
Does anyone out there think that as dementia progresses it’s easier to deal with? Not easy, I stress easier or maybe we get used to it or deal with it better. Problems with my Father well documented. He seems to be calmer now and more child-like. Talks rubbish most of the time and hallucinating every day. Still a grain of truth in stories and makes up the rest. Also in denial about his limitations. I just agree with it all now. Interested to hear your views

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What you have written is very true. When we realize our loved ones are suffering from dementia, it seems impossible to accept. When it’s a parent, we can’t fathom this person who, all our lives, has been “the grownup” and in charge, now not being able to remember who we are and claiming there are children riding their bikes and dogs running up and down the hallways outside their room.

At first its devastating and impossible to accept. Then, like you, we find that we HAVE accepted it. It’s still very sad, what’s happened to our loved one. But, we realize it does no good to question what’s happened. It just has, and there isn’t much we can do about it.
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Oh yes. In mid-stage my DH was angry, obsessive and sometimes aggressive. Now in late stage 5 he seems content to eat, sleep, and watch his favorite tv shows. I don't know if he is less aware of his condition or simply apathetic. He enjoys car rides and visits with friends -even the ones he doesn't remember. His gait and balance are deteriorating and, yes, it all still sucks but at least I am not subjected to verbal and physical abuse. I know there is more heartache to come but for the moment this feels like a respite for him AND me.
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