
I am saddened that my 93 year old mother insists I continue taking care of her because of all the years she sacrificed for me. I didn't ask to be born and that should have no bearing on me taking care of her now and doing so for the last 10 years. She inflicts guilt on me with these insensitive comments. At times, I don't want even want to do anything for her. I will never ask my son to care for me now that I see firsthand what a guilt trip parents can lay on their children. Everyone should be entitled to live their own lives and not feel guilty for the decisions they felt were right for themselves. My mother has Dementia but she's been saying this to me for years before Dementia set in. My only source of freedom is having caregivers for 4 hours 2 days a week. One of these caregivers is very good but she tells my mother I should be doing more for her like taking her out 2 or 3 times a week. This puts extra stress on me because I have a back injury due to a fall. When I do go out, I dread having to return home to more complaints. Any advice? Thank you for letting me vent.

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You've already tried telling her that her having you was her choice, not yours. We know that, but an elder likely only wants the comfort and security of their child/ren to care for them. Not only that, a baby is expected to be easier to raise as they become self-sufficient. We know that an elder will only get harder to care for.

I'm sure you've considered an assisted living/nursing home for her. Dementia will only get worse, as you know. Caring for a dementia person is hard (I cared for my mom.) It's far too much for one person, especially with only a few hours of respite a week. You can't continue. While she's 93, she could easily live for many years.

Seek out AL/NH for her. It's for the best care for her. You can tell her you'll still care for her and ensure she's getting great care in the facility.

I'm sure it hurts when she says you owe her. Please ignore it for your own sake. You matter too, and your profile says you're 68. It's time you became primary in your own life. {hug}
Helpful Answer (19)

I feel you! I'm only eight months in and it has cemented the fact that I will NEVER do this to my son. In fact I don't even share with him the very difficult time I am having with my mom now, because I am determined MY burdens will never become his burdens. As far as I am concerned no loving parent should ever want that for their child, let alone expect it!

You have been doing this for ten years! Enough! You have gone above and beyond and you need to get your life and freedom back. Forget her ridiculous demands. Get her into a care home ASAP. If money is an issue start the medicaid process and if anything happens and she requires a hospital stay refuse to bring her back to your home. That will speed things up.

Seriously Essie.... ten years is LONG ENOUGH! Please put yourself first for a change and get your life back. No guilt because you owe her NOTHING. What she is saying is cruel and manipulative. Don't tolerate it anymore.
Helpful Answer (30)

I think you have done very well by hiring caregivers twice a week and I am delighted that one of them is actually very good. Stay with that. Just a side note though that no caregiver should be telling your mother anything they think you need to be doing for her. Unless your mother is telling you this, and maybe it is not quite true? In any case, perhaps ask the caregivers to give any feedback relating to how you handle your mother directly to you and keep your mom out of the middle. Aside from that, I believe no child owes their parent elder care services due to the fact they raised them. Parents have kids and it is a known responsibility they will provide for them until at least 18 years of age. It is not a "favor" parents did for the kid. Let your mother's words run off your back. Your life matters and you do not owe her to sacrifice your happiness and your life for hers. Let the caregivers do their job, and keep finding ways to enjoy your life.
Helpful Answer (19)

I would first have a talk with the aide. Ask if she has suggested these things to ur Mom. If she admits she has, nicely ask her to stop. That is causes trouble in an already strained relationship. Explain that you have a bad back and as such you cannot help lifting Mom in and out off a car. By having Mom live with you, you can watch her and make sure she is safe. But, you need those 8 hrs a week to urself. And the time away does no good if when u come back u have to listen to Mom say the aide thinks u should take me out.

I cared for Mom for 20 months. Her decline was steady. I went to an AL to get info on respite care when I found they were having a sale on room and board. I placed Mom. Ten yrs is a long time. You are a senior yourself. Her Dementia will only get worse.

