
It seems that I luckily had my mom sit longer on the toilet than usual and lo-and behold, more poop came out. I was going to get her pull ups back on and go out walking. But now I am thinking maybe getting up too soon disrupts the relaxation of muscles or peristalsis is blocked if we just sit and get up too fast? Yet, she can then begin to get stuck in the toilet seat. Or I see the rim of the toilet seat on her buttocks or upper thigh.. SO until I get the cushion seat so she can sit longer if that would be helpful, I am posting this to see what everyone does. She has a dropped bladder so that does not help with flow. Squatty potty does not work because if she raises her legs, her butt just falls further into the toilet opening as she is tiny at 90 lbs and short so feet would dangle on a higher toilet seat.

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Hi truthbetold,
My Mother was frail and tiny too,like your Mom and she always thought taking time to go to the bathroom was a waste of time,so after she began her decline,I had to get her on a daily bathroom routine. I always let her sit on the pot as long as she needed or wanted because she and I were built up alot alike and I knew she needed the time she did.Mom had a handicapped toilet and I ordered a heated toilet seat that was cushioned to put on it and every time I took her to her john,I'd cover her legs with a blanket and sometimes I'd put a pillow behind her back when it was hurting too and I always gave her the newspaper and her magnifying glasses and her water,so she was as comfortable as she could be.
It took some time and patience,but this was what I did for her that worked.
I hope you find whatever works for your Mom too.She is lucky to have you and your good care.
Take good care~
Helpful Answer (3)
truthbetold Jan 2019
How soon after would there be any golden nuggets and what is the longest time lapse one needs to wait? Seems very cozy indeed.. lighting a candle is next... :) I will do that. But i do believe in my moms case, it will enlarge her hemmoroids and not be too good for her prolapsed bladder . But i will make it nicer in there with the info you gave... THank you
If you’re gonna leave someone sitting on the toilet for an extended period of time, be sure to use
extra caution when they get up.

It is not unusual for the legs to “fall asleep” below the knee and including the feet - when bent as they are when sitting on the toilet.

Attempting to stand with legs and feet asleep will typically result in a fall.
Helpful Answer (1)
truthbetold Jan 2019
I usually always give a rub down on her calves and squeeze her feet each time to get her ready before she gets up.
I would get a toddler seat to keep her from falling in. I have seen them where it is built right into the seat, up in the lid and it can just be put up for adults of bigger size.

I hope someone can help, I have no idea but I wouldn't want to have to fish her out.
Helpful Answer (0)
truthbetold Jan 2019
Because she wont get up, and has a dropped bladder, i need to rinse her after she pees so i use one of those upside down peri squirt bottles. So if the seat is small, i can not get any space to wipe her or stick the sprayer down into the toilet to clean her diaper area.
I remember reading that you should sit for 5 - 10 minutes, any longer causes too much strain, especially if there are hemorrhoids (and I imagine a prolapse as well).
Helpful Answer (0)
truthbetold Jan 2019
I agree and kind of learned similar info. But when i do that, i wonder if i am interupting a possible BM? You think?
I changed the toilet seat to one of the U shaped toilet seats and as crazy as it sounds I would slip a pair of tube socks over each side. This made the seat a bit softer and since I was using barrier creams on him the socks prevented the seat from sticking to his skin. Once he was done I would slip the socks off and toss them in the wash with the rest of his laundry.
You might want to get one of the parts that fits under the seat that sort of gives you arms on each side, makes the toilet seat like an arm chair. Makes it easier to get up off the toilet but it would also give your Mom something to help support her so she dose not feel like she is slipping in. (I got it at a "big box home improvement center" was easy to put together and easy to attach)..[found one like it on Amazon.... Home Care Toilet Safety Rail about $23.00]
Helpful Answer (0)
truthbetold Jan 2019
yes. I have been looking at some of those types of seats and will get that. THank you
Maybe,if you stood your Mother up and then had her sit right back down every 5-10 minutes,she wouldn't fall in the pot so easily.
Helpful Answer (0)
truthbetold Jan 2019
I just started to learn how to lift her off the toilet because she wont always get up. So ihave to force getting up in a natural gentle way. 50/50
My Mom would push on the area where they do episiotomies when she pushed.

Another reason to sit is to help fully void the bladder. Contributes to UTIs.
Helpful Answer (0)
truthbetold Jan 2019
Hmm thank you. But if there is a dropped bladder, sitting blocks emptying according to the reasearch by Cristine Kent at . That is a website for women who had avoided surgery and are living with prolapses and using posture moves to restore their faschia and pelvic stregnth. She has diagrams supporting this. My mom can not understand pushing.
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