
Oh my god my grandma won't stop calling me all day everyday!! I've even disabled voicemail because she racks up minutes telling me to call her back. She doesn't even leave me messages!! Just Call me back.

Finally, after three hours of the phone ringing nonstop I picked it up and told her I was at work and to please stop calling. I would see her later today. She says okay and we hang up. Doesn't she try to call me three times right after that? I almost want to change my number!! She doesn't seem to understand the rules about only calling me once. I have other people that need to reach me too. What else can I do???

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Can you temporarily block her number? Some cell phones and carriers provide those features
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Cigarettes cause lung cancer, and second-hand smoke makes people who are around smokers sick. Don't buy granny cigarettes. They're not a nice little treat that old people deserve.
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I don't have a home number, but I was thinking about the idea of just taking the cellphone so that she would HAVE to use the lanline. Thanks for your input, guys. By the way, the visit with her tonight went well. I like visiting her, I just wish she wouldn't call so much lmao
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OmgWhatNow, I was reading some of your past postings, going back 2 years.... oh my gosh, here you are only in your 20's and you are dealing with elder care so early in your life. You need some big hugs {{hugs}}.
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Is this because she's anxious? Or because she's forgotten that she just talked to you?
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Is there adult day care that she can go to? Check out senior centers nearby.
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You might try deleting your number from her contact list! OR at least the cell, just leave your home number and you can see all the messages when you go home at night. I assume someone with her would know how to reach you if it were an emergency!
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I hate cigarettes, never been able to stand the smell of smoke. It does cause lung cancer and many other diseases. Won't stay in the same room with someone who is smoking. however at the end of life I certainly would not and have not deprived someone of the pleasure of smokimg. patients in a NH of course should be supervised, have a seperate lounge with extractor fans designated for this purpose or taken outside. Lots of people will disagree with me but residents of a nursing home are beyond the need to do everything that's 'good for them" I certainly would not allow them custody of cigarettes and lighters, no one wants the place to burn down. But it is important to remember this is their final home.
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Veronica, I agree similar when it comes to food... my parents eat a lot of sweets, neither parent is overweight.... so I decided there is no need to go about changing their diets, as they are doing something right being 93 and going on 97 next week :)
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Thanks Ba8, but there's a whole other story behind that as to why she doesn't go yo a senior center yet
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