I don’t crave anything… I’m not hungry… food just isn’t appealing…. It taste funny… I’m just worried how long can I continue to go on and not eat (just drinking 3 -190 calorie boost shakes a day… it’s been like this for over a month and a half now and I continue to lose weight?
Benecalorie Calorie and Protein Food Enhancer
1.5 fluid-ounce serving provides 330 calories, 7 grams of protein plus added vitamins C and E
I'd check w your dr to see if it is ok with your conditions.
If all you can stomach are meal replacement drinks then get the ones like ensure plus that provide 350 calories.
If you are tolerating the nutrition supplement drinks, Boost makes a very high calorie version (530 calories, 22g protein), but you have to buy it online as I haven't found it available at retail stores. The benecalorie supplement already mentioned is great because it's basically tasteless and can be added to other foods, plus it's got a very small volume relative to how many calories it has (330 calories and 7g high-quality protein per 1.5 oz container). If you add it to the very high calorie Boost to make a smoothie, perhaps added some fruit, you'd have 860 calories in a serving. If you could tolerate 3 of these a day, as opposed to 3 regular high calorie Boosts you have now, you'd be getting 2580 calories which is very adequate intake. If you get tired of sweet stuff, the Benecalorie can be added to mashed potatoes, cream soups, etc.
As far as calorie intake..my MIL has been subsisting on >400 calories a day for almost 6 months. She has lost some weight, but she doesn't move much in a day, and surprisingly, is in pretty 'good health' for someone who is living on a starvation diet.
Sometimes taking in more calories actually makes you feel worse. MIL will throw up anything beyond her 'normal' intake. Like her body is rejecting it.
When I had cancer and was undergoing chemo, I was able to eat, but I wil still malnourished the entire run of the chemo. I couldn't eat enough to stay properly nourished. It was a constant challenge.
Are you on pain meds? Those alone will cause you to have very little appetite.
I wish you all the best in this difficult journey.
My MIL’s oncologist told her to add ice cream to her ensure drinks to add calories. She was having the same issues as you, nothing tasted good and she wasn’t hungry either. She lost tons of weight too.
Wishing you peace during this difficult time.