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That's a tough. It all depends on how bad off your mom is physically. My mom did that. She refused her dialysis. She had been sick for a very, very long time. She was 84. It took about two days. However, if your mom is in fairly good condition and is saying this, I would call your closest large medical center and ask for a referal for a geriatric evaluation for the following:

•Medical screening
•Functional screening
•Screening for depression
•Gait and balance assessment
•Memory impairment assessment
•Dementia evaluation
•Mild cognitive impairment evaluation
•Psychosocial evaluation
•Medication assessment
•Treatment plan with recommendations
•Continuity of care with a primary care physician

The above list is from the website of Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, California, Senior Care Network (under Community Services link).

Once you have a complete assessment, then decisions can be made. If they say you need your mother's physician to refer her, get their information and take it to her physician and insist on a referral, no if's, and's, or but's. Good luck.
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My mother expressed the same sentiment. She is 85 and has been "Ready to go" for the last year. She backed off this recently when her minister told her that " when the Lord is ready for you, he will call you home. Until then, it is not yet your time." Having been brought up in the church, this had a profound effect and she has become more accepting.
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My mom, who died 1 day shy or her 92nd birthday and was on dialysis for 8 years, asked me what she was living for. I answered, "for me". She said "and what kind of life are you having"? I asked what she would give to spend one more day with her mom. So she decided to hang in there for awhile longer.
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Depending on the situation and her health concerns, I would certainly contact her Primary Care Doctor and inform him of the issue, he will want to set up an appointment with a Psychologist to have her looked at for Depression. My grandmother is 89, is in fairly good health other than the Alzheimer's and just feels she has lived a full life. However, there are chemical imbalances that could be making your mother feel the way she does. Best wishes to you =]

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IMHO more "evaluations" will just wear her out further. I think that there is an internal time clock that tells our bodies that it is just time to let "nature take its course." It is my belief that God lets humans decide when they are ready for the next life.
One day uncle, who had been having so many health problems at once, was on his way to a doctor's appointment. He stopped suddenly, turned around, and told his wife that he did not think he would make it back to see her and that he loved her. He died in his doctor's office that day.
My mother takes her Rxs haphazardly. I don't think they help much at this point, so I have stopped bothering her about it. Doctors are not much help unless they can perscribe pills, surgery, or send you off to another "specialist." I haven't found one that really wants to deal with the elderly and I think it will be worse with the next generation of docs.
I do not think that we should do anything to "hasten" death...on the other hand, we shouldn't use extreme means to prolong life when the spirit is ready to move on. Bless everyone who has to deal with these decisions....Lilli
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