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My grandfathers will stated that his assets were to be divided equally between his grandchildren. He lived with my mother, she had him make her beneficiary of his investment accounts. He dies there is nothing in his estate, as beneficiary she got it all, he did not understand, he thought the will would supersede everything. Nope.

We each rec'd 2K, she kept the rest. She only did that because many of us knew what the will stated.

Everyone in the family except me and my brother stopped talking to her, that was 35 years ago, she still is an outcast. 8 years ago I stopped talking to her too, I just couldn't take the abuse anymore.

This is not uncommon, selfish people do selfish things. Let it go nothing will be accomplished by carrying this with you.
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I'm sorry, but you may have to let this go. Nothing is really ours until its "in hand." We have had this sort of situation in our family too. People will always be shady when it comes to money. Some people can't help it. They find was to justify their actions, especially when it come to money. I'm sorry, please try to let it go.
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Sad, I know that my stepdad has a will that leaves me 25k. Written years ago. I also know that I will not see 25 cents. Things change and finances are depleted.

Some things just can't be fixed. This is one. You can only speculate about what happened and that is not healthy for you.

I recommend just letting it go and know that your grandparents did remember you and wanted to give you something to help you. Let their love be what matters, not what you think your demented mom did. She will never be able to tell you anything you will trust from her past behavior and current diagnosis, let it go. Honestly this journey is hard enough without something like this beating you up.

I know it absolutely sucks, I really do understand the betrayal that you feel, I bet it is just another thing with your mom. For yourself, let it go.
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Let it go. Just take a deep breath, and let it go. You know better so you’ll do better. If your mother was super shady I think she would have destroyed that information.
Its unfortunate you never received the car or the money, but I’m sure it was heartwarming to know that you were thought of, and they wanted you to have something.
Not trying to give your mother a pass, however at this point given the fact she has Dementia I see no upside in confronting her.
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Assisted living costs for two people will gobble up assets quickly.

There may have been another will. Ask mom without being accusatory. A year in some cases is not enough to sort through it all.

My mom passed 2.5 years ago, it looks like we may be near the end.
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