
I’m worried my mother is going to sell it, they both own it and she wants nothing to do with it besides the farm how does this work in my favor?

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She just wants to sell it for the money
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Your profile does not make sense.

I am guessing that you are 23, not your Dad.

Is Dad unwell?

Does Mum want to sell the farm to move closer to town?

Can you buy out Mum's share of the property?

Do you have siblings?

What people want to do and what they can do in their current situation are often two different things.
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We need more information to answer properly.

1.   You'll need to check the deed to determine who owns the farm now, and how title is held.    Is it held in the names of your father and mother, jointly, with rights of survivorship?  Or is it held by either of them individually? Or is your name on the deed, with rights of survivorship to you?

2.   Do they have prepared and executed Wills and/or Living Trusts?  If so, to whom is the farm left under these documents?   And what provisions are there for the situation of your father passing first,  or your mother passing first?

If deed title is currently vested in both names, and your mother wants the farm sold, and if your father agrees, they have the right to sell the farm.   Unless you're specifically named in the deed ownership section, at this time you wouldn't have any rights to the farm.  

What are the health statuses of each of your parents?  How old are they?  Do they have any illnesses at this time?
Helpful Answer (1)
Elder1998 Jun 2021
My dad bought the farm from his sister after his mother’s passing, he bought it when he was married to my mother he recently put her name on it, I have 2 other brothers that want nothing to do with the farm and my dad knows that and he even has told me he will leave it to me if I go to college but the thing is I’m to afraid to ask him at the moment but I don’t know how he is going to leave it to me because my mom doesn’t want any of us to own the farm she wants to sell it when he passes. I’m just really confused
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Is your father still living? Is he competent, able to make his own decisions? Does he have a Will? Your Dad would have to leave you the farm in a Will but only if he outright owns it. Usually married couples write their Wills what mine is yours. That would mean when Dad passes Mom gets his half of the farm. She then can do what she wants. If she sells, u can buy it. Don't see any other way. Just because you are a child does not mean ur entitled to anything.
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The biggest mistake people make is spending their inheritances before they get them. If your dad dies before your mother, it's hers to do with as she pleases. That's all there is to it. She probably will need the money to live on.

Go to school, get jobs on other farms, learn the business, and perhaps if your dad goes first you can buy out your mom. As it stands now, you have zero claim to the farm no matter what Dad says.
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