This is what you owe Mom. To be safe, clean, fed and cared for. If that means an AL, then thats where she can go.
Helpful Answer (18)

Essie has another post going. I have asked her to post to this entry since no one has answered to the last one.
Helpful Answer (2)

First I would be firing that caregiver who lacks insight into the problems she is creating. The NERVE! I know it's easier said than done, because I try as remember it is a brain disease in addition to reflecting the generation we are dealing with. Doing things for others is not burdensome when we love the person. When we don't and the relationship is antagonistic, it's a struggle. I am trying to deal with the thought of the potential legal consequences and financial implications because my competent father feels daughters/family should be there for each other. So all that I do is expected, yet half the estate at this moment will be left to my out of state sibling who has never lifted a finger. I am exhausted and worn out from it all. In the end the only one who will look out for you is you. So do what you need to.
Helpful Answer (11)
Judysai422 May 2019
Amen. In same situation.
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You did not ask to be born. That was her choice. You need to set boundaries and be firm. You need to speak to the caregiver and set the record straight. She should not be advising your mother of anything. Her job is physically assisting your mom with things she cannot do. You need time for respite. You can have her go to AdultCare during the day. You should reach out for support services thru Alzheimer's Association. You can also go to a therapist who can maybe guide you with some coping skills. I completely understand your situation because I am going thru the same, myself. I am the oldest of three. The middle child has given up on mom. Then the youngest decided mom is his personal bank. He exploited her financially until he mom was in the red at the bank due to overdraft fees. I lived in another state and decided to bring her with me. Bad decision because it has been a nightmare.
Helpful Answer (9)

I respectively dissent from the geneal tenor of views discussed to date to the pending question posed here.

I hesitate to go into further detail as I do not want to start a "fight" here. I too am a 24/7 person for my wife, and have been since open heart surgery caused extensive strokes to her and none of her four children (by a prior marriage) are willing to discuss "in-home" living. The operation took place a bit over four years ago.

I have given up my life's work as a lawyer to at all times be with my wife and to help her in any and every way I can. ( I am also divorced from my prior wife). I have lived with her in every situation involving some form of care and know that if the dementia is bad enough....and with my wife it is, and she has great problems staying on her feet and she will quickly fall and eventually break her pelvis or other bones and the absolutely need great institutional care at that point.

Yes, I do think children do OWE their disabled parent or parents MUCH. We saw our children though all that happened when they were growing up and we
should have a similar commitment to them in their times of need.

There are generally, in my view, almost always the ability to have a "team" that will assist the needy person, but it takes open and honest and face-to-face discussion to work out details in every respect.

The fact is that there is a national crisis going on in the United States. Many foreign countries do care about the elderly. Just watch lawyer advertising on the televison sets here in the good old USA, and you will see hords of lawyes descending on suing nursing homes and others for failure to properly take care of their residents! Are we all to just send our needy people somewhere and wait for the inevitable call that "MOM (or Dad) fell last night and is now in intensive care at some hospital?

I realize that us 24/7 folks need help too, and a lot of it, but that is a different and another need that needs open discussion and resolution.

I respect you all and know that those of you who can and will comment that my four years or so of 24/7 is VERY little and only qualifies me as a "NEWCOMER", and you have your right to do so, BUT, I have lived with my wife all the time and seen people being carried on in emergencies where they fell, and some came back with black and blue marks and some did not come back at all.

And, let the comments begin, or you better bar me from this wonderful resource that allows us to do what we are doing.
Helpful Answer (8)
guiltridden64 May 2019
I agree we need to be committed to the best possible care for our parents, but I do not believe that can always come in the form of family members as caregivers. Children are often in very different stages of life, and simply are not able to take on 24/7 care.

Your wife is blessed to have you and your ability to take on her caregiving. I am so sorry her children do not take an active role in their mother's care. Sadly, too many are willing to step back when there is someone willing to provide care.
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You said in your other post that your mom would never forgive you for placing her in a facility. And my question to you, given that she continually manipulates and demeans you, why is that an issue? Why do you even care? You truly owe her nothing but yet here you are giving up your senior retirement years to care for someone who is ungrateful. I would suggest a bit of counseling to learn why you care about her feelings towards you and set boundaries. You’ve given up 10 years and it is truly OK to say...."my services are complete and it’s time for someone else to take over"..if mom complains then just say "yes, I know mom you’d like it your way but that’s not possible now. My doctor says I need to take care of myself". Or whatever you come up with. Don’t argue, be calm and just do it before you die first. She could live to be 100 realistically. You have to get over guilt and caring if you hurt her feelings.
Its hard enough to deal with dementia but when they are mean, demeaning and ungrateful it’s life draining and toxic. You have served your sentence.
Helpful Answer (18)
mikeschoice May 2019

I disagree with your statement " you truly owe her nothing". Even if the parent was and is abusive, we absolutely owe them everything( easier said than done, I know).

