
My mom had been diagnosed with early on set dementia about 10 years ago but it wasn't her regular pysc. It was a fill in at same office. For the last six months or so I get accused of taking her clothes. She has pretty good memory just needs help with day sometimes. Does this sound like Dementia side effect? It's very frustrating and I just don't get it. We aren't same size and I'm not taking them. I think she may hide them and forget where, then accuses me.

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My mom just accused me of "stealing" her washer and dryer and replacing them with new ones. They are the same ones she has had for years. Every time she can't find something "someone" came in and took it. And by someone she means me.
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DianneKK Oct 2020
Wow, not easy to deal with!
Yes..paranoia is common with dementia, especially accusing others of stealing. If your mother was diagnosed 10 years ago, then her dementia has likely significantly progressed which is how it works. My mother was diagnosed in 2016 and is MUCH worse nowadays with moderate dementia, but can also have lucid times as well. It's not just memory problems that happen with dementia, there's a ton of other personality changes that take place as time goes on. Go to and read all about it so you'll know what you're dealing with, what to expect, how to cope and also how to respond to her accusations and attacks.

Good luck!
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DianneKK Oct 2020
Thanks:) always best to know what your dealing with.
Hi Diane - I'm almost certain that your mom is having a dementia side effect. My wife has Parkinson's dementia and has delusions that I'm not her husband and during these episodes she is very paranoid about me taking money, cars, and valuables from her. She has even told me that I can't drive the cars because they're not mine. I share your frustration. Yesterday she accused me of taking her flavored coffee. Delusions are a part of dementia. The bad news is that this may be just the beginning. Some pop the best advice I've been given is too just go along with whatever the delusion and don't argue with her. It usually makes thing worse.
Good luck.
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DianneKK Oct 2020
My mom definitely has Parkinson's. It sure is a slow, life stealing disease. Sorry your wife is going thru it too. Sounds like what it must be. They are so convinced too! They truly believe it in the moment. Thanks for reply and best of luck:)
One of the symptoms of my mom’s dementia is extreme paranoia she suspects everyone of stealing from her. She hides items for protection then forgets where they were put. Then she becomes agitated because those people are stealing from her again. Since can’t convince her otherwise her care taker’s and I just search her known hiding places to help locate missing items.
I’m learning you can’t reason with someone who doesn’t have capacity to be reasonable and understand. Hang in there.
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Ditto to yes, definitely but also maybe a UTI which can cause behavior changes in the elderly with no other symptoms. Antibiotics can clear it up. At your mom's doc appointment have her tested for both.
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Yes.  There's something about the clothes.  For me, it's not so much that she thinks I personally took the clothes, but rather that the clothes are simply "gone" and it agitates her.  I go to the closet and it's full of clean clothes.  All of the items are indeed hers.  She comments that "someone" must have just brought all of those things because they weren't there before.    If I ask her whether there's a specific item she needs, she will usually describe something from years prior that she no longer has OR she will describe something that I'm not sure ever existed in the first place.
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