
My father went into assisted living six weeks ago and what a difference! He actually likes the place. All his needs are cared for by caring competent health aides and he has made new friends. He goes swimming twice a week!

This has taken a lot of stress off me and my brother but my brother is still treating me badly. Let me give you a short history. Years ago my brother got sick across the country while travelling. The doctors did not know what was wrong. My father dropped everything and went out there and took care of my brother for two months at his expense. I put my plans on hold and took care of my father's house and his affairs when he was away. We both did this out of love for my brother. My brother got well and went on to marry a wealthy young woman. They give millions to charity every year and everyone in the community think very highly of them.

My father's house will be sold on May 1. Two weeks ago I told my brother that I would be taking the things I want from my father's house within the next two weeks. Everything needs to be out by May 1 when the house is sold. He says ok. Late last week I tell my brother I'm not feeling well and I need a few more days before I get over to my father's house. This weekend my brother calls me and tells me I need to get the things I want from my father's house out today or else it's all going in the trash. I tell him that I can't right now because I am having some serious stomach issues and I plan on going to the emergency center shortly and can it wait another day or two? He totally discounts my health issue, implies that I'm lying and says "That's it. I've given you enough time. It's going in the trash now" and then hangs up on me!

I'm feeling a little better now but not normal. I have the opportunity to move far away right now. Should I move and get away from this bad situation?

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Many people here believe you are a troll who only comes to this group to get a laugh.
I believe you probably are, but today I'm feeling charitable and am going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
You have a long history here and have received scores of excellent and practical advice from the people in this group, myself included.
You have complained about how abusive your father and brother are to you in every way a person can be abused.
Now your father is in AL and you're free, except you're still sitting on the pity pot and whining about how mean your brother is.
If your father's house gets sold on May 1st, then that means any of the contents within the house become the property of the new owner.
So it's either you get in there and take what you want ot you don't.
Stop complaining and go get what you want out of the house while you're still able to.
No, you don't feel well. Work through it. People who actually have to be responsible for themselves and their lives still get on with their jobs. their kids, their education, and take care of business even when they don't feel good.
I don't feel good. In fact today, I woke up with a migraine.
I'm still at work though.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (8)
lisatrevor Mar 2023
I needed to be near a bathroom and had severe stomach cramps for days. I wasn't about to start looking through hundreds of items, packing and carry boxes. That could have waited a few more days.

Right now I do not know if anything is still in the house and maybe never will.
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My goodness this saga should be turned into a reality TV show! Lisa, if that is really who you are, move far away and start a new life. Move on, there is nothing more we can do for you here, your father is in AL, safe and likes it, and you are free!

Win, Win!
Helpful Answer (4)
BurntCaregiver Mar 2023
People would be tired of watching it after the pilot aires, MeDolly.
It's a very boring and tedious story.

Periodically you show up here with the same song and dance. The manipulative Dad (recall the soap returns?), the wicked brother and his witchy wife, the sister-in-law. And innocent and belittled you.

And some who don't know you, or are new to Forum, or forgot you, BITE on the bait
We give answers.
Then you give answers why our answers don't work.

Then you ask us if you should move, and as we all scramble to say "yessssssssssssss" you tell us, OK. You will. You are. That's that. Goodbye. You're out of here.
And you're gone another few months.

But. Then. Here you are again. Yanking along the "chains you forged in life" to quote Mr. Dickens.

BUT.......................BUT................................BUT (and they say the "but" cancels all that came before it) the one thing I WILL say for you, and in your favor, Lisa?????
You ALWAYS take anything we throw at you with good grace, good humor, and a gentleness of retort that surprises me.
Helpful Answer (4)

You are like a friend of mine. She complained all the time and when somebody suggested something there was always a reason why she couldn't do it.

You had no problem leaving your life when Dad said "come out here". You have lived in other countries, not easy to pick up and move there. You need to break the chain that seems to bind u to these two men. Dad is safe in his AL and brother has a wife to care for him. Its now time for you. You need to get away. Find a job outside of home.
Helpful Answer (4)

Lisa, look at it this way. All the stuff you retrieve will be stuff you have to store or move with. In reality, we don’t really need as much stuff as we have
Helpful Answer (3)
lisatrevor Mar 2023
I thought about that but some of it is very sentimental. Some of it is really nice and I can put it good use.
Wherever you go, there you are. Be it San Diego or Hawaii. Moving won’t solve your psychological problems. Lisa, you’ve been here almost a year, you’re miserable, and it’s the same obsession over and over again. Because you’re in denial.

I sense in you a great need to be needed. Unfortunately, brother and father don’t feel the same. You solve nothing by ruminating on how rich his wife is. If you move to San Diego, you’ll still be ruminating on it. Moving in itself will not solve this issue, Lisa. It is in your own head.
Helpful Answer (3)

Lisa, for how long have you been asking us if you should move away?
For how long have we been saying "YES, please move away".
And last you wrote did you not tell us that indeed you WERE moving away?
WHY or why oh why would you expect your brother to like you any better than he has liked you all this time?

Read Lisa long long history here on the Forum.
Helpful Answer (2)
lisatrevor Mar 2023
This has been the most difficult time in my life. That's why. I have no one I can ask. At least I shared a good experience that my father is having at assisted living. I was concerned that it might not work out, at the least.
Lisa, I have probably suggested this before, but I think putting both physical and mental distance between you and your family is a good idea.

I think you might find it useful to arrange for some mental health/therapy sessions for you.

I think meeting with an objective, trained professional could do wonders for your outlook and how you live your life, going forward.
Helpful Answer (2)


It might be helpful if you started focusing on what you want out of life for yourself.

You have expressed that you feel slighted and you’re upset about being alone. I am quite sure that this is painful for you.

You have absolutely no control over how your family members think or feel. None, zero, zip, zilch, nada!

So, try to let go of the past. If you can’t do this on your own, seek therapy to help you find the tools needed to overcome being stuck.

How do you wish to view yourself? Does your brother’s opinion matter more to you than your own opinion of yourself?

The truth is that he is entitled to feel however he chooses, regardless of whether he is right or wrong. You are free to do the same.

I hope that you will find peace in the days ahead. You have experienced enough grief and deserve to be happy now.

If you are seeking a relationship with your family one day. then you have to leave the door open for healthy communication.

If you appear to be on edge and are extremely defensive with your responses, most people will not react the way that you would like them to.

They will feel that it is a waste of their time to try to have a meaningful conversation. No one likes to be remembered for the last crappy thing that they may have done.
Helpful Answer (2)

HI Lisa - I don't know your back story, but from this post, I think you should move if that's your interest - if that's what would make you happy. To move to get away from your brother isn't really necessary - you could just not be in communication. But, if getting a fresh start by moving is your intention, then go for it!
Helpful Answer (2)
lisatrevor Mar 2023
That's very true and that's what I have been considering. However, where I currently live is not at all where I would ever choose to live. It has some good points and bad, like every other place but the total environment is not very conducive to my well being. Or rather there are far better places that are.

I prefer panoramic or even spectacular locations, like by the sea, with mild climates or at least not cold or blazing hot. Where many of the people who are "in the know" about healthy living, about the world and have good taste in things and have good manners.

On the other hand being nearby to my father is priceless and it is very healthy for me. I could ask him if he would move to where I would go but that would be a major undertaking right now and would disturb his medical care which is still being sorted out. Possibly in the future as he gets stronger, and he's getting stronger day by day it seems. On the other hand I could in theory live where I want for like 6 months and come back for 6 months. I would have to plan that out but it may be possible.
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