she hire help? Why did you start doing so much for her? Just as your brother decided not to help, SO CAN YOU.

She obviously doesn't appreciate what you do for her.

If I'd been sick like you were, I'd stay away from ANY help for a time. Tell your mother to call your younger brother. What is her financial situation?

Sounds like she needs to be in AL. How long are you planning to prop her up so that she can live "independently"?
Helpful Answer (9)

Wow. I'm so sorry you are going through this. That has to be very difficult and hurtful....

Definitely set boundaries. Maybe even start a day by day spreadsheet of everything you have done for her, even if it is just a phone call...add a column indicating how much time you spent doing this. Next time she says you don't do anything for her, let her see the list, and let her know that if you quit doing what you are doing for her, she will need to either pay for someone else to do it, or go into a home for them to do it for her. Let her know that you are NOT going to give up your future for her present, that you are doing everything you can do without it impacting your job, marriage, and health (well, maybe too late for that, but please try to take care of yourself!), and your limit is about at the end of what you can provide. Of course, if she has dementia, you will have to show her that every time...and it might not make a difference to her, as she might not be able to reason.

If you feel so inclined, you could also show your spreadsheet to others that say you don't do anything for her.

I have a spreadsheet I kept for everything I did for my dad who had dementia, but I kept it more so that I could keep track of dates of things that happened, and what exactly happened.

Remember that often the caregiver passes before the afflicted person, and some have even said that after their LO passed, they never fully regained their take regaining your health seriously!

Lot's of good advice in the responses in the thread. Hopefully some of them will give you some peace &/or ideas to help you cope. Best wishes.
Helpful Answer (5)

TxBebe, how is your recovery coming along?
Helpful Answer (3)

TxBeBe: It is imperative that you take care of yourself, else who will? Perhaps mom now needs managed care facility living.
Helpful Answer (2)

What you're doing wrong is taking her criticism seriously. Tell yourself it's not your mom talking, it's the dementia. She fears all the things she can no longer do for herself and is transferring all that fear into complaints about you. Let it go, keep on keepin' on and get yourself well.
Helpful Answer (4)

Some people are never satisfied, never see/appreciate what's being done for them, and some moms never think a daughter can do anything right. Was she like this when you were growing up? There's not much you can do about such a personality. Stop doing double back flips to please her; the best you can do is ensure she is safe and getting decent nutrition. If her needs have exceeded your capacity that is not a crime, it's a reality that requires a change of gameplan. People like your mom cannot even conceive of boundaries; they often take any needs/limitations of others as an insult or betrayal. If any degree of dementia is in the picture they cannot be reasoned with. The stress will be detrimental to your health, slow down/complicate your healing; take care of yourself and know you've gone above and beyond already.
Helpful Answer (9)
Agnes17 Jul 2023
Thank you
See 1 more reply
Oh my. That is my mom with me. I am the only one of my sisters who helps, and I do everything but according to her it is not enough, “everyone tells her how horrible I am to her and that I do nothing for her (I manage her meds, her appointments and drive her to them, her personal needs, grocery store and work full time as well but im
a horrible nasty person who doesn’t help her at all). She has accused me of sexual relationships with my dad, told me my tears repulse her when I cried after the last hospitalization for PRES (I found her and administered CPR until first responders arrived which was really scary to have to do) and constantly critiques me, mocks my career and tells me how much she loves my sisters but “isn’t sure that she loves me and DEFINITELY didn’t want to
have me but her birth control failed”.
I have spent the last four years helping, trying to make her happy and ensuring she lives the best life she can. I have been cut off by friends, family doesn’t come around because they don’t want to be asked to help or take time out of their days, but I “don’t help her and think only of myself and my own wants”. If only I had a dime for every time she says and has said that to me.
i think that there are just people who are genuinely not nice. I get tired of people who say “you need to
understand how hard it is for her…” because she doesn’t not understand how hard it is for me. She is intentionally hurtful and I don’t care why anymore. I love her but I know she doesn’t love or like me (friends have told me she treated me this way for years and I just didn’t see it) and have engaged social services because I can’t take anymore. I tell you all this because you need to remember that you have the right to choose you, your peace of mind and to spend your time around those who appreciate it and walk away from those who don’t. Don’t let it go as long as I have where you become a shell of a person with a hurt little girl trapped inside that will never heal.
Helpful Answer (7)
Santalynn Jul 2023
One phrase jumped out "I tried to make her happy" ...we cannot make another person happy. They are either the 'happy' types, or they are somewhere on the scale of Happy-to-Miserable, and some of the Miserables like it that way: playing the Victim. Some people Are victims, but to take well-intentioned help from a sincere person without doing your part shows pure selfishessness, and possible Narcissism. Let yourself off the hook. My mom's own sister told me, after witnessing my mom tearing into me over something trivial, "We have watched this situation for years; my sister has been jealous of you from the day they brought you home (I was adopted from one branch of my dad's family to his); hang on until you can leave home safely." In other words, my aunt was saying to not 'run away' tho many kids do under similar circumstances. A Child is not supposed to 'make a parent happy'...a child is supposed to do their growing up in the household of a parent who is mature and takes parenting seriously.
You need to stop doing for her so she can see how “little” you really do
Helpful Answer (9)