We honor God when we take care of such parents. When done in love it is not "toxic and life draining" it is liberating. It becomes toxic and life draining when our motive is toxic.
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I want to say I feel your pain! My mother has been helping her mom out for such a long time and my grandma (94) is very insensitive to her. She seems to care more about her other children and yet expects my mom to do so many things for her. She doesn’t seem appreciative to my mom. So I just want to say I see your pain. Please hang in there!
Helpful Answer (9)
toomuch4me May 2019
Story of my life lol.
Awwwww I'm sorry for your frustration. This may be hard to answer without you being offended. Ten years is a long time. What I wouldn't give to have the oppertunity to take care of my mom or dad for longer than the 3or 4 months that we did. I speak of my one older brother....we did share the father only lived until he was 53.....lung cancer. My mom 75. Liver cancer.
One thing is for sure dear, it's difficult to care for your mom especially when you feel you don't even want to do things for her or with her. Please do not feel so offended of words spoken or take personally the comments. I do this still for a living because first I want to. Your mom should be given the best of the best of what you can and there is available. Of you, of care and compassion, of foods, of time. I have seen both good and bad in these situations..... Believe me when I say some of the bad betweeen caregivers and facilities is scary. Think of yourself being 93....if you can....really visualize.....
You should not be doing this alone for sure. It takes a village.... I'm sorry if you are. Your mom is your mom. And if it's the only thing she can say to validate your taking care of her is you owe her well let's just say we kinda do....😉 after all our parents did go through some changes in their lives to have us bathe us feed us listen to us school us clothe us and put up with our antics..... To say the least.... But what I've found. Is they.... A lot feel opposite.... They really don't want that for us.... No matter what our occupation.... Our now family are the last person they would pick to do it....they love us. Gave us a begining of life... In some ways gave you your chance at having a child. Son or daughter.....they along with our grandparents gave us beginnings. You know. God first? For Some. Would you want someone else to do it to care for your mom? I would not. I felt bad for some of my residents who had family but they never came. We in fact gave them birthdays and Christmas .... Now that's 😥 sad. You should probably put her in God's hands.... Meaning what ever is the next step for her let it be the right thing to do. For all concerned 😟.....the guilt is worse later if you can't handle it now. Worse to the point of sickness. 10 years is a long time. Imagine it stops all of a sudden? Then what? There are many different factors into this. Many differences in the ways we live in what our purpose brings us to do. Love thy mother and the father with all your being.....if you cannot commit then let someone else do it ok. Be honest and true to your feelings ok.... Eventually....oh it's all going to be alright. And this too will pass..... Feeling your situation.... Wish I almost knew more. Feel free to contact me and leave message... God's blessings to you and yours........ Much love for it takes a bunch of it.
Helpful Answer (4)
50sChild May 2019
Today is my bedridden father's 98 birthday. The caregivers, Hospice, and a neighbor are planning a celebration. I live 150 miles away, and via remote cams see that Dad was up all night, working his TV remote. My 87-year-old husband just had a stroke and can't walk. Excuse my unkind response, but offspring "ignoring" their elders is often not by choice. literally vomited from conflicted feelings this morning, I am shaking. I have been taking care of truly beloved elders since 2001. I'm sick. If there is a loving god who may have a personal plan for me, great. Til that's revealed, dissociation from god meditation and my own inner life is all I have left to be able to function. I am an Actress Robot who puts on a socially appropriate front, always. I realize I'm dumping on you, please find a way to forgive me. Being true to one's feelings can be extremely ugly, and no amount of preaching helps. In fact, it hurts irreparably. May I suggest to EssieMarie and others who see the Elephant (no I don't do drugs or drink) -- please seek out a therapist that specializes in childhood abuse, PTSD, and complicated grief.
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Fire the caregiver that is undermining you. Don't second guess that. Your mother has dementia -- that doesn't mean she isn't aware of how to push buttons, or manipulate, as you've found out. The caregiver likely needs the drama in her life and knows about these buttons to push. Don't buy into it! Get rid of this person today and the drama will subside.
Helpful Answer (9)
disgustedtoo May 2019
You do know what ASSUME means, right? Mom could be the one saying this, not the caregiver. It certainly highlights the need to have a discussion with the caregiver to determine the FACTS. If the caregiver has been saying these things, she can be directed to not do this anymore. Given that OP considers her the "good" one, it should be handled this way. GOOD caregivers are hard to come by.

