
She has a four poster bed and had me put a mattress cover over the top of her bed and a fitted sheet on one side. I've closed the vent completely, and there is no water source above her head other than a sprinkler in case of fire. And it's very secure. When she lived alone the neighbor above her was stalking her and he was ordered to move.

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Also consider the possibility she might be overmedicated. When this happens, it's easy for the thin membrane between reality and fantasy to become blurred. Here's an example:

While on morphine after major surgery back over 10 years ago, I'd be raising my hands to snatch the frigging parakeets flying and sh___ng on my face. Since my mouth was wired shut, I'd be writing down messages for the nurses: "Call animal control;" "Do you know it's illegal to have pets in an IC unit?;" "Wipe this parakeet dung from my face;" "Do you see them flying all over the ceiling?" ... Are you blind?" ... How come I see them but you don't?" Things on the wall were moving, oxygen lines turned to snakes. Was I demented? It looked like it.

Whatever medications she's on, research the side effects.
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I don't have an answer, but wanted to say how awful it would be to think that water is being sprayed on you. It is very real to the person experiencing it.
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Realistically, It sounds like a type of neuropathy of her sensory nerves. Sometimes brought on by taking certain meds for a while, like flagyll.
I agree with Chicago; she believes it to be real.
Metaphysically, there are phenomena occurring on the planet that we cannot be sure of. Like when you see things in your room at night as a child? Everyone tells you that you are imagining it? Maybe not. Compassion and sensitivity, always:)xo
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Poor Mom! Something is causing the sensation of water on her skin. Her brain is misfiring in some way. Whether that is an early indication of dementia or something else entirely is not for us to guess. I am certainly glad you are taking her to the doctor about this.

Mom is lucky to have you looking out for her!

If you have time, please come back and keep us updated. We learn from each other.
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For some people, the complaints and reports of harassment may just be attention getters...some people just never outgrow this. Still, they can be caused by disease, medications, illnesses, etc. How can you ever really know? I don't have the answers, either. Just a lot more questions.
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Its possible these might be some early symptoms of dementia. How old is your mother? My dad (diagnosed with Alzheimer's but I'm becoming more sure that its Lewy Body) has never complained of having water sprinkled on him. He does, however, frequently insist that there are puddles of water on the floor and that there must be a drip or leak coming from somewhere. Normally this happens in the bathroom or the kitchen. He sees the water, but when I ask him to bend down and touch it, he admits that he can't feel it. Does your mom actually feel the water hitting her, or does she see it?
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From what I understand, hallucinations are more a part of Lewy Body Dementia than Alzheimer's. BUT has there been a change in medication? Does she have a UTI? Read what you can about any meds she is taking. One of these may be causing her problems, but do get her to a doctor WITH WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION of what is happening. The more precise information you can provide, the easier the doctor will be able to properly diagnose your Mom's problem. My husband was hearing things and was displaying paranoia. He is on new medication which has helped a lot. Good luck!
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Sounds kinda odd, but since the upstairs neighbor was stalking your mother and ordered to leave??? is it not possilbe that somehow the neighbor got water on your mom, could it be possible to start a sprinkler from above her head from the apartment's above floor being heated to a point of starting the sprinkler downstairs?
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during the early part of the disease, although none of us knew it was alzheimer's, my mom reported that the downstairs neighbor was squirtting water onto my moms condo reported this many time...when i visited i couldn't see any hoses of anything of course..there were some other odd reports as well
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Sorry, I should have said that I have felt this sensation, myself, from taking certain meds. I was told by the doctor that neuropathy could be caused by this. I did not mean to infer that I was guessing what was wrong with your Mother.
Thank you, Jeanne, for gently reminding me of how I said that:)
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