Mom needs to move to Assisted Living, period . exclamation point ! She is not living independently. Your mother will not change except for the worse. At the rate she is going, she will outlive you.
Helpful Answer (8)

I think you’re doing great, you set a boundary and she hit up against it and complained a little. You’re taking it harder bc you don’t feel well and doing your best.

When you’re up and around again, don’t be such a Johnny on the spot, she’s expecting everything pronto and that’s just not a realistic way to live.

You got Covid forgodzakes, everyone has to manage their expectations, even Mom.
Helpful Answer (8)

Things changed for you when you got sick and for her, too. Since daughter was driving her around, couldn't she also help out with checking on things like the AC thermostat? And assist with the TV that isn't working?

She may have 2 other TV's, but as people age they focus on stuff like that because it needs a repair. She has all day to sit and think about what needs to be done. It can be frustrating to those assisting, but maybe the daughter could alleviate some of the tasks that you handled before getting ill.
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If she has Dementia, then she CAN'T comprehend all of the things that you are doing, especially if she cannot SEE them being done, because you are doing the tasks from your sickbed.

You may have to temporarily get a caregiver for her (and maybe, you).
Helpful Answer (7)

Assisted living
Helpful Answer (6)

You aren't really believing that you have been a bad person, are you?
I know when you do SO MUCH and you wear yourself to the core, you have to think of yourself first and it's not being selfish.
I'm glad you have a family that can help you out.
When a person can't work out simple solutions (AC buttons/ phone/finances/ meds) there's definitely a progressive mental health issue that needs more care then you can handle. You can't do it all and it wears you down to the point of frustration, going from family member to caregiver is not easy. You begin to feel like a stranger without the love and appreciation you used to get but they can't help themselves, they demand more.
You're doing everything for her that you can! Stop beating yourself up and get better!
You need to do what it takes to make you happy.
Helpful Answer (5)

You’re not doing anything wrong. She knows you do everything for her, but when she doesn’t get what she needs exactly when she wants it it registers to her as being ignored or not prioritized. And since you’re her “go to” person, she doesn’t understand or remember why you’re not there now. Despite what many others will tell you, let it go and try not to hold it against her. I find the elderly have no idea of the stress and commitments we currently have because they never had them! What you might try is tell your Mom you are sick right now without telling her all the details, which she won’t remember. Just tell her you have a fever (simple excuse she will understand) and keep delegating as much as you can. Once you’re back on track, you can be more hands on - but if it will really be longer term, think about hiring someone part time to keep her company. She will complain at first, but if you have a good fit, she will eventually embrace her new friend and you will have a lot more peace of mind.
Helpful Answer (5)
Fawnby Jul 2023
So true! Their elders died instead of living well into their nineties and losing their minds.
Sounds like time for possibly considering other care arrangements for your mother . Such as ALF or something else that has staff to help her. As you are realizing, your health is fragile and, after all,what would happen if God forbid, you died ? Who's going to step in ? For your well being, use this time as a wake up call to address the reality of your needs . Sounds like your mother could be exhibiting selfish, controlling, attention seeking, guilt provoking among other intentional or unintentional behaviors also.
Helpful Answer (5)

Take care of yourself first.
sounds like dementia. So, its not you, it’s not her, it’s her diseased brain.
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I don’t know if you mentioned in some other post if your mother has always been this way. If she hasn’t or if she’s gotten measurably worse, it really could be dementia setting in. You can’t really reason with someone about responsibilities, stress, consideration, when they have dementia. Depending on the person, and where in the brain, there is deterioration, the part that recognizes not to impose too much on people may be lost. You need to determine what her needs are, whether she truly can live independently anymore, and what kind of help would fit your situation and her personality best. It’s easy to assume that she’s just selfish, but truly some of the deterioration that comes with dementia happens so gradually, that may not be the case. I don’t know your mother, so I can’t say. Some of this depends on what she can afford, and what kind of help she’s likely to best accept. It is great if you can have some buy in from her, but that may not be possible - in that case you just have to say this is how it’s going to be. Best of luck, with some research word of mouth and digging you should be able to find the right fit for you so that you don’t get so sick anymore and you can get some of your life back.
Helpful Answer (2)

Like the others said,
It may be time for assisted living for mom .
When I was in your shoes my wise friend told me ,
“Mom gets what she needs , not what she wants. “

You are doing too much and it sounds as if Mom needs more daily attention which she will get in assisted living.

