
We have tried to talk to her about this, but she acts like there is no problem. She says she doesn't want to be treated like an old lady, but she seems to have trouble with normal tasks. Her house is quite a mess and nobody wants to visit there. I thought about calling the board of health, but my husband won't allow it (he helps mom with bill paying and other paperwork since she loses and forgets things easily). He is worried about offending her, i think. As you can see, this matter (as well as residual issues) keeps me up at night.

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stick that little crap factory down the garbage disposal when noone is looking. nonhousebroken animals indoors are as unsanitary as they are disgusting.
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does mom have dementia? Tell us more about her. She probably needs help with many things some of which are obvious, like the dog, but others you haven't even guessed. You should start with taking her to her doctor, and then have a geriatric assessment done. Who has her POA's? If that hasn't been done, I would take care of that immediately.
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71 isn't all that old. Maybe she has a hoarder type personality. If you can talk to your husband, explain that what his mom is doing ill cause her health to decline and is actually a danger to others, if there are other houses near by.
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I think she shows some signs, but her dr. Seems to think she is ok? I tried to talk to her dr a few years ago about her confusion, but i dont think anything is coming of it. My wonderful dad died five years ago and he did EVERYTHING for her. She has been helpless and needy all of her life. Having children was an obligation to her and she showed little interest in being our mother. I am now guardian of my disabled sister and my other sister lives in Britain.
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I read that your mother has depression. People with depression often feel overwhelmed by the smallest of tasks. Is she being treated for the depression? It sounds to me like she could benefit from having someone to help her during the day. Talk to her about bringing in a housekeeper that would do things like clean house and take the dog out for walks. The dog also probably does not want to use the bathroom inside, but it can only hold it for so long.

Dogs can be "litter box" trained. Having a potty station may be a big relief to the dog when no one is available to take him out when Nature calls. If your mother is not able to take care of the dog, it may be best to re-home him with someone more capable.

I wish your mother would take the dog out more. If he was house-broken in the past, it may be all that the dog needs to stop his indoor-pooping ways. Her taking him out would help her with her depression and the dog in being able to stay in his home.
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The happiest day in my life will be when My Mother "forgets" she has this damn dog. He pees and shits everywhere, including, and mostly on the freakin kitchen table! I hate it so much, but love Mom even more. This is, by far, the hardest part of my care taking duties. (Doodys, would have been a better pun)
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Boni there are sprays you can get to discourage dog indoors. Door you see him do it. if so keep a can of compressed air at hand and squirt it in his direction he will hate that. you could also try putting him in diapers
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Tried the sprays, did not work. I NEVER catch him in the act, or I would use a squirt bottle. I've tried everything including tacks on the table. Heres a question for capt...the garbage disposal sounds messy. How can I snuff him and make it look "natural"? Just kidding you fanatical animal lovers!!!!! LOL!
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I have tried hard to arrange a cleaning lady for her, but she keeps turning them down. My sister came in for her yearly visit at christmas and tried to work with the dog outside, however my mom will not continue this. My sister tried to clean for her as well, bit some tasks require industrial help. I have my own home and 3 kids to take care of, as well as a bad back (I had surgery for the spine in November). She thinks she is too "young" for a retirement village type setting (with independent living progressing to assisted/etc...
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