
My brothers and I are very concerned about the woman who is caring for our mother. My parents worked very hard their entire lives and now live comfortably in their own home. Mom has advanced Parkinson's Disease and Dementia. Dad is extremely controlling and stubborn but has heart issues. He hired a part time cleaning girl about 3 years ago to come in and help with the house once a week. Months later she told my dad she had experience as a caretaker for another elderly person. He took her word and hired her to take care of my mother a few days a week. This woman is not married, has 2 children, no money and lived in a high crime area. She also doesn't drive so my father would pick her up in the morning, take her kids to school and bring her back home to take care of my mother. Fast forward to today... my father hasn't returned my calls in 2 months (I live in another state) I find out through my brothers that the caregiver lost her apartment and has moved into my parents home with her children! I also found out she is apparently stirring up trouble by feeding my dad stories and lies. This is possibly the reason he hasn't returned my calls or she's erasing the messages. I am devastated that I haven't been able to speak with my mother and last saw her in August when I dropped everything and flew there with my one year old to take care of them when this woman was away for a month. Legally we are all concerned this woman will take my parents for everything they have. It didn't take her long to move into a nice house, rent free, better area for her kids, and still is getting paid. What rights does she and her children have to that house if my parents pass away or my dad comes to his senses and forces her to move out?

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She has no legal rights to the property, UNLESS she has gotten him to give her POA or to change his will. She may have rights as a tenant, even if she is not paying rent. You could evict her, but it might not be easy.

She may also be taking very good care of your mother and father, and making his life easier by being there around the clock. Please don't assume the worst. The neighborhood where she lived is not evidence that she is a criminal. If she is doing a good job, her presence is a true blessing for you and your brothers. I know you all have very busy lives.

But she may be taking advantage. You or your brothers need to go and investigate. If you start out acting like you trust her, you will get more information than if you start accusing her right away. If you start out letting your father know you don't trust his judgment, he will never tell you if he needs help.

You need to find out what's happening, without being prejudiced by your brothers' stories. You need to go there.
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Jinx has this spot-on.

You have to take the time to go and be a part of your parents lives in order to evaluate the situation. Go an book weeks @ an extended stay hotel, so that the situation @ your parents home doesn't change. It will be easier to evaluate just what's what in their normal day this way.
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My wife is the house taker of her sister,but her sister is japan citizen and her never stay here at the philippines,and her sister in japan is decided to leave as soon as possible in her house..what kind of contribution my wife get to here wife stay for all most 15years...
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In the US, caretakers who live in establish tenants' rights and must be formally evicted. See a lawyer.
Bumbarac, I do not know what laws apply for Japan or the Phillipines.
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