If she says it isn't her, then no harm done. If she says it was her, give her another chance. Given dementia and all postings I have read about what those with dementia come up with, I would suspect this is mom's dementia talking.

In either case, one can choose to ignore it and not take on guilt for it!
I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s obvious your mom is more concerned at meeting her wants and desires than keeping your relationship a priority. I have a friend whose mom went through what you are going through now. After seven years she finally got in touch with her estranged aunt who told her that her sister (my friend’s mother) had said years ago she would never do this to her kids as they had witnessed their own mother (my friend’s grandmother) go through this very same thing and yet here she was doing it anyway.

As people age, I notice they can become less like themselves when they’re good people and bad characteristics are often more profound. They can become selfish, self-centered, rude, reactionary, dramatic, unfair.

Its really clear we should NOT feel bad about saying no and setting boundaries but the parent child relationship makes it hard. In that same token though, as a parent it’s not always easy to say no to your kids. We/they do it because it would be insanity letting kids/teens/young adults guilt us into doing things that we know aren’t good for them OR us. So we should feel more strengthened in knowing the same applies to our parents who are cognitively challenged and whatever other issues they have.

Your mom will suck THE LIFE out of you if you let her. She doesn’t have it within her to make less demands but you have it in you to say when is enough.

Good luck! 😊
Helpful Answer (11)

essie, hopefully it isn’t just venting and you’re finding a way to shift things for yourself! That’s just a child-brain talking, mine also was like that ‘before’ dementia but really, can we be sure how long ago their brains got altered?.
It’s very hard, and you’re at a milestone and need a change. I’m another vote for getting a counselor or support group, asap. Another voice echoing that caring does NOT mean having to BE the caregiver. It’s in the frame of each person’s life-long relationship with the elder and what they can do without losing their own psyche or life. I work on this every day, if I go down the crapper even ‘just’ emotionally then I’m not there for her. Yes speak directly to the one aide, consider the source of how you heard what she ‘said.’
The sooner you get more third-party care or a change in residence for your mom the sooner you can have the proper relationship - one of oversight and assurance. NOT so hands on, there are many forms of love and support besides that. My mother has had friends who she was always happier with than with me - they’ve passed away, but it proves that ‘strangers’ can be family too. I am tenuously bringing one into the fold now for pay, and I need that, Mom needs that. Praying she’ll be a good fit and can fill more duties and hours. GOOD luck essie, please don’t make this just a vent but a spur to action. 💐
Helpful Answer (7)

I hear you
Helpful Answer (3)
mikeschoice May 2019

I hear you.
"Hi Mum, it's EssieMarie!" Big smile, hold her hand. "Let's go have a (insert favorite drink) & look at the (insert garden, birds, nice sitting room)".

That's my plan. Somewhere close by so easy to visit. Short visits offen. Ready to slide out if mood is not receptive for another time.

Pass the care duties onto the professionals & just be a daughter. Enjoy just being a daughter again.

You have done a AMAZING job. Retirement age is 67 where I live! - please don't take offence!! But maybe time for a change? Promote yourself from hands-on worker to friendly companion.

