
I am terrified to even go My mom is declining fast under a guardian court appointed against her will. They are trying to portray me as evil. I am terrified to even go see her. What can I do? The judge was manipulated by their lies about my mom. I need to bring her home. Help?

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Susan, who are "they" -- the people trying to portray you as evil and who manipulated the judge? What was their motivation to do that? Did you attend the court hearing? Is the guardian a professional -- a stranger to your mom -- or a relative?

Your profile says your mom is in a nursing home. What are her impairments? For example, can she walk? Does she have dementia?

When you say you want to bring her home, do you mean to her house or to yours?

Were you her caregiver before the guardian was appointed?

I am sorry for this barrage of questions, but we can respond more helpfully if we understand the situation a little better.
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Judges make decisions based on hard evidence. They could care less about whining relatives who criticize your care. If you violate the court order that placed her in a nursing home, you go to jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200, just straight to jail or the psych ward (Judge's option.)
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Did you give your side of the story at the hearing? Why did they think you would not make an appropriate guardian? Did you have an attorney? Did your mother contest having any guardian or just the one that was selected?

I might consult with an attorney and get legal advice to see if you have any remedies. Sometimes cases can be reviewed, depending on the circumstances. Until then, I'd get a copy of the Order, if one is in place, and go by it. I'd follow what the Guardian said, since they are now in charge.

Is your mom in the same place as she was before? How is what the Guardian doing making her decline? Sometimes, people who are elderly, sick or have dementia decline as a normal course of their condition.
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