My mother is 64 and oct 22 went in the hospital for a blood clot in the main artery that feeds the intestines and stomach she came home on nov 2nd and wont eat she says she cant she s not hungery, she had lost 18lbs and looks bad and i am at my wits ends and she might have to go back in the hospital because she wont eat, she thinks that eatting 3 tablespoons of oakmeal all days is fine, she takes 10 pills a day and she wont listen to me that the doctor will have to put her back in the hospital because she wont eat. I am getting ready to blow and I need help, I am 42 she has lived with my family for 6 years and i have no help from my brother or sister. I dont know what to do.
Good Luck, Blessings, Bridget
Good Luck