My mom with dementia will see an email or commercial for a supplement, and go online on her phone and order it. She doesnt remember doing it, reports it as fraud, and her card gets cancelled and she has to wait a week for a new card and it happens all over again. Is there an app that can restrict these online purchases?
what I have done is go into the server and access the parental controls and block sites. She eventually pitches such a fit that I open again and I’m back we’re I started. This leads to a horsing nightmare.
My friend handled her mom’s over spending by insisting that she allow her to take over the bill paying.
She took her mom’s bank cards to pay her usual bills and order groceries to be delivered.
Then, she took her mom to the bank and they opened up a separate checking account account for her mom to use for shopping for things that weren’t a necessity. She gave her mom her new debit card to use.
Her mom doesn’t overspend anymore because she has a limited monthly allowance for ‘extra’ expenses.