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I absolutely know what you mean. My 93 year old mum moved in with me over 3 years ago and I have aged in mind and body terribly. I've completely lost my mojo and zest for life. I am tired and depressed and my face shows it. My Daughter tells me that since I've looked after my mum she has lost hers. I can't wait for it to end and to get some life back. Good luck. X
Helpful Answer (6)
blueberrybelle Mar 2020
I know how you feel. I feel as though I've lost myself. Will it ever end? She's 100. How long will this last?
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You can imagine how I feel/look after about 4 years since becoming my now 100-year-old Mom's sole caregiver. I avoid the mirror and, when I see myself, I can't recognize myself. I know that I've aged at least if not more than 10 years.

Thank you for your good wishes.
Helpful Answer (3)

Yes... yes ugh yes. Sunday has become my pampering day. Face mask nails the works. I couldn't believe that was me. Now after a few months I actually said I look pretty when I looked at a selfie I took. I do this to see the progress of my retinol and hyaluronic acid mask. Walmart had a green tea mask that tightened my skin in minutes. Ah! It feels so good to just put on some tunes and have me time. Stay positive I know since I began this sunday is my day off thing I feel and look younger. My stress is lower. And heck dress up for fun. Or have a cheat day as I do and enjoy a treat make something tasty! Whatever you do just make sure it's all for you and enjoy!
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Your question brings the lines of a song to mind, I LOOKED IN THE MIRROR AND WHAT DID I SEE, I SAW THE DEVIL AND HE WAS LOOKING AT ME..
In truth I often used to look in the mirror in my earlier years and feel quiet satisfied, ok' ish ah I'll do kind of thing but when grey hairs began to appear and wrinkles too and now scarcely much hair left, and no teeth, and the horror of It all. No definitely not. Not even at my reflection in a shop window as I hobble past. You see I don't recognise this Stranger any more as He is but a pale shadow of that young Fella I once knew.
Helpful Answer (2)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
God love ya!!
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I just cut my mother hair and I must say it looks good. Told her she will not be going to a hairdresser too soon and she was ok with it. She never wanted me to cut her hair in the past. I gave my brother a haircut and it did not come out too good. He will never let me cut his hair again. Cut my hair and boy does it feel good.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
I am not good at cutting hair! My stylist made me promise never to cut my hair again! Hahaha. So, my hair is a mess right now. I will be glad when I can make an appointment to have it cut but, not important for now.

Glad you managed to do decent haircuts! Good for you!
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I feel guilty for even feeling burnt out! I’ll be 46 yrs old next week and I look terrible...physically I’m okay, I have the strength to take care of her on only 4 hours of sleep a night (but I’m sure that’ll catch up with me soon!).

It’s extremely tough with no help at all, and now with this Coronavirus it’s even more fear & stress! I’m worried about toilet paper running out, as my mom goes to the bathroom...ALOT and everyone is out of stock including Amazon!

I know I chose to do this, leave my office job in the city, and take this on full time, God help me!!! I’m starting to doubt that I’ve made a grave mistake:(
Helpful Answer (2)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
Don't feel guilty Dollie!
Every one of us is in a different scenario. I read posts from others that seem so much worse than what I am going through. Yet I still feel overwhelmed and burnt out most of the time.
The bottom line is that stress is relative!! Your situation is exactly that. YOURS!
I figure we're all on this site because we have a common thread!
That makes us part of a unique culture. Misunderstood and underappreciated most of the time.
We are caregivers! We matter!
We are important!
You made me realize that maybe the next time I look in the mirror, instead of seeing the stress and age on my face, I need to look closer and see the person that is whole heartedly caring for two people that can't care for themselves. Maybe I should be proud to see her in the mirror!
You're beautiful because of your heart!
God bless!!
Me too. Stopped looking in the mirror. Then a month later, decided I needed a new look.
Helpful Answer (2)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
Go for it Invisible!
We all need to do whatever we can to pamper ourselves!
I just hope my hair dresser opens back up before my next scheduled appointment. That always makes me feel better about myself!
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The exact same thing has happened to me while caring for my husband. I look in the mirror and say, "Who is that?" Make-up doesn't cover it up. There's a look of "hurt" in your eyes that doesn't go away. I saw my elder attorney in February of 2019 and didn't see him again until February 2020. I sat down across from him and he said, "You look like hell. You've aged 10 years this last year". I said, "I feel like hell. I've lived 10 years in this last year. And thank you for noticing........every woman wants to hear what you've just said". We laughed. (I worked with him years ago, so he knew me well enough to talk to me like that. He meant it as a joke).