Lastly, if not continuing to care for her at home if causing you guilt, try something like... I feel proud I could care for her at home for long, I am still caring for her but in this new way.

Best of luck with a transistion if that's what you choose.
Helpful Answer (9)

….DEMENTIA.....You have a Blessed Heart....Forget what she says, God KNOWS YOU AMAZING.xxoo
Helpful Answer (4)

I’ll be honest. I understand all if this. It sounds like you’re burning out and you need to either increase the caregivers hours and find someone who can drive (I know, very hard to do) that you trust to be with your mom. . If, like me, there is no other family or friends and due to her age, you’re more frustrated. They don’t understand. I know my mom is 93 too, none of her friends can help. It only gets more isolating for you.

I assume you’re living with her. And I don’t have the answer. But you are important too. Try to get more help. From the family but if there really is no one, like me, and there’s funds try to use them.
Helpful Answer (7)

I am very upfront so please don’t be upset. To those who will be mad about what I’m about to do what’s right for you and I will do the same!
I was my Mom’s caregiver after she suffered a devastating stroke and then diagnosed with dementia. I did this until my health suffered and beyond. I have just placed her in assisted living. I did this FOR BOTH OF US! Her safety and mine.
Yes mom sacrificed for me and I love her for that. However, it was no longer a question of want but need. Do what is right for both of you. You do no one any good if you get hurt or suffer burn out(sounds like you are already there). People say we owe our parents and we do but in my opinion, you also owe yourself. You have to be healthy in order to help her. Healthy in all ways! Caregiving is hard work and yes it is work! No matter how much we love our parents, we also have to love ourselves and take care of us as well as them. By neglecting yourself, you take from her as well. You are important too.
My opinion only.
Helpful Answer (30)
disgustedtoo May 2019
Owing them doesn't mean one has to give up everything (career, family, health, finances, sanity) to provide their care. As you are well aware, there may come a time when it's best to hand the reins of care over to someone else, but be there for the person - reverting back to a caring loving family member doesn't mean you abandoned the person!!!

I always give kudos to those who can, want and do care for their LO to the end, but it isn't always humanly possible to do that for all of us.

As you said: " was no longer a question of want but need." AND "Do what is right for both of you."
Tell the caregiver with the big mouth to stop telling her that should be taking her out. If she doesn't stop replace her. She should not be making things harder for you, that's NOT her job. Stand firm and tell her that.
Helpful Answer (11)
disgustedtoo May 2019
As mentioned to others, no one should ASSUME the words came from the caregiver. Firing someone without doing some fact gathering is rather irresponsible. I've read often enough, esp in this forum, things people with dementia say, so it IS possible this is coming from mom, not the caregiver.

A calm discussion with the caregiver should happen (esp since she is the "good" one - many of us know how hard those are to find!) If she says it was her, just ask it stop. IF it continues, then consider moving on to another caregiver. If it wasn't from the caregiver, then we know the source.
Agree with other respondents. Set the caregiver straight before its too late. The longer you wait, the more entrenched your mother will feel you are obligated to take her out. The caregiver sounds like she wants to do less when with your mother or wants to go out herself. You may suggest the caregiver take your mom out. Shopping looking around in a store even a zoo. Most of these places have wheelchairs if that's a need.

Taking your mom out is up to you. Start small and work your way through how much time mom can be civil while out. Maybe a coffee shop after a doctor visit.
A walk around the block or back yard maybe.

You need to find things to break up your day and incorporate mom into them if you can. Then take the four hours breaks for yourself- alone time.
Helpful Answer (3)
Judyskid May 2019
I have to disagree with your last paragraph. She needs time without her mom, not incorporate mom into her piddly 8 hours a week she gets to herself.
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When you have a child, you have a "timeline" of progress. Terrible twos, the teen years, etc. But they grown and learn and become more independent. It's a 20-year process, give or take 2-3 years. They bring fun & youth to your life (hopefully). They go to school during the day, possibly day care, you can keep your job, friends, etc. take in your elderly parent. What's the timeline? What's the regression (there is no "progress")?. What's the price you will pay? Did you even expect this to happen, and what's next? What will you give up, and for how long? Until you are old or die?

