
I filled a complaint about a staff member and the executive director is questioning the person. I’m wanting to know, will they tell them it was me that filed the complaint?

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I agree with with the comments above to bring your concerns to the SW, DON and the ED and I would add verbal first, starting with the SW (Social Worker) if available first and escalating it to the DON (Director of Nursing) and the ED (Executive Director) and finally in writing documenting it, however yes you need to provide name(s) including yours, details (as many as you have).

Understaffed yes, it is a plague under regular circumstance in all AL, NH and other facilities (with COVID 10 fold it) however that is no excuse, we are all paying for the level of service that our LOs and us deserve and are expecting and promised.
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Some people do not take anonymous complaints seriously.

I do understand why someone would wish to remain anonymous but some do not regard it as seriously as when they have a name behind the complaint.

This is especially true when a letter is written.

Letters are taken seriously and carry more weight when there is a signature with a return address and contact information attached.
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Yes, unfortunately, your name likely will be disclosed. Sorry, but as a bad, current, example our facility (female) "management" employees love to cause problems, by implementing petty passive-aggressive tactics including revealing all complaint sources, etc.
Even worse, our social worker will utilize fake complaints, to targeting/build an eviction case against anyone whom she dislikes, by saying "someone" complained that the unliked person entered a room without permission.
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When my wife was in a SNF I had to report several mistakes, mistreatments, and even abuse, not sexual but abuse..

Several employees over a 3 year period ended their employment with the facilities due to thee items.

Not all resulted in termination but those that did not resulted in "not to be assigned to my wife's wing" These would last usually less than a week before one reason or another the employee would be back on my wife's wing and assigned to her room. This was usually because the order was not passed to anyone except the day shift and then they would try to ease her back in on different shifts and then back to days.

I have always and will always fought hard for the proper care of /for my wife. If my name comes up during an investigation, then that's fine with me. I want the staff to know that I will speak up for my wife if she is mistreated.

In Florida, if an investigation is handled properly, it can lead to a multiple of agencies involved including the local police or sheriff's offices The Dept of Health, Elder Affairs and of course the facility itself. The outcome of the investigations is up to the different departments and my credibility counts a lot toward the outcome.

I have never reported anything that I was not sure of.
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If it is serious enough to file a complaint, you should be ok with the person knowing your filed it. I remember supervisors and pastors telling me they never took action if the person complaining didn't sign their complaint of provided contact information. The administration may let them know it was a family member or even give your name, but your contact info should be kept confidential. If the staff member harasses you, contact the administration and also file a restraining order with the police.
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Mojoegrimm Apr 2021
It’s not about me it’s about dad I didn’t want retaliation to him I could care less if they know I did it I can’t be there every day because of the lock down
Thank you for your answers the reason I completed is because my father has dementia and he has had sexual issues in the past and he and the hairdresser were getting to close in my opinion and dad was giving her money and his phone number he also believed that she was going to take him out of there and be with him and dad kept wanting more money and at one point a blank check I was afraid of retaliation to him that’s why I wanted to know about my identity being told to her I just think it’s unethical for a 40 year old employee to get personal and a little to close to a 85 year old man in a nursing home maybe I over reacted now dad is hurt and I feel like a dog
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NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2021
That’s sad. He doesn’t understand that you are only trying to protect him.

So, what do you know about the stylist? Was she trying to humor him?

Does she understand the different symptoms and stages of dementia?

Have you had the opportunity to speak to her directly?

Best wishes to you and your dad.
Yes. They have a right to know who filed the complaint and to give their side of the story. You cannot expect any employer to address a problem that cannot be discussed to get both sides.

