
This is a long story :). My elderly mother has chronic pain caused by severe arthritis and refractory restless leg syndrome. Her pain is intense and she will jerk for hours trying to get comfortable. Until recently, she was prescribed opioids that helped control this and was the most effective treatment she has ever had. She has a long history of this for over thirty years and has been to every specialist or had every test you can imagine. Due to recent law changes and public outcry over the opioid epidemic her doctors have severely decreased her pain meds. She is living in utter hell right now and is losing the will to live because of this pain. I have communicated this to the doctors to no end and they continue with the decreases. She has been to the pain clinic, neurology, orthopedics, sleep studies, rheumatology, etc. How do I help her? Should I file a lawsuit or complaint against the clinic? She can barely walk she is in so much pain and has never abused her medication. I fall asleep listening to her crying, wake up to her crying and hear her crying throughout the day. Please help.

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Bless her heart! If you haven't, please check with her Rheumatologist about getting her started on a biologic drug. Enbrel has worked miracles for me and I just had my mother in for the same problem - they're checking on coverage for her. Although I don't believe Medicare will cover her for the Enbrel, they will cover the cost of Cimzia (and others) although she will have to go in to the doctors office for the shot. If she can get the same relief as me, then a once a month trip for a shot will be well worth it! A possibility here, anyway...
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Sorry to hear about the severity of your mom's pain.  I pray that the CBD oil will help.  Also wanted to recommend the Richway Biomat.  They are not cheap but we had one given to us by my in-laws as a gift (they are in their mid-90s now).  We have since purchased a second one so we can both use one.  I recommend them to anyone that has a chronic issue.  My neighbor has neuropathy and swears by it (she can feel her feet again), since she purchased hers.  She has recommended and bought them for friends.   I AM NOT a sales person for them.  I receive no benefit from my endorsement.  This mat is like a heating pad on steroids.  It contains amethyst and tourmaline precious stones.  (To those naysayers, I say, "try it").  I have a 17-year old cat who sits on it with me.  She shows now signs of arthritis and runs around like a kitten.  I have recommended it to a number of friends and people in the healthcare profession.  Everyone that has one and uses it regularly swears by it.  Best part--money-back guarantee.  Get the real deal, make sure it's Richway International.  We have the biomat minis, but you will want to speak with a distributor about what would be best for your mom specifically.  Plus after viewing their website, it may be confusing.  Hope the best for you finding a solution/s with managing your mom's pain.  Not everything works for everybody, but there are many options out there, beyond the "norm".
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Thank you for all the responses. I just ordered some CBD oil to try that. She was seeing a pain management doctor but they got a new doctor for the clinic who took everyone off their meds. Her primary doctor states that this is happening every where. I have thought about taking her into the ER but she never wants to go when she is in pain. It's so hard for her to walk. She has tried holistic approaches in the past and they just weren't helpful to her. This pain is something she's been struggling with for over thirty years and she tried everything the doctors recommended along the way. She is retired, in pain, her life expectancy can't be more than five years, I just don't see why they are making her spend those years in pain.
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rovana Oct 2018
The DEA has to keep their jobs so now they are persecuting doctors who are realistic about pain control.  Some people need opioids - this is not evil, not abuse, but perfectly justifiable.  But doctors are scared to take on the DEA - and let's face it, how many of their agents are doctors themselves?  So physicians basically say: "What must we do to keep you off our backs? After all our licenses are at risk."  So, we see the rise in use of heroin. People dying from contaminated street drugs.  On and on. One thing that I believe would really help: universal medical coverage.  Yes!
Many times, people can get help for pain through other ways than opioid use - but it costs money for treatment and they have no insurance.  If you could help  most people deal with pain other than through drugs, then maybe the DEA could be told to do something useful for a change, and the few people who need opioids could get them without a lot of nonsense.  The problem would seem manageable and could be dealt with. But when all you have is street drugs to help you, then of course the people in charge get all panicked.
The trouble is, I think, mixing medical practice with the law enforcement mentality.  Same problem with local cops - too often they think like the military in hostile territory and their mission is to control the locals, not preserve the community.   Some people just have to control things, just have to meddle in what would better be left alone.
Drug use is basically a medical problem; criminalizing it has just caused more evil than leaving it to the doctors.
Sorry, but that "doTerra essential oils" doesn't pull up from when I posted it yesterday. You can try to pull up their website by googling it yourself.
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Try ~ "doTerra essential oils." My cousin sells these non pharmaceutical products.
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Not sure if this hasn't been suggested but try Hospice. The critera changed a few years back and Mom may qualify. They have to keep Mom pain free.
Helpful Answer (4)

Chronic Pain Patient here - you definitely need a specialist that handles pain, not a GP. I would call Hospice first, as your Mother would probably qualify. They can provide all the pain medicine she needs. It’s not just for patients who have 6 months or less to live any more.

