My dad is 91 years old. His new docotr doesn't beleive that he has dementia but says that thyroid disease could be causing his delusional disorder. We lost my mom a little over a year ago and, although my dad has always been a little paranoid, recently he beleives close friends want to harm him and he says a van has been following him. Last night he left the house in his pajamas and locked himself out. He said he was trying to get a number to car service just in case he needed it. Good thing a neighbor called to let me know. He has bee on thryoid med for a week but i seeno change in his behavior. Other that the paranoia, he shows no other signs of dementia. How do I handle this? Thanks.
Did your Dad's doctor test him for a unrinary infection? These can cause similar behavoirs? Also, is he on any other medications? Bad drug interactions can do this as well.
The main thing to consider is if these symptoms have been occuring over time or if they have come on suddenly.
Good luck,
True paranoia is a serious condition and until you know exactly what you are dealing with, it's going to be very difficult to help him through a paranoid episode or know what to do to help him. You should not wait on this. Dementia presents itself in many different ways. In the interim, you can do take some home safety precautions to make sure that he doesn't get locked out of the house or that he doesn't go wandering. If possible, try to stay calm and be very reassuring to him. Don't argue with him that no one is trying to hurt him. You will only get frustrated and he won't understand. You must stay very, very calm. Make an appointment with a neurologist as soon as possible. Stay focused on your desired outcome. This helps dissipate the emotional component of this. You are his advocate and therefore you must be very proactive to receive the correct diagnosis from a medical professional. I wish you the best of luck in your search for the answer.