You could, possibly, notify the supervisor about what happened and ask that they just pay attention for this sort of behavior, but that you don't want to file formal complaint due to possible repercussion

If you put it in writing, consider that a formal complaint that must be addressed by a facility. All info in the complaint will be shared so that employee can defend or explain what took place. IF there is another employee who witnessed the problem, management can probably deal with the situation without giving up your name.
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Actually they should. They have a RIGHT to know who their accuser is. If the complaint is genuine why would you want to remain anonymous is my issue. I filed complaints against doctors in the past and I had no issue about them knowing who did it. All the years I taken care of my mom I watched her like a hawk and had to protect her against doctors and even nurses who tried to just pull the plug on her all because I wanted her DNR. DNR does NOT mean do not treat. It means if her heart stops let her go--no heroics, but STILL TREAT up until that point. I filed plenty of complaints and fired two hospices.
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my2cents Apr 2021
Exactly right. As caretaker for 97 yr old parent, I get so aggravated when the dr says I wouldn't check/test for this or that because, let's face it, she's 97. I don't care if she's 107 - me/she should have the option to decide what types of testing should be used if health problem warrants a test. Told him several times, yes at 97 there may be treatments she doesn't want to go through, but as a caretaker I need to know what problems may exist and to what extent - arrange the darn test.
The thing is, the complaint will be discussed with the staff member. That means that this specific complaint will be very likely to be guessed at by the staff member. If the complaint is, say, about your "mom", then the staff member will quickly guess that it came from Mom or from someone close to her, who visits and speaks with her. The only other option would be that a fellow staff member reported.
The only way you can know the answer to this is to speak by phone to the admins and to tell them that you have a specific person you need to report to the administration, and that this worries you regarding possible repercussions to the person you love, and that you need assurance you will not be mentioned in the complaint and that you will have reassurance of their followup on the complaint. I can't see another way around it.
It is a very tough call, and this is something families always worry about. I am so sorry things are going wrong and wish you good luck. Each facility has its own best practices but they do need the input.
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Ask if you’ll be able to remain anonymous. During my mother’s NH time there was one incident where she indicated to us that she didn’t like or had fear of a staff member. She couldn’t talk much so we never knew the full story. We requested to the director that this person no longer be involved in mom's care and this was immediately done. The person didn’t last as an employee much longer.
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I filed a complaint when my mom was in a nursing home for rehab.

An LPN purposely gave mom a double dose of her Parkinson’s meds.

If she hadn’t told mom that she was doing it, she may have possibly been able to say it was an accident.

This nurse told my mom to take her meds. Mom says, “That is twice the amount that I take.” The nurse tells her, “I know it is but go ahead and take both doses so I don’t have to make a trip back to your room later.”

My mother asked her if it would hurt her. She tells mom no. Mom took it.

So, I went to see my mom the next day and mom tells me what happened.

Needless to say, I wasn’t happy about it. I got on the phone and called the pharmacy.

I asked if a double dose would hurt mom. The pharmacist told me no, not if it only happened once, but that I should consider telling the DON at the NH because the nurse may be doing this with other patients too.

So, I did report the incident to the DON who spoke to the LPN. The LPN admitted that she had done it.

I don’t believe that the nurse was fired but she was written up. She was still working there after the incident with my mom.

The DON seemed to be genuinely concerned about the situation and told me that he would make sure it didn’t happen again.

I am fully aware of how busy the staff is at a NH.

I realize that they are short handed. Most of the staff there was very pleasant and efficient, but giving a double dosage of meds on purpose is the wrong way to handle the situation of being shorthanded.

I suppose that the LPN knew that the family reported her. Who else besides the LPN, mom and the family knew? No one.

I don’t know what your circumstances are and if it can be done anonymously or not. I didn’t care if the nurse knew that it was me who reported her.

Are you afraid of repercussions? My mom was afraid of that. I told the DON this and he said that he would tell the LPN not to enter mom’s room again for the remainder of her rehab. So, I was satisfied with how he was handling it.

We are allowed cameras in our facilities. Are you? It depends on if it is legal in your state.

There are cameras in lots of facilities here. Mom was only there for rehab. If she had moved in I certainly would have placed a camera in her room after that incident.

Best wishes to you and your family.
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Mojoegrimm Apr 2021
That’s crazy I have thought about putting a camera in dads room I kept him home as long as I could but it got unsafe with just me there dad has had a few med errors to it makes me mad I know they are under staffed but still
Maybe. Why not ask the Executive Director their policy on that matter?
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