Not a fair comparison.
Helpful Answer (21)
jacobsonbob May 2019
Some excellent points, Upstream!
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Have you considered assisted living or any other appropriate residence for her? If you can’t, or don’t want, for some reason, you could try to do something for yourself more often, just because you deserve a life. I know from experience that it’s easy to fall in the trap of thinking only about one thing, and forget all other alternatives. You owe to yourself to live your life
Helpful Answer (7)

No one can “inflict guilt” on anyone who refuses to allow it.

What your mother said to BEFORE she had dementia is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from what she now says WITH dementia, but YOUR management of YOUR reaction needs to be the same.
The comments of a person with dementia are NOT “insensitive” or “sensitive” or “hostile” or “loving” or any other LUCID comment. They RESULT from her illness.

It is jarring to me when my LO says something unexpectedly unkind, but I get over my distress about them quickly because I interpret them as having NO TRUTH OR MEANING.

It is time for you to make choices that allow you to be comfortable while dealing with her behavior.

Who is paying the inappropriately mouthy caregiver? Whoever pays her salary needs to inform her FIRMLY that she needs to do her job without offering ANY suggestions to her client about what YOU OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS should do.

Yes, you do need to make yourself fully aware of resources available to your mom in terms of residential placement, including sites, financing etc.

Time to start thinking about managing YOUR self care in the most positive way possible while PLANNING for the best care you can for your mother. You’ve allowed yourself to be personalizing her erroneous comments for 10 years.

Helpful Answer (13)
Jannner May 2019
Not necessarily, it depends on how far the dementia has progressed and what previous mental health issues they had. My mother NEVER abuses my brother nor any of the ALF staff. I’ve had extensive conversations about this with her dr. Some things with her, like delusional thinking, is dementia But some is her narcissistic personality and she could control it with my sister and I but she chooses not to.
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I loved my Mom to the upmost and would do whatever was necessary because she did it for me but she demanded on assisted living to not be a burden on her children. I didn’t approve of it. Her fear was that her children would turn bitter eventually with caring for her. It makes me sad because some of us did become bitter and some didn’t, I was one who didn’t but I was the one farthest away and travelled at least twice a month to help care for her. I always wished I could have done more for her, but I did realize she was more happy and engaged there. My belief is that I as her child and family, “I” did owe her a decent quality of life at the “end of her life” just like she and my father gave me at the “beginning of my life” even though I didn’t ask to be born.
Helpful Answer (4)
disgustedtoo May 2019
You can feel you owe it and still provide as much as possible without taking mom into your home (or moving into hers.) In some respects it IS better for people to live in a larger more varied "community", as they are more likely to retain some physical, mental and social stimulation. Those are important, but it isn't always the case that this can be achieved.

Certainly you shouldn't feel guilty. It was mom's choice, AND you still did what you could.
Beforehand her dementia these were probably fear-based statements more than personal attacks. Fear of who else would take care of her if you wouldn't; fear of being left alone. I wonder if you could arrange that caregiver to take your Mother to an adult day care herself or to lunch. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (2)

I wonder if the aide actually said that. My mother misinterpreted all sorts of things that were said to her after she developed dementia.

In any event, it's up to you, as an adult, to decide what you can and cannot do and for how long. You are a senior citizen yourself; being a full time caregiver is hard work. That's why there are three shifts of generally younger folks doing that work in nursing homes.

