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My mom and grandma were up at all hours too. After a bad incident due to lack of sleep with mom, the neurologist said we had to reset her to a normal schedule. He prescribed melatonin for it. It worked so well for her that I tried it with grandma. Worked for her too. It's not 100%, they can still be up in the middle of the night but it's much less frequent. Right now, without melatonin, grandma would be talking loudly to herself as she does laps around the house. Instead, she's gently snoring. Don't expect a overnight fix. It takes a while for things to settle down if it does at all. Talk to your person's doctor about it.
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Masonnic Oct 2018
Thank you
My dad's doctor prescribed Seroquel and Melatonin. He still has some bad nights if he's anxious about something but for the most part, it works well.
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