
I have tried almost ever approach imaginable with providing the Political Facts from numerous reliable sources, but they keep referring to either Fox News or News Max for their referencing.

They have definitely been brain washed with their Evangelistic beliefs which Fox News/New Max has reinforced by giving them more reasons to confirm that they could NOT be wrong!

I was hopping that the relationship between Trump & Putin of more than friendship with the current events of Putin's invasion of Ukraine where their destroying & killing any opposition, that the evidence would give them reason to question their believe that Trump is NOT the anointed one. I'm not getting through. Any suggestions?

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McCoy, I am the libby liberal-atheist of all time, but my question to you is why would you do that?
Do you not believe we all have a right to our own opinion, our own politics?
Do you not think that by arguing with someone you actually push that person farther and farther into his or her own corner?
Do you not think that this argument actually leads us to dislike one another when probably we are good people who would go out of our way to help a neighbor in need?
How about "You and I may disagree about a whole lot of things, but I love you anyway" or "I am afraid that if I tell you what I believe you won't love me, so what about we talk about subjects we both love".
If this person is too disturbing for you to be around the simple answer is "don't be around them". If not, just live and let live. We all have our own friends, our own experiences of life; for me at 80 it is live-and-let-live, keep my blood pressure on an even keel, and hope that my own opinions aren't too annoying. I am hoping that right now!
I wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (2)

I would not discuss the topic of politics again, and redirect it when it does come up.

People are going to believe what they want. Have you ever argued with a devout atheist or anti-Christian? A big pro-lifer or pro-choicer? Antivaxxer vs Fauci supporter?

It's always the same. All it does is create hard feelings.
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McCoy, I am a Christian who does not believe that Trump is the anointed one. I am so very tired of the stereotype that Christians are all far right, Fox News enthusiasts although I don’t think that’s what you are saying.

I agree with Alva Deer that there’s really no good reason to try to sway someone’s political views. there’s already so much discord in our world. I have many friends and family who disagree with my views on religion and politics, but I love them heartily and have good relationships with them. If they say things I disagree with I can choose whether or not to engage. If I am in a crappy, confrontational mood I can choose to redirect the conversation. If I am in a chill, respectful mood, I might choose to engage and have a grownup discussion.

I recently started listening to a Christian podcast that repeatedly states that “No political party will be praised.” I like that.
Helpful Answer (4)
MargaretMcKen Mar 2022
Well done Suz!
How about we close this political post?
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Close this post.
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AlvaDeer Mar 2022
We will always have people who want to sow dissension and to cause fractures in people who are close as many of us are on this forum. I would just let him know that won't be possible.
We are all good decent people on this Forum, and have nothing to fear from someone who would do that, I think. We will remain close and do together what we do.
And we will handle our own business at our own ballot box, and when we "meet our makers" (or not, hee hee). We have had better trolls in our times than THIS one!
A comment before it gets closed. It depends on them and you. If you don’t care much about them, and they are on transmit repeatedly, cut the connection. If they are more important to you, and you are able to blank out the stupidity, keep it cool.
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MargaretMcKen Mar 2022
My first husband had an elderly maiden great-aunt who was a convinced British Israelite. She firmly believed that the English were descended from a ‘lost’ tribe from Israel. Everyone knew, and just didn’t talk about it with her. No worries!
McCoytheNerd, sorry I don't see the relevancy of this issue on a caregiving forum.   

But, beyond that, why WOULD you feel you need to reason with someone who has diametrically opposite views?   I personally feel that these issues should be avoided in caregiving situations as well as other situations.    There's no way that far right or far left for that matter believers are going to change their views.  So why bother?  What do you expect or hope to prove?
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If there is anything I have learned in my 63 years,, it is that you are never going to change anyones mind... so let it go
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You cannot reason with unreasonable people.
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You are kidding, right?

Probably not, unfortunately. My suggestion is to bring your political nonsense to another platform where you can argue this gibberish to your hearts content cuz this is not the place to do it.

Rreporting my comment in an effort to have this thread removed for inappropriate content.
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I have a co-worker who think's Trump won the election, has almost certainly had Covid twice, but won't get tested because Covid isn't real.

If this isn't just trolling, well, you'll never convince them.
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Here's how you reason with a right-wing, Trump-supporting "Christian".

You don't. There is no way to reason with these people. They do not want to hear or see facts or truths. Don't try. They are not worth falling on your sword for because their minds will never be changed.
It is what it is.
If they are your relatives and you're around them, do not allow the conversation to get anywhere near political. Shut it down straight away. If you can't then walk away. Whatever you do, never engage them and never allow yourself to be led into a discussion that is in any way controversial or political. If the only topic left to discuss is the weather then so be it. This often happens with these kinds of people.
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MountainMoose Mar 2022
Preach, BurntCaregiver. That exactly what I came to this thread to write.
Don't even try. It's an exercise of futility.
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Left of center NYC Jew here. Reporting.

