My friend in Overland Park Kansas fell broke her ankle and has to stay off her foot for another month. She has very limited resources but she needs help. Is there anything in your area that might assist her through this time. I am concerned she might commit suicide if she doesn't get some help. I am in Colorado getting ready for back surgery so I’m not much help. We are high school friends both 70 years old.
You can also call your friends Area Agency on Aging and Senior Services to see help is available for your friend.
Best wishes with your upcoming back surgery.
What is she saying to you that leads you to think this?
Have you recommended your friend call EMS for transport to the hospital ER to tell them she cannot manage at home? They will assist her in some rehab placement while she heals and get therapy for her if this is needed.
You are miles away and cannot manage this. Your friend has access to 911 and should use it. You cannot help her in this, nor can we. Her medical care team CAN. Or friends, neighbors, and loved ones in her own area.
Were I you I would call 988 and discuss with with the national suicide hotline. You must be very worried and feel helpless. I am so sorry.
Im not sure if anyone here is from Kansas.
You can tell her to call the county for the aging in her area, they may have some ideas.
Does she belong to a church?
Face book community page?
I'm sure a broken foot would be hard for many, and having to stay off it is hard.
I would just try to be positive to her, and remind her it could be so much worse, and be there for her. Just knowing you care will help.
Hopefully others here have more ideas.
Best of luck,
She can call her Area Agency on Aging. Look that number up for her. They can connect her to Meals on Wheels. This gives her another point of contact several times a week.
You can call the police non urgent number and ask them to do a wellness check.
You can text her every morning with a kind word to let her know you are marking down the days with her. Big celebration call on Nov 1!
Wishing you the best with your own health issues. Let us know how Ms Oakland is doing and we can all hold a positive thought for her recovery.
You may discover she just wanted to vent and a call a little latter may find her in a better mood.
Dialing 211 can provide access to a variety of services and resources, including:
Housing: Assistance with housing, homelessness, and rent assistance
Utilities: Assistance with utility bills
Food: Assistance with food banks and other resources
Mental health: Assistance with mental health resources, including counseling, crisis intervention services, and support groups
Employment: Assistance with financial assistance, job training, and transportation assistance
Language translation: Assistance with language translation and interpretation services for non-English-speaking people
Support for older Americans and persons with disabilities: Assistance with adult day care, community meals, respite care, home health care, transportation, and homemaker services