
Grandma watches TV 24/7 on the same channel. She watches it all day and sleeps to it at night, but the constant noise and terribly grating shows are starting to wear me down. There's nowhere in the house or yards that I can get totally away from it. She's oppositional, so asking her to turn it down or wear headphones likely won't work. Sometimes I'll get out of the house when my nerves have had it, but I'd love suggestions as to how to cope with this without leaving home.

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Yup....same problem.....insanely loud. Walmart or Radio Shack , wireless, $20-$40
Insist that she wear them or turn the crazy box OFF, take no prisoners! You will not believe the bliss you will experience! (Stock up on batteries)
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My dad was hard of hearing and he blasted his tv too. I went to Radio Shack and bought him some head phones. Problem solved.

Why isn't your grandma likely to wear headphones? Tell her the tv is driving you nuts and she has to wear them.
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There is an alternative to headphones that will lower the tv volume. It's the Audio Fox, which is a set of wireless speakers on straps that go over the back of her chair or bed. She doesn't have to wear anything, and they have a volume control right on the speaker.
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tack up 2 inch styrofoam sheeting to the walls of her tv room . in 4 ft x 8 ft sheets it requires surprisingly few of them . the foam would absorb and eliminate so much sound that even an open door or two wouldnt let much sound out . after g ma is out of your home you could rip the foam and glue it to the inside of your crawl space . big energy savings , warmer floors ..
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I bought my mother headphones and she always wears them. I convinced her that it would help her hear her programs better while I'm vacuuming or running the dishwasher or doing other "noisy" chores. As soon as she started using them, she was sold!
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Those headphones are awesome. They can even hear through them when the set is at a heavenly mute setting. Dad lived them because he could hear better than with the hearing aids. I actually bought 2 because they are rechargeable and need to sit in the cradle......he would wear the most of the day and fall asleep wth them.
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There are great ideas on this thread, but if she still refuses to turn the volume down, what do you do? Especially, at night. How do you sleep at night? Does she watch tv in her room? It might involve some money, but if she is healthy and you are going to have to deal with this years down the road, PLUS you continue to work from home, I would consider sound proofing her room.
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no answers my mom plays the tv loud also and dad flips through channels every 2 secs if that....
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My Dad does this as well. It was so loud i got me some ear protection headphones..the kind they wear in construction areas to protect yourself from loud This is not ideal because you also cant hear others speaking to you..but at least it gives you a break from the noise.
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Does the remote have a closed captions option? You can set it so that it produces English "subtitles" for her to read,, and then you can lower the volume.
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