Your mother cannot "insist" upon you being her caregiver. You, however, CAN insist that you no longer wish to hold that job.
Helpful Answer (20)
disgustedtoo May 2019
I also question who said what... Until a private discreet calm discussion is had with the caregiver, my money's on mom... ;-)
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As you said she told you this before she had dementia, I find her remarks to border verbal abuse. If that is her attitude, and belief, it sounds like she was not the kind of mother that every child deserves. Yes, it takes a lot of work to properly raise children, and it can be hurtful, aggrivating, and exhausting at times, but children are a gift and a blessing. Loving parents (which is what all children deserve) do not use their children for their own gain. I imagine you have been manipulated by her in more ways than you may be aware of. My children do not owe me anything. They have enriched my life immensely. It is a shame that you missed out on that kind of love. You don't owe her anything.
Helpful Answer (14)
disgustedtoo May 2019
Gave you a thumbs up, wish I could add more!!!!
We had a caregiver like that for my mom, and it was in the very beginning if this process for us...for several weeks I put up with her because I was so new to the process, I thought she was being helpful. The day she told me she thought it was "sad" that I didn't bathe my own mother was the last day she set foot in our house. A caregiver dies NOT have the right to decide what you should or shouldn't do. Replace her, now, for your peace of mind.
Helpful Answer (17)
jacobsonbob May 2019
Depending on where she is, replacing might not be an option, or at least one that could be done quickly. If the caregiver is otherwise good, a polite conversation to determine if what was said was true, and if so then an admonition not to do this again might solve the problem without having to seek a replacement and requiring her mother to get used to a new caretaker.
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The process of placing a loved one with dementia is painful, full of guilt, but in the end it is necessary to either get full time in home help our seek out the best place possible to place your mom. I took care of my parents for yrs. being 1 mile from them (groceries,bills, laundry,meals,dressing,ect) as mom's dementia progresses she says some really hurtful & off the wall things! none of us are prepared for this type of relationship with our parents much less understanding how to react with love & patience as the caregiver. My mom is my heart we have always been best friends I feel such a huge loss not having our relationship like it was before dementia, I hated placing her but it was time. The mom I used to know has changed on me, to make a very long story short,, I found a place 10 min from me for her I am very hands on with her care!! Dr. and PA visits medications, showers, bruises, meals, ect. now I am a over seeing the care instead of responsible for care.You have to show up be involved let them know you check on her often it makes a lot of difference, Is it perfect,,, no but when there are bad times I can hug her make sure I am happy with her care then go home to unwind. I felt helpless before because I was so overwhelmed I was responsible for everything, I was not the best daughter I could & should have been, I simply didn't know how to respond to this new person in my life who was driving me nuts with this repetitive hurtful behavior mixed with a big guilt trip, now when I get frustrated with some of the things I still deal with it is easier to cope. I could not be a loving daughter when I was so resentful of being in charge of her care & trying so desperately to relate to this new person who invaded my mom's body. I had to keep reminding myself she can't help what's happening to her this woman saying these things is not my mom an illness has changed who she is. I think the biggest thing I have learned is that the mother I grew up with is still in there & she would never want me to be burdened or hurt & she would never put me on a guilt trip or want me sad. I also never want to feel so overwhelmed that I say things that are hurtful to her, she forgets but I don't. I don't try to rationalize or correct or explain to her things that are not factual or even make sense so yes I lie if it soothes her. she was with my Dad 71 years he passed in Nov.2018. I had them in the same facility she does not know he has passed, it would kill her she asks about him & we say when did you see him last she will say this morning or yesterday so I roll with that I tell her he is up at rehab since he fell(because that part was true once) If mom thinks we are little & she has to get home to us I say everyone is taken care of, sometimes she thinks there are 2 of me & little one needs someone to take care of her, once she forgot I was her daughter but remembered the next day, point being don't scold or correct unless she is hurting herself somehow,  being lost in your own head must be awful. I make up whatever makes her happy it comforts her & she will forget in a very short time be ready to answer the same questions over & over,,, if you hit the wall with your patience you can go home.This brain disease is a death sentence this behavior is a symptom of their disease no different than a cancer. This is a learning curve for sure but whatever she says to you remember SHE is not herself she won't remember she does not mean what she says, so try not to react to her words in a neg way, It will work out. If your mom says you owe her tell her she was the best mom ever even if you don't mean it, tell her you will always care for her the best you can, somedays will be better than others always remember that the Lord is always here for us he is involved he loves us, talk with him he will comfort both of you. God Bless you & your mom.
Helpful Answer (10)
disgustedtoo May 2019
Good answer, suggestions and relating to similar circumstances.

Yes, sometimes it is time to hand over care, be an advocate who watches over mom, and resume your old relationship as best one can.
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