We all have a right to our opinions.
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Not sure how this is a Caregiving question, tho. With that said - the other person has a right to their opinion whether you agree or not.

Best approach is to not discuss religion or politics with others.
And politely tell them that when they discuss it with you!
Helpful Answer (1)

The most valuable book I ever read in college was Aristotle's The Art of Persuasion (in a Rhetoric class). The point of discussing politics is not to argue or bash people on the head with opinions but to find common ground and make your case for why you believe what you believe in a respectful manner, with facts, data and precendent, and then be a good listener. The point is to pursuade them to believe what you do. If you can't support or defend your position then maybe you don't know why you believe what you do. Good debate is very stimulating and edifying. Those who label others and then put them into derogatory categories do so because it is easier to dismiss, marginalize and diminish them so that they don't have to ever make their case. Being tribal has been the worst thing to ever happen to America. We can't talk to each other about important issues any more. Very boring and no one wins.
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Becky04489 Mar 2022
Good book. I read it in a college Classics course.
See 1 more reply
Geaton, your observations and references to Aristotle are so appropriate. Unfortunately, I don't think the OP has any interest in reason, discussion or debate, just in "stirring the pot."

I see no justification for raising this controversial issue and linking it to the Ukrainian invasion, other than for provocation.

I hope the Admins either close this thread or delete it. It serves no positive purpose.
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This topic is totally inappropriate here on AgingCare.

Please stop bringing up AND COMMENTING on politics.
Helpful Answer (4)
AlvaDeer Mar 2022
Polar Bear, I bet at least 15 of us have reported to admins. Given that this OP isn't back I see this as a troll, and maybe even a PLANT. It IS likely meant to turn us all "social media black and blue " (red and blue???). But I think we are all too close to fall for any of this, and a whole lot of the responses are funny. That the admins haven't yet shut it down after all the likely reports makes me kind of "curious" I will admit. Or at least moved it to discussions. But then I am kind of an addict to curiosity, as I am to the Forum. I don't think the likes of this can divide us, even if we are the one red and the one blue. It's a good color combo on our flag, after all.
I have some of these same relatives. I don't engage in discussions with these relatives, I do the courtesy hello, how are you and move on. Don't waste my breath or energy on them.
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Well you just commented too Polar Bear.
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polarbear Mar 2022
Gershun, let me clarify my comment.

To those of you who took advantage of this troll's question and took a shot at others (Far Right) whose political opinion you consider wrong, then shame on you. You're just as bad as the troll.

In this AgingCare forum, we (should) put politics aside. Go somewhere else if you want to argue and insult others over politics.
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My Dad said you never discuss sex,politics or religion~
Helpful Answer (11)
AlvaDeer Mar 2022
I love this. My favorite podcast out there is called Death, Sex and Money. And that is what is discussed. Everything from a program on a divorce or on cheating to one about a girl who steals for a living. And the point of the series is that we don't talk about it ENOUGH. I agree, this Forum is not the place for it. But I think in general life, our lack of avoiding these subjects does us no good, and keeps us ignorant about how much COMMON ground we actually have when we different folk get together and talk.
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How to reason?

How about WHY to reason? You can't just leave it alone?
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Politics have no place in this forum.
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AlvaDeer Mar 2022
It probably at the least should be moved to discussions, which USUALLY I avoid like a plague! I do admit to loving a good dust up once in a while, so in a mood I can go there. And I am actually kidding, because there are things like jokes, food and gardening there that I quite enjoy. Maybe we should report this one for removal to discussions.
ADMINS: Could we remove to "discussions" or close thread to comment soon?
It is likely here to create dissension. I think that failed. Still.............................. would like to see it closed to comment or moved to discussion where it soon enough will bury itself.
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Simple response is
You can't
You will RARELY change a persons mind about
And if you think carefully many personal opinions revolve around one or bot of these things. (Unfortunately they are intertwined regarding some topics)

Choose a less controversial topic like Cheddar cheese with apple pie or Ice cream.
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I have family like this. They will not see your side at all. Some of these people really see Trump as messiah, no joke. Family also believes the Muslims in America have as many babies as possible, so they can make the US have more Muslims than Christians, so they can take over. I wish I was joking.

I don’t mind difference of opinion on politics. But people who are so loyal to Trump just will not let it go? Nope, not even gonna try to reason with them.
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this should be removed. Politics have no place on Aging Care as a question or discussion. I agree with Lucky Lu no sex, politics or religion.
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Do they try to argue with far left wing liberals? No need to argue about it. Appears you both have your opinions. If you can't meet in the middle, perhaps to each his own is the best philosophy.
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Why try?

For me this would be a complete waste of time and energy.

I have a couple friends who are anti vaxxers, anti maskers (we still have mask and vaccine passport mandates where I live). I talk with them about everything but their views on this topic.
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