
My Mum was physically abusive to me until I left home at 17. I moved to another country. We aren't close, but I do help her financially and call her every week.We argue on the phone because she tells me the title 'Bipolar' is just an excuse to be lazy and a b*tch. It's not a real condition. Please, I need tips on how to stay calm for this 2 week holiday and manage her insults. She's 90 now.

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A visit to your mother is going to be what is called "contraindicated".

That means don't go.

Get a note from your doctor if you must.
Helpful Answer (6)

2 week "holiday"? Holiday? What, you're taking a break from leading your normal pleasant life, are you?

I suppose the advice not to go would fall on deaf ears?

My daughter once, in a fit of frustrated rage, burst out about her sister: "there's nothing *wrong* with her, she's just NAUGHTY." But then again my daughter was about fifteen at the time and couldn't be expected to take a sophisticated view of mental health. Your mother is old enough to know better.

So, guessing that you are now sixtyish, and have been separated from your mother's sphere of influence for more than forty years, and have had quite some time to come to terms with your condition and learn about its management...

... *why* are you exposing yourself to two weeks of your mother's company? Will you be alone on this journey?
Helpful Answer (6)
Sendhelp Aug 2022
"What, you're taking a break from leading your normal pleasant life, are you?"

Brilliant Countrymouse.

It is statements like yours that the OP just might take a listen to, and not go. I know that your advice always comes from a caring heart. Just brilliant.
You can't really ask how you can walk into a fire and not get burned. At some point common sense says you have to stay away from fire.
Helpful Answer (5)

Why would you visit her?

Well, I guess you feel obligated, right?

Read up on Fear Obligation and Guilt. Finding out what motivates YOU might be helpful.

Bipolar is not a "title". It is a condition and it should never be used as a REASON for not accomplishing something. So, if you're saying things like "oh I can do THAT, I'm bipolar", I think that's a mistake on your part.

What is it she wayou to do that you feel you can't? Be her caregiver? How about "I can't possibly do that because I don't want to"?
Helpful Answer (4)

Are you staying with her? Is there another relative you can stay with? That way you can limit your visit to your mother.

How much financial "help" are you providing? Why are you doing that? Are you the plan for caregiving as she gets older? Is her plan that you will move home to be her 24/7/365 caregiving slave?

Are you an only child?
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What is your reason to travel back 'home'?

Will visiting Mother be a major or minor part?
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Why would you walk back into the lion's den, so to speak? Are you hoping for a late in life reconciliation? Sadly, that very rarely happens, I'm sorry to say.

I don't get along with my MIL. No deep reasons, she simply hates me and wishes DH and I would divorce so 'she' could have peace. When you think that I spent less than 10 hours PER YEAR with her, over the kast 30 years, you really wonder where this all comes from.

She's 92 and not getting 'better'. She's now completely housebound due to severe agoraphobia--and there's nothing anyone can do.

At the 'end' of my relationship with her, I simply walked away and told her she could rest easy, she would never see me again. She hasn't and she won't.

It's been fine. She'd still rather I'd died when I had cancer or wishes DH and I would divorce, but for crying out loud---

Are you asking us if you should go? I'd pipe in a big "NO" and let it go.
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WHY are you doing this?! What do you think will happen?

You know how this is going to end up. Stop thinking it'll change. She will pick fights and you WILL argue. She will yell at you while you sit there and say very little... just like when you were a kid. You aren't a kid anymore and you do not have to take her crap. 

And for God's sake, why are you giving her your money? She doesn't appreciate any of it. Tell her if you're such a lazy b*tch, then SHE needs to be the one going to work and earning a living for herself. No matter her age. Tell her you're just "too lazy" to help her anymore.

If you are hoping she'll say she loves you, or apologize for being so mean to you, or thank you for giving her money, it's not going to happen. If she can't treat you nicely, then you don't need to visit. Sounds like she has not gotten any easier to deal with in her old age. 

For real. Stop and think why you are doing this to yourself. The "but it's your mother!" means nothing when she was not a mother to you.
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My first thought and words to pop out of my mouth are WHY would you do this.
If you can stay near by with friends or even if you have to stay at a hotel, motel, B&B whatever...a tent in the back yard or rather than rent a car rent a van or camper.
If you have to...
If you can't make any other arrangements
If you have to stay with your mom then...
I am guessing you see a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or some other professional. Talk to them about this up coming trip. Ask about methods that you can use to defuse a situation that you can not get away from.
I hope that at any time the situation gets to the point where it come to an argument that you can just up and leave the room or the house. Inform mom that you will do this if she starts in on you. Then follow through.
Don't take the bait she tosses out.
I think I would also plan for this to be a "visit" not a "holiday" and if things do not go well the first day or so readjust your plans and find another spot that you would like to visit and continue your travels.
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I literally JUST registered on this forum and while looking for my post, saw this.

No, no, no, no, no! Someone who calls you a b*tch and diminishes your illness to just being “lazy” is literally poison.

She doesn’t deserve a visit. You don’t deserve to be stressing about this even before you get there. As someone else said, get a doctor’s note. Tell her your flight was cancelled. Or just say you can’t make it. Don’t do this to yourself.
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