I think it's just one of the extra "perks" of being a caregiver. What can we do about it? Not much. Bless you!
Helpful Answer (2)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
You're beautiful where it counts!!
Thank goodness I had just gotten my hair dyed before the Great Lockdown. I am worried for my hairdresser and for the others at the salon. One salon provided enough work to help support 10 families.

I looked in the mirror years ago, and finally admitted to myself that I looked sick. Caregiving for my inlaws and propping them up in their charade of independence had made me sick. I went to my doctor who knew me well. He told me their expectations were unfair, which made me burst into tears. He weighed and examined me, took my blood, etc. A few days later he confirmed that I was indeed very sick. It took me more than a year to recover my health. Stop looking in the mirror or, if you don't like what you see, make changes...or they will be made for you. Make me sick once, shame on you. Make me sick twice, shame on me.
Helpful Answer (4)
xrayjodib Mar 2020
You're so right!!
I'm starting to check off the "must do's" on my personal issue list.
Had a biopsy Monday on a previously diagnosed abnormal mole on the bottom of my left foot.
Fingers crossed!!
Next up is scheduling that pesky colonoscopy I have been putting off!
Before I became responsible for my Mom and my Aunt, I figured everyone would be fine if something happened to me.
Now I don't know what would happen if I was gone.
So you're spot on!!
We all need to take care of ourselves!! Thanks for the reminder!!
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Yes, and it's not the face I know.  I try to not look in the full length mirror any more .. What's happened to my body? bulging here, there, everywhere.  My hair stays in a ponysomething, and any make up seems to have become a why bother thing.  Now that I rarely use mascara, I have gotten good at poking myself in the eye with it .. which coordinates well with all else going on with this new look.
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Good news! The biopsy on the bottom of my foot came back atypical, but the borders were clear. Meaning the dermatologist removed everything bad! Kinda painful to walk because it looks like a cigar burn on the bottom of my foot. Not helpful when I know I need to get my butt up and moving!
Today was my second counseling session. It's amazing how much is coming to light. I wanted to share because it might help some of you.
Being the daughter of a narcissistic mother, I have become an overpleaser! This means I put constant pressure on myself to do everything perfectly!
The reality is that when dealing with a narcissist and another LO with dementia, perfection is literally impossible!!
It's hard work emotionally finding the root of our reactions.
Many of you suggested counseling. I am so grateful for the advice!!
I have begun to find myself again!
I have found my sense of humor again!!
Laughing is the best therapy ever !
Maybe my reflection in the mirror isn't as bad as I think! Maybe I need to change the lens that I have been looking thru!
Food for thought!
Hang in there!! God bless!!
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Yay! 😀 So happy for you. Thanks for sharing the news with us. Brightens my day!
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You all are so much fun! Most of my friends have moved away and we have to keep up by phone and mail, but I can keep up every day (night, actually) with so many of you on this site, and it sure helps! God bless you guys.....
Helpful Answer (1)

Yes, I was asked many times if I was my sister's daughter. We are 2.5 years apart. My sister's hair is a beautiful white with slivers of gray-has been that way for a few years since she stopped going to the salon to get it done. I have no excuse for my gray hair-i earned every single one. My skin and scalp decided to go extra sensitive a few years back and now I can not use ivory soap or hair color-even the temporary ones make my scalp itch and burn like crazy. I have no choice but to age gracefully.....

Like other poster I was an anxious mess all the time while sis was in community where less help and care for residents was more free time for staff. I finally got her into a new place a few weeks ago. So far off to a good start she actually gained a few pounds after having lost 5 more pounds in the previous 2 weeks before the move to the new place where I got to watch sis do her PT through the window-it was awesome to see her try so hard-she is a trooper under difficult circumstance with dementia and no real together time due to lock down and 3rd move in less than a year. I still worry but sleep better at night. Hubby says I am more like my "old" self now.
Helpful Answer (1)
xrayjodib Apr 2020
I'm so glad to hear things are looking up for you!!
You're doing an amazing job!!
God bless!
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