Mom will still try to have you coming for every little thing. You have to set boundaries .

“I’m still recuperating mother”.
“ that won’t be possible today mother “.
“ Ring your bell for the staff to help with that “
“ the facility takes care of that “
“ you are paying for services there, get your money’s worth and have the staff do it “.

Take care of yourself . You are in worse shape than your mother is.
Helpful Answer (10)

We all “ have just so much”! My mother was similar many years ago. I finally had to hire help& she tried to fire all of them. I then told her that some of the help she needed would be provided by others - that’s how it is; if you fire anyone, you’re without that help. < It was the last straw for me> and it worked. Hard to do but necessary.
Helpful Answer (7)

I can tell you love your mother and sometimes we have to make a decision to tell them "no" at times. You are not doing anything wrong not at all. First, please take care of yourself because you are getting sick from the stress. I would recommend you take breaks a week or two from your mother. Delegate other family members to help or if possible a caregiver. This is too much for you to do alone and continue to tell her no for things that can wait.
Helpful Answer (3)

Take care of yourself before mom. Believe it or not, there are people your mom's age who don't require help at all. They figure things out for themselves, don't put undue strain on family relationships, and count their blessings.

She seems to have decline of various sorts. She probably needs assisted living. (Note: The "assist" in assisted living shouldn't be you.)

Once I was in a situation where the relative I was caring for was hassling me something like your mom. I thought I had to put up with it out of respect, they're weak now, they're this and that, etc. We can fool ourselves into thinking strange things in such circumstances. Then a friend said, "Why don't you just tell him to sit down and shut up?"

It had never occurred to me, and it would have shocked him into silence. I still regret not doing it.

But you could.
Helpful Answer (13)

Not sure if Mom is self-centered but she is 87 and there is some decline going on. Independent living means you do it all yourself. She should be getting 3 meals a day and going to the dining room to eat. There should be a van service for appts and shopping. Entertainment and outings. I would set her heating and AC and have a plastic cover put on the thermostat so she can't get to the controls.

I think this is a good time to have Mom evaluated for an Assisted Living. Make the facility aware of what you do for her and the little things she cannot do for herself.

If you have been hospitalized for COVID and pneumonia, your recuperation is going to take awhile. You are not going to have the energy to keep ur own house up let alone Moms. I don't think hearing it from you "Mom I just can't help u" its going to need to come from your DH or ur daughter. "Mom is not going to be able to be here for you. And it may be for a long time, You need to do it yourself or call maintenance." Does she get her apt cleaned as part of her rent? If not then she will need to pay for someone to come in. If Mom cannot understand this, then she is either self-centered or is declining cognitively. If mental decline, definitely Assisted living.

You hollering at her. She probably thinks that you saying no to her demands is hollering. Being firm with her is hollering. And what does ur daughter say when Mom complains?
Helpful Answer (4)

Your mother has become dependent on you and you have helped to create that by doing too many things for her.

You say that your mother is complaining now that you are ill and cannot function well enough to jump when she says "jump. Your direct quote:
" All she does is ask for things and I make sure to provide it."
That says it all.
It is very unreasonable, when that has been your attitude, to now expect your mother to have any "boundaries".

In order for things to change it is time for an honest, gentle talk with mother.
FIRST you and your husband sit and talk; make point by point notes together.
THEN you sit TOGETHER with mom and you go over point by point what you WILL help with, and what you WILL NOT. You will tell her she is now too dependent on you and that you accept that you created that. You will tell her that you have reached your limit, and that she will have now to hire some help or consider moving to a place that can care for her. You will tell her that you do not intend to be her caregivers in age.

You will then hand your mother a list of things you will do for her. For instance you will pay and monitor bills (you should be POA to do this and should be added to her accounts as financial POA). You will help her once a week in making and attending appointments, etc. You will shop with her one time a week. And so on.

Stop doing things for your mother that she can do herself. Learn to recognize what she can no longer do for herself and begin honest assessments of how long/how much you can go on with accepting more responsiblity for her care.

Resolve NEVER to even temporarily bring her into your home (and tell her in this meeting that you will not) because that day spells pretty much the end of your own lives.

Only you can gently and honestly discuss this. Once you descend into reactive "yelling" you have already lost the battle. If you ever dealt with teens you know this is true.

I wish you the best. Your mom has been trained by you in her expectations. She won't be easily retrained. You will have to understand your own limitations and gently set and insist on them.
Helpful Answer (16)

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