Another option is a Pain Management Doctor. They are not as limited by the new rules, as other doctors are.

If you are near a teaching hospital, that might be an option too. Their Rheumatology Department would be able to help you Mom.

While you are trying to get her seen, take her to the ER if the pain gets too bad. I hope your Mom has relief from her pain soon.
Helpful Answer (2)

Personally I use Black Cumin Seed Oil -

Apply to skin as a topical to ease pain
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Please Google : Best CBD Oil Salves for Pain -

is better than opioids, but do your own Due dligence, this will help !!
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Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! This has to be so horrible. :-(

First of all I am PRAYING for you and your Mom. If you are a believer....lay your hands on her and pray! Second of all, My Mother in Law was in extreme pain due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. She did not want to rely on Opioids so she started on TUMERIC supplements and CBD Oil. She feels SO much better it's incredible! Please Try it!!
Helpful Answer (3)
paulalovescats Oct 2018
Oh, praying. The placebo effect helps, sometimes up to 50%, so doing nothing is certainly worth trying.
Please also look into using CBD oil to help ease the pain (marijuana). It can be provided in gel pill form or also oil which can be administered topically or by mouth. I've had several friends with severe arthritis, who had been carefully using opiods to control the pain - no abuse or over use. When they started using CBD oil, they found their pain was better controlled and the cut back on opiods from their doctors didn't cause a problem with pain control. If this is an available option in your state, I would give ti a try. Just insure there is no, or barely a trace of THC - it's the THC that causes a marijuana "high". Best of luck.
Helpful Answer (5)

I would like to suggest possibly another doctor. My mother lives in constant pain as well and her doctor is giving her all the pain pills she wants I have so much morphine in the house it’s ridiculous
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Opiate issue is just like the gun issue, it's not the thing ( gun, opiates, _______ fill in the blank) it's the law breakers. I have lived on pain meds for the past 20 + years due to 3 failed back surgeries. At the beginning of this year, my meds were cut by 30% over a 2 month period. I have never had a negative(bad) urine test (every month for the past 5 years, every quarter for about 5 years before that and random the first 10) I have never ran out of my meds and called the Dr begging for more, I've never lost or had my meds stolen.

I am not one of the "problem" patients. But because of them I am being punished. No laws or rules are going to stop the criminals. But the laws will damage many good productive people. I have been the primary caretaker for my wife for the past 13 years until her 4th stroke Nov 2017 when I had to send her to a SNF, I still visit her every day. I've missed 6 days since last Nov. I would not be able to do this with the help of my pain meds, even reduced as low as the pain specialist dares go.
Helpful Answer (10)
rovana Oct 2018
You are so right!  Why should the lawbreakers cause all this trouble - this is and always was a MEDICAL issue, not a law enforcement employment opportunity.  We should consider disbanding the DEA - they have caused more trouble than they have prevented.  You talk about street drug dangers - you are right, SO why not allow people to have pharmaceutical grade safe options?  Check out how Portugal handles drug use - a real eye opener and little or no violence related to drugs. I think there is too much of this "we have to control people" law enforcement thinking. And they are almost never actually doctors. Like what do they know about medicine?
I hate to hear people are suffering like this. Pain can be absolutely debilitating .
Has anyone mentioned working with a Holistic Doctor? Things like acupuncture. Also Mindfulness therapy, learning how to Breathe through the pain. This one sounds a bit strange but it's similar to childbirth breathing.

Some other thoughts
Can she go to a pain clinic to get daily injections
If she was in assisted living she would most likely get the pain meds she needs.
Will medicare send someone to the home and give her shots
Elder Abuse Law - Look into this because I think it would fall under it. Start with Department of Social Services. They will lead you to the correct attorney.
If the clinic is refusing to give the pain meds, change Clinics, Doctors etc.
Helpful Answer (6)
paulalovescats Oct 2018
Acupuncture is useless woo, but the placebo effect works sometimes.
I work with a lady who has arthritis and chronic back and neck pain as well as some anxiety and depression. She wants to get off the pain meds and has started using Hemp oil aka CBD oil. She has had almost immediate relief and cut back tremendously on the pain meds. The brand is Charlottes Web (or Webb) and you will need to do a little research on dosing. The pain clinic was all for it. Please look into it. This Hemp oil has zero or trace amounts of THC so it will not cause a “high”.
If my Mom was still with us I would use it for her pain from Lung Ca., dementia and anxiety for sure.
best of luck to you and prayers for your Mom
Helpful Answer (7)
AT1234 Oct 2018
I started to suggest this too. As long as it’s “hemp” I think it’s legal check first. A friend in my moms prev AL was using it made a huge diff in her pain. Google it, I found one but haven’t bought any. My moms pain meds have just been completely stopped I wonder if this is part of the reason why?
See 1 more reply
If she can't get the continued prescriptions, I'd explore what is available to her. I might consult with a psychiatrist to address her depression. There are daily meds for depression that also treat pain, like Cymbalta. That med helped my LO who was disabled due to arthritis, when she got dementia. I might also explore other meds for arthritis. Another cousin, on the other side of my family suffers with severe arthritis too. She takes weekly injections. I'm not sure of the details. She says the injections help a lot. They are not for pain, but, actually treating the condition. They are quite expensive, but, for some, covered by insurance.

