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Just looked up "" It has a lot of easily readable informations about what Medicare does and does not cover.
One thing i would mention is that when they want to admit you or keep you overnight make sure it is a proper admission to the hospital not just for "observation" as this means you may incur additional charges.

rp1971 most nursing homes /rehabs ( often the same thing) usually have a contract with a pharmacy and get regular deliveries of their medications. Your Aunt being asked to pick something up was probably a way to get the antibiotics started as soon as possible.
My problem was as a hospice nurse every pharmacy within 50 miles closed at 8pm. A couple od very kind pharmacists allowed us to call them at any time and they would open the store. Not true for the large chains. Trying to get drugs out of a hospital pharmacy at night was like pulling teeth even though there was a pharmacist available.
Two things for a successful hospital visit are to have someone with you preferably with healthcare experience but if not a clear head and thump on the desk till some thing happens. I have experienced very good and horrible experiences in various hospitals and it does not matter if they are teaching hospitals or not.far as early discharge is concerned you do have the option to question the advisability of this at the time of discharge.

As far as discharge is concerned. if you feel it is too soon you do have the oportunity to question the advisability at the time. ice we nwwded to see the resident and she told the nurse she had seen me twice that day and there was no need. Hubby said "She's coming even if i have to drag her out of that break room myself" She came!!
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RP, there are so many standards, guidelines and who knows what issued by Medicare. It might be that the sepsis had reached a certain level of control, and at that stage it was determined that further curing could take place by antibiotics, outside of a hospital setting.

When I had a stroke earlier this year, I wasn't even admitted to the hospital; I was just held on observational status. I always thought a stroke was pretty severe, enough to at least justify admission. Guess not.
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What Medicare regulation did they cite?

In general, when someone tells you there is a rule of some sort, it's always good to ask to see the written version of that rule, or to ask to speak to their supervisor about it.
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How long was she in the hospital? Was she only overnighted for 'observation' and not actually admitted into the hospital? If she was admitted on 'observation', then I believe she cannot stay long in the hospital.

I remember my bedridden mom was admitted into the hospital. They spent 3 days, all kinds of testing to find her problem. On day 3, the doctors Told my dad that they're releasing mom. My dad asked what was the problem. Oh, they don't know. They gave her all kinds of IV antibiotics to cover as much as they could. My dad actually refused them to release mom without a diagnosis. He asked the doctor point-blank. Did you even test her urine for UTI? ... Silence .... Doctor will get back to Dad. Well, mom had UTI and in the 3 days she was in the hospital, they did all those tests except for that one basic test. I do know that every time my mom or dad got released from the hospital, the doctors always told me that it was very important that I get them to see their regular doctor within 30 days... something to do with Medicare.
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My dad just got diagnosed with severe UTI in ER Friday night. Sent home after 4 hours waiting and wsiting, given a shot of antibiotic and prescription for Levoquin (sp.)?

Sociol worker was there to talk Medicare Mumbo jumbo confusing
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My experience was just the opposite!

My Mom and I went to the ER ... and it was confirmed that she had a uti.
They wanted to keep her over night which sounded fine to us.  It was already midnight..we had waiting for over 8 hours to be was exhausted.
Next day, they were going to keep her for an additional day...I requested to speak to the Doc ... never heard from him all day!
On the next day I demanded to speak to the Doc. The hospital was changing her meds, and bringing in various therapist. What was going on??

On day 3 I was plenty mad...demanded answers...would not shut up till I got them. Stood right at the nurses station and said I wasn't leaving till I spoke with the Doc......then, a nurse manager came to me and said that Mom was entering hospice!!! What???
Mom has dementia...she can't just signup for hospice. Plus, this made no sense. What diagnoses makes her eligible for one would answer that! But, it so totally thru me for a loops...I wasn't thinking straight for a day.

On day 5, after I recovered from the shock...I realized they never answered any questions. I stood in the hallway outside of the room and yelled! Get the attending Doc here. I will not stop until He get ps here to answer my questions. Turned out Doc was a woman.

I got no answers. Just double talk. I helped mom get dressed...and she was down the hall and in the elevator in a flash. I told the Doc...think you better discharge her...she is already running down the hall to get away from you people!

Never got any answers. Never got any explaination from the hospital. Complained in writing to every agency. Still do not know what they were doing to her

I think the truth is that the hospital saw a way to drain medicare and the supplemental insurance....the diagnosis was : superior health care payments

She had two massive bruises on her shoulder and hip when she got home!  
Perhaps they were hiding something?
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Where was mom discharged- to a facility or to home? How is she doing ?

There is a Medicare bill of rights that one can try to appeal the discharge- were you given an opportunity to speak with a social worker or the discharge planner ?

My mom was discharged at 10 pm recently since her vein collapsed and she wouldn't let them start a new IV before I got there - the elderly and especially the demented don't do well in a hospital
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Bella7, I found out very recently that Medicare has drastically cut back on a lot of coverage.. that they're no longer covering. Through Medicare, when mom and then dad became bedridden, Medicare covered the monthly rent for their hospital bed, portable commode, wheelchair, etc... Recently, I was at the medical home supply store and overheard them telling a client that Medicare no longer covers this and that. I was so surprised. After he left, I asked her about it. Yep, she said that Medicare has cut back on a lot of coverage. AND she said that all the local medical insurance have changed their coverage to Only Cover the same items that Medicare will cover. So, if Medicare no longer covers, example, a wheelchair, then the local insurance also no longer covers wheelchair. So, I asked her, if the local insurance is following exactly like Medicare, why would anyone need a secondary insurance to 'supposedly' cover what Medicare doesn't cover? She just shook her head... I'm thinking, now that you mentioned the same thing about your dad, that Medicare must have made changes on hospital coverage ... I think it's best if you go online to their website and try to figure out these changes... I'm not surprised, though. The past and current federal administration have been talking about doing away with Medicare or cutting back funding for it. I guess we're now seeing the results of these federal cutbacks.
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Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately I was not present bc I live 150 miles away and my aunt, my mom's sister, as well as her other siblings live near. I spoke with a discharge nurse and she told me her urine culture was clear. She was discharged to a rehab facility. Later that night my aunt received a call stating Mom still had a uti and needed antibiotics she needed to pick them up at the pharmacy. These are the people who said Mom was good to go. I see this happens quite often. I am on the phone a lot when I am not with her. It seems doctors avoid family. I, too, have had to push to talk to someone. Very disappointing.
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RP, in my experience the rehab facility has an established relationship with a pharmacy and typically keeps antibiotics in stock. Perhaps it didn't have the specific one the hospital prescribed, but typically the staff or visiting doctor would be consulted and could prescribe another with similar characteristic.

To tell a patient's daughter to go out and get antibiotics is unheard of in my experience. The only thing I've brought has been nitroglycerin, b/c it hasn't been prescribed in the hospital, so I brought ours to the rehab center.

As a precaution, watch for other odd things this rehab facility does. It doesn't sound like a top notch place to me.

Katie, has the hospital you referred to been acquired by a for-profit corporation? Was it previously a nonprofit? If it's now owned by a profit company, you can expect changes which don't benefit the patient, as well as a different level of service.

I saw that when ours was acquired; first came the lay-offs, then cutbacks on services. I noticed one time that all the staff in the ER were wearing sweat jackets and the ER was atypically cold. Another cutback - turning down the thermostat.

When I've had problems during a stay, I contacted the hospital administrator and that worked. You could also contact the charge nurse first, to document your way up the authority ladder.

Still, the treatment you experienced is inexcusable, but it doesn't surprise me. And again, the first thing I thought of was that corporate HQ is calling the shots, not the medical staff.
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