I have yet another family member who has a very serious spine condition in which the pain is constant and indescribable. She has metal rods in her back and needs another surgery. Doctors are weaning her off the pain meds. She is very scared and opposed to this, but, they haven't given her much choice.

Last week I saw a story about the doctors who were sent to prison for many years for over prescribing pain meds. So, I think that would get my attention, if I was a doctor.

My primary doctor's office has a sign that says that do NOT prescribe any narcotic pain pills.

I hope you can find some help. For a senior in pain.....I wish there was help. I'd seek a Hospice consult.
Helpful Answer (4)
Violet28 Oct 2018
Thank you. The depression is caused by the pain. Some of the other arthritis meds or procedures are so dangerous that I don't want her taking them. I know the opioids are considered dangerous but they seem the lesser of two evils in a lot of cases. A hospice consult is a good idea.
Is there a rehab facility with an arthritic water exercise class nearby? Or a health club with a warm water therapy pool? If so and your mother's health allows, I suggest getting her into the class. The water supports body weight so joints can be eased through a good range of motion. The warm water also improves circulation and reduces inflammation. It can even reduce swelling in the knees and lower legs with compression since water pressure increases with water depth. Rehab and therapy pools usually have a ramp or easy steps with handrails and a chair that lowers the disabled safely into the pool.

My mother has spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis that required a hip and 2 knee replacements 20 years ago. A trip or two to the warm water therapy pool never fails to reduce her pain levels. If you cannot get your mother the medication she really needs maybe you can reduce her need for the medication.

FYI: If you can find a pool/class be sure to take advantage of the ADA compliant showers so Mom can wash the chlorine off the skin and apply a good lotion before heading home. Nylon or some other wind breaking warm up suit or coat makes the trip much more comfortable in colder weather. I have a older cousin who cannot bring herself to remodel her bathroom with a stand up shower (remodel would cost half as much as they paid for the house 50 years ago) so she takes an exercise class and uses the community center's ADA showers twice a week. :>)
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Maybe you could get her on hospice for palliative care? They would keep her comfortable-provide a comfort pack of meds (usually morphine for pain). Hospice isn’t just for those who are nearing the end of life.
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I've offered to do everything to the doctors, I've sent so many messages to them, gone to appts, asked questions, I brought research done by their hospital to the appts that say opioids are the treatment for her conditions. They have laser focus on taking everyone off their meds or to a very small dose. A geriatric specialist is a good idea, though, I haven't thought of that.
Helpful Answer (5)
rovana Oct 2018
Most doctors are scared to tangle with the DEA - they have their licenses to safeguard. And the DEA has to criminalize everything they can to save their jobs. We ought to abolish them, but totalitarian states love DEA types.
We are in Minnesota and Mayo Clinic is the medical facility.
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TNtechie Oct 2018
It's alarming to hear even the Mayo Clinic is infested with doctors valuing meeting the "goal" of reducing opioid prescriptions over individual patient care.

The really sad thing about goals like reducing opioid medications by 50% is the people most impacted are the ones who were only taking enough medicine to control their pain. The people who were taking more medication than they needed or selling the extra medication can adapt to the reduced levels. The people who really need it are just left in pain.
Besides the previous suggestion which I think is a good one is there not one of the many doctors you can explain to how dire the situation is. Can you promise to manage the amount she takes? I don't see the point of doing this to an elderly person in the final stages of life. I would hope one of them could be sympathetic if it's explained to them clearly although I also agree with finding one who solely deals with the elderly. May I ask what state you are in?
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I would try a geriatric specialist who might be more understanding of her pain given her age. She should not have to suffer like this. I hope that you are able to get her the